Kelsier also convinces Breeze, Ham and Clubs to join the conspiracy by offering a share of the Lord Ruler's stash of valuable atium as loot. He feels guilty for abandoning her but does his best to help her. [25], Kelsier is known as Thaidakar[3] to the Ghostbloods, a secret society that operates on several planets, including Roshar. Ati manipulated Kelsier for many years, grooming him in order to bring about his release. He didnt say anything rude. The mists curled around him, blending into the tassels of his mistcloak. When Lord Tresting attempted to rape a skaa girl, Kelsier saved her, killing Tresting and all his servants and soldiers in the process. Kelsier let Vin jump over the city walls as an exercise for steel and iron and was surprised how voluntarily she did it, remembering his own training. Publication [ edit] [48] He ultimately only took a glass orb from them after thwarting their plan to take over become the Vessel of Preservation after Leras' death. The liquid in the pool you burned. [68] After Marasi solved the riddle of the Bands and wielded it to escape the Set, she gave it to Wax, who wielded it and became incredibly powerful. All I want is for you to clarify your theory. Vin expected that Kelsier would use his knowledge to control her, but to her surprise, he openly explained her the eight basic metals. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. This severely angered Kelsier and crushed morale within his crew, making them feel that they wouldn't be needed now that the army had been slaughtered. And for all of you who feel the theory doesnt have a point, you can just stop posting. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! Steris Harms Ladrian: Waxs wife and Marasis half-sister. Marsh decided to give Wax a book explaining Hemalurgy because he believed Wax was doing Kelsier's work. TLR was being spiked by the rebels and then into Kelsier. Clearly I am not the only one questioning the relevancy, (Thanks for the support btw @KalaDANG) and it is not to point out that I don't "like" the theory, I find it unlikely, and there are 2 main reasons: A. I don't understand what the theory is trying to say (Which might make my thoughts on the theory irrelevant). Though, in my opinion, I dunno if Ruin would try to forcethe Lord Ruler to kill Kelsier. Kelsier is the younger brother of Marsh, who is disappointed at Kelsier's apparent lack of direction or purpose until Kelsier leads the skaa rebellion. "Now, let's go jump that wall."Based on Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn novels, where Kelsier first teaches Vin about Allomancy.The boards are also available on. Kelsier sought and eventually found the Eleventh metal as he believed it would help him to defeat the Lord Ruler. , When several skaa from the rebellion were about to be executed, Kelsier attempts to save them. [36] There he spent his time believing that his wife Mare had betrayed him to the Lord Ruler until he witnessed his wife being beaten to death by guards after she gifted her Atium bead to him. Kelsier is a former thief from the capital city of Luthadel. Please note that there are also some spoilers in here for The Stormlight Archive. Kelsier also is quite adept at pewter-dragging, as he is capable of running long distances and experiencing only minