The supposed third party needed motive AND opportunity. And, certainly, arsenic is like. Tami Ayn Gaisford, Richards girlfriend, testified that Richard had told her that Nancy died from a rare fatal blood disease more proof that he was a liar. Sparkman Hillcrest Memorial Park. He began his prison sentence at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville. And their current story of accidental death is beyond ridiculous. The truth will eventually come out. . An account of the poisoning murder of Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Texas real-estate tycoon, and the conviction of her husband for the crime provide a chilling look at a sensational case involving adultery, incest, drugs, and greed. Im not saying that I think hes innocent, I dont really know for sure. The Nancy Dillard Lyon Trail in Grand Prairie was named for a woman from an influential Texas family who tragically died at her husband's hands. This page was last edited on 9 August 2020, at 14:16. The doctors who took care of Lyon made 2 phone calls to the Dallas County Police and to medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard listing that her death looked like a homicide. That makes no sense. You also dont accidentally forge documents. Ivy League sweethearts. But did the evidence support this conviction? IF Nancy told the doctor she thought her husband was poisoning her, then why didnt he call the police and test her for it? BUT if it werent for those supporters (who were correct), would some of those whose convictions were overturned have remained convicts and perhaps have been executed? Ive had some people drop me hints/clues. Funny how people can put all their energy and concern into the guilty and never show any real concern for the true victims. Richard Lyon pleaded not guilty at his 1991 murder trial. Ironically, the fact that she felt sick probably made her less likely to have the get-up-and-go to move out. Situation like that they could had hired to handle the cause of the issue! I hope I would do the same where I perceived a gross miscarriage of justice. Richard never denied the affair and has done his penance for it. Ironically, Texas is the leading state in false convictions and leads the nation in exonerations with 23 in 2017 alone! On his most recent review date, February 3, 2016, a parole board denied him again and specified the reasons as elements of brutality, violence and conscious selection of victims vulnerability.. The problem is the cost of the trial and the fact that Texans have made Richard into a monster and Nancy into a saint makes it difficult for anyone to take the case. 100 times the normal level of arsenic in her body suggests that much was consumed but over a long period. Im following up: do either of the daughters have a relationship with their father? Hes right where he belongs! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They took three hours to find Richard Lyon guilty of first-degree murder. We in Connecticut who know him and his family, maintain that he is innocent. But no, opinion doesnt mean fiction. But, as every Forensic Files watcher knows, idyllic-looking existences tend to give way. Follow your gut feelingand live! Obviously people commit suicide over time. But the money hadnt spoiled Nancy. Ive also had a lot of death around me. TX is not known for its stellar justice system. Did you actually listen to the whole thing? I guess Texas courts dont mess around. It was almost an SMU tailgate party as they brought in catering and Bloody Marys to wait for Nancys recovery. You are very blind. Ive seen both the Forensic Files and Dominick Dunne (available here: episodes on this. Ramsey Unit prison farm at the tender age of 34. I have a hard enough time going to work on a good day, let alone fleeing from someone in the midst of illness. Never loved her. Battaglia had never harmed or threatened the girls. Granted, that makes him a disgusting person but not necessarily a murderer.. But Allison and Anna are adults now. Then, theres double jeopardy. Call it innocent by reason of successful cover-up. S: The jury found it implausible that Nancy would choose to die a protracted, painful death (who would, knowing that having given yourself the chance to change your mind, youd done serious permanent damage to yourself?) Maybe The doctors there refused to acknowledge the poisoning because it was a fantasy, self-administered due to mental illness, or a myriad other possibilities. You are making all these statements about him that you believe are facts. 39When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?, 40And the King will say, I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!. A right in the USA that needs to be changed. People dont normally do that when they have a positive relationship with their father. Nancys father was none-too-pleased that his son-in-law made the decision to terminate her life support without consulting him or his wife. FRL: Thanks; Ill/well read with interest. All the evidence against him and he still wont fess up to his crime. I wonder if they believe his innocent claim? Man has to answer to man what comes later is based on personal belief. One could wonder about the so called experts evidence in view of the high profile and influence of the victims family in the city. There are far too many crooked DAs and crooked cops. I agree. Update on Nancy Dillard Lyons Killer I wonder if theyve given up the fight or if its just an oversight? Again, for the money. The hospital has to be proven negligent but if they are not forthright then it takes a lot of power and money to sue. His evil can suffocate him, for all i know, it would be only minus one scum to live on societys tax payers income as he deserved death. That never happened. There was no proof that Richard had any arsenic, Nancy had no arsenic in her stomach, there was no arsenic found in any of the food or in the house, the pill bottles did not contain poison nor Richards fingerprints, and they were found over six months after Richard left the condo (which the police had access to) and the condo was owned by a friend of Tramwell Crowe. It certainly doesnt mean thats the case here, and I dont believe it is. After seeing the evidence, youd have to be an idiot to believe Richard, if youre thinking in your right mind. Friends: Ive done an (inexhaustive) internet search for dallas presbyterian hospital arsenic and dallas presbyterian hospital poisoning. Only the Lyon case shows. While Golden described Nancy as infuriatingly optimistic about saving her marriage when Richard first left her, it came out at the trial that her hopefulness had finally receded: At some point, she had quietly removed her husband as beneficiary of her life insurance policy. Personally, Id probably force a mistrial, as I care far more for real justice, than the law. Just put some updated info on website. Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a Dallas real estate tycoon, reached the heartrending conclusion that her marriage to husband Richard, whom she met when they were both grad students at Harvard, was over. Forensic Filesportrayed Nancy as a sweet and generous soul, an assessment corroborated by Golden, a newspaper reporter who lived in the other half of the duplex owned by the Lyons. Very sad. Very glad to hear hes still behind razor wire. Unbelievable, isnt it? Inconclusive. Evil never wins. . He will never say he is guilty because he is not. If a third-party, how were they accessing her victuals to administer low-dose poison over weeks? If the hospital did, I believe they are legally required to notify the police: they cannot avoid this if they may be the origin of the poisoning. Do you know how to spot a liar with a business proposal? Ah yes, the little known accidental death by ingesting capsules filled with rat poison, then moving onto arsenic in nightcaps and pop (based on Nancys own words regarding poison in her drinks) when the rat poison didnt work out, THEN followed up by a forged receipt found by Richard to cover up the accidental poisoning, making it look like Nancy ordered the poison, along with other forged documents (something that always happens in accidental poisonings oh, wait, no, it doesnt). Amazing that Richard nor the cleaning company did not find them. He maintains that he had nothing to do with Nancys death: His supposed crime was that he poisoned his wife, Nancy, so he could inherit her money and status in the community and then, begin his new life with his mistress. Anna is now a dentist in the Dallas area. Give the predator two more victims. Richard first sprang into action by sprinkling a powdered poison into a soda he bought for Nancy at the movies. Many examples of such, especially in TX. And so Richard wasarrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. FRL: It was the poltergeist, then; a stranger; or Nancy herself? I can tell. Quit telling people to go to your dumbass website. Personally, I think that any statements given by the victim SHOULD be admitted in court; the defence can attack credibility, just like any other witness. See He was guilty of one thing adultery, and for that he has paid a dear price. Its bizarre, and if anyone ever suspected me of murder, it may look bad (they had nothing to do with me). The woman who rented the condo cannot be located a tip off that she was paid off. The system didnt work, or it did work?, The difficulty supporters of those they claim are wrongly convicted have is that they are usually, understandably, close to the convict, motivated by bonds of love and affection to support their claimed innocence. This scenario was found less likely than that she was poisoned which is reasonable and with which I agree. I imagine the prisons low-medium security. And RR you do an amazing job on this website/blog. And nothing like seeing an Ivy Leaguer brought down by his own stupidity. They even put a picture of an owl on an FBIs most wanted poster. Richard deserves to be paroled and returned to CT to his family, or what is left of it. Oh wait, no, that was BEFORE she went to the hospital. But I doubt that that would have succeeded here. Lyons sentence began on December 19, 1991 less than a year after Nancy Dillard Lyon died. His father sold insurance. At least, they assume, a convicted person has appeals. I feel he is smart enough to find bored and lonely sycophants to engage in defending him when even FIVE legal services that offer assistance to unjustly convicted prisoners have declined to take on his case. Richard is emblematic of weasels everywhere, producing fake documents and trying to put his crime off on other people. No fingerprints. Richard made that up in the diary remember???? The assignments things a non-event: plenty of college kids cheat. Plenty of husbands cheat via affairs. Or even a cop! Death bed declarations are not considered hearsay. And she told at least two people (doctors) that Richard was trying to kill her. The inheriting of considerable wealth (presumably) has been a perfectly sufficient motive for numerous others murderers and while its no proof in itself, what makes it unlikely in his case in the absence of stronger contenders AND with other suspicious circumstances AND with a wife he evidently cared little for given his affair? Youre crazy (or stupid) if you believe that. My belief is that she committed suicide and framed her husband so he wouldnt be able to get custody of their children. Thank you for your testimony! You posted here in the name of Cathy Hopperstad just above (and on the RL website I see your name is there). But more importantly, he deserves a new trial. Good thing youre not a detective! Cmon, FRL. Required fields are marked *. Smart move on the states side. I will never believe, as some suggested, that his tears were just a ploy to win the jurys sentiments. Richard forged the part of the diary about the abuse. But the mild-mannered 5-foot-7-inch Richard needed a way that wouldnt mean losing custody of his kids or the affluence and prestige that Nancy Dillard Lyons family brought to his life. I saw him yesterday. They came from different worlds. There might be a bit of Better Call Saul-ness in the case. But a Texas court rejected his blame-the-victim strategy, which included a contention that Nancy had brought about her own slow demise by intentionally consuming arsenic and barium carbonate over a long period of time. It no longer exists. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. He left an irrefutable paper trail that shows he bought it. I say keep the arrogant a hole in prison indefinitely. (By the way, in other applications, Creuzot is known for being merciful. He killed her for the life insurance money. Not all people are as closed-minded as you are. Plus, the fact that the case is largely circumstantial, doesnt matter. I was wondering how they were doing! Thankfully He Was Convicted & Placed In A Cage Where The Monster He Is, Can Live & Face What He Did For The Rest Of His Life! Nancy and Richard continued to enjoy working together, Gayle Golden recounted: On their own they transformed the once-scrawny back yard into a little paradise, planting trees and wisteria, driving bricks into sand to make a patio, hanging chimes and a hammock.. I dont agree that, in the USA, juries are more likely to wrongfully acquit than convict. Nancy Dillard Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a wealthy family. The medical examiner did not find any signs of a disease in her system but found lethal doses of Arsenic in her system at her autopsy which later found that she had ingested small doses every week starting from four months before her death. . You are the one who seems to believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails. Anyone who has ever spent hours and nights heaving over a toilet with wretched upheavels and cramping knows that no one would choose this method of suicide.. Do you visit the website? But nobody. There is still the chance Genene Jones will be released if she is not convicted of another childs murder. She also shut him off from their joint bank accounts. Ramsey Unit prison farm at the tender age of 34., Correction: Richard began his sentence at the Eastham Unit: 2665 Prison Road 1, Lovelady, TX 75851, Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. ~ John Adams. And the anonymous threatening letter on behalf of her former coworker was a big nothing. Something just didnt seem right watching the family as they gathered. The quantum of circumstantial evidence is persuasive, but youre implying that such evidence is of less value than physical evidence. She still lives in Texas but married someone else. Thats the problem Perhaps youre implying that too many Americans are stupid, so unfit to serve. A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, and Lyon began a life sentence at the W.F. Surely if the hospital was connected with institutional accidental or deliberate poisonings, this would have been reported in the media? youre insane, just like him. Must make time go by quicker than it normally would behind bars. Correction: FROM THE TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS: There is no PHYSICAL evidence that directly links Richard to sneaking poison into his wifes beverages. Curious as to how Richard explains (or explained) the baggie of empty capsules in his apartment? That alone says it all and yes read about many times. She was hard-working and practical. Ridiculous: its hardly racist to suggest that mere suggesting cultural ignorance is racist, nor that that may be because the ignorance is a function of another race or nationality, as was argued. Read what CCA pressure treated wood can do. You are a fool. I wondered, instead, what twisted passion had carried him through the months of premeditation, through the hours of her retching at home, through the days of her decline and death. He has something to work towards, something to aspire to, something to live for, plus think of all the attention he gets (the FRL writer here must have nothing but time on her hands to dedicate herself to this project with such prolific efforts). His blame-the-victim strategy was rejected by the Texas court at his murder trial. The drink tasted terrible and made her sick later that evening. Cmon, FRL, you sound like a character from Pilgrims Progress who has taken up residence in the Land of Denial. I hope he rots slowly where he is. 30 years in jail I dont think you can say he got away with it! And yes, there are MANY innocent people in jail, and on death row, especially in Texas. Never loved her. Why no outrage over what Bill Jr. did and what state would ever hand over two young girls to such a man? However, if Nancy presented as rational AND poisoning was suspected, or, certainly, found, by the examining dr, I think the police should have been contacted. Interesting correlation "Nancy and Richard Lyon were a wealthy Dallas couple who had everything but lost it all. Whether it was deliberate, and by whom, is a matter for the police and prosecuting authority, so why would the hospital be involved in litigation (unless you imply that the hospital was medically incompetent and you wished to sue it)? Of course, it is a shame that most criminals do not make a complete video of all of their activities and instead try to cover up their crimes. It isnt absurd about the arsenic poisoning. Toxic husband. My state is only slightly better. The owl + drugs & wine + Kathleens panic may very well be the cause of her death. Alice: From these three facts, we can ascertain that Richard does not have integrity, loyalty, morals, scruples or decency. Her case was featured on an episode of Forensic Files season 10 named "Writer's Block". But if you werent born in North America, which I suspect you werent, since you seem mystified by the serpent (not to mention your name placing your birth elsewhere), it would be a confusing argument. Thanks for writing in with the information. Her condition deteriorated overtime and her organs started to fail. If Lyon had been a Texan cop, he may have gotten only 20 years for murder as Joseph Kent McGowen did. And whats with this Adam and Eve nonsense?! Its just conceivable that you could hate someone enough to poison yourself purely to frame them, at the expense of your own life, but its barely likely. Who had a stronger motive than him? Dick Lyin. We know that juries get it wrong perhaps theres a figure for what proportion of convictions have subsequently been proved unfounded but because of the high threshold of certitude to convict, more are likely wrong in acquitting than convicting (which is as it should be). This action would have never occurred without the intervention of, at least, one United States Senator and a retired Texas representative, to move the complaint from the bumbling Texas State Securities Boards Enforcement Director, Joe Rotunda. For someone that had money Richard claimed to battle with ants. Politics, power, and money will do what is necessary to influence the outcome of any situation. Thats just a statement that you made up off the top of your head with no basis in reality at all. Your email address will not be published. Richard & Nancy Lyon Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a Dallas real estate tycoon, reached the heartrending conclusion that her marriage to husband (Writers Block, Forensic Files), The last post told the story of the poisoning death of Richard Lyons wife, architectNancy Dillard Lyon, at the age of 37, in a case covered by Forensic Files episode Writers Block.. QED Adams guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Lyon has applied to the Innocence Project of Texas and New York, the Thurgood Marshall School of Law Innocence Project, and the House of Renewed Hope. But insofar as stupid people get a vote, need representing, and should themselves represent their own stupid stratum or community of US citizens, its still unclear why they shouldnt serve on juries. The two purposely tweaked their handwriting so it looked similar enough that he could get away with handing in papers shed written for him. He determined the diary entries about Nancys brother were forgeries created by Richard. Hes where he belongs. Texans pride themselves on their tough on crime reputation. First published November 1, 1993., The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. In fact, theres a LOT of evidence without even approaching the motive. Its not like any sane person would go knocking on their door (other than possible reporters, that is). Polygraphs are absolutely pointless. But I wouldnt be surprised if he has some fool acting on his behalf. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. My husband had read the book before he had ever met him. Especially their murderer of a father who killed their mother Im sure. Today, Richard Alan Abood Lyon is prisoner No. 1) While at college, Richard had Nancy write some of his assignments. Have people from all over the world. Cant find her anywhere. They would like their privacy and to be left alone.. Can you imagine their pain? Preyed upon her. That only affected Nancy, and not the rest of her family? Im not suggesting this is so simply that interpretation rather than assumption should be made. I noticed that The Friends of Richard Lyons does that. Some days one would rather take ones chances with the poisoner. He produced diary entries detailing childhood sexual abuse Nancys brother had allegedly perpetrated against her. It was Richard who supplied the bogus/forged receipt showing Nancy buying the arsenic (no one has a motive for that, except Richard). Otherwise, the murderer benefits from his crime by hiding evidence. Elvis? Forensic tests. She came in contact with wet, burnt, pressure treated wood. Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. Do you have evidence or first hand account? People should have learned that by now! So, Richard has fans, people writing or calling or visiting him from the FRL. My mom, my dad, my stepfather, all my grandparents, my exs mother, my friends siblings. The powerful family had to make someone responsible and answer for it, and as always, TX seems to look at the spouse. I would have been a really good loyal husband too. Or naked and give you clothing? What POSSIBLE explanation is there for that? If you have a specific comment and question, please post it on the website and we will be happy to address it. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. And its a real shame that good decent people are often the victims of narcissistic creeps. So many people in this day and age afraid to do or say anything. Then she got hopeful. Nothing to eat there but I eyed the corn seeds and I nibbled a bag of the dried dessicated (arsenic-treated) kernals. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. In my view there is too little doubt to permit acquittal, but I accept that this wasnt quite a slam-dunk. That bid was rejected, although the Texas Department of Justice website gives no explanation. More significant is that (or if) five false conviction charities/services have examined his case and refused it particularly if they have stated that its because they think the outcome correct. In Richards appeal for a new trial, which was denied, it would have proven the hand writing expert wrong. Good for him. Surely the only role of the hospital would be to certify that you had been poisoned? No, we cant. But Allison and Anna are adults now. This narrative has been spewed for decades and portrayed in film in addition to being plastered all over the Internet.. I wish I had more time and money to pursue his innocence, but I do not. he could inherit her money and status in the community Interesting thought, that predators are stealing status, along with material spoils. Paper Lyon. One of them ended up serving a life sentence in a Federal prison; the other ended up dead. You got the nerve to use the word fiction? . And it was fake. 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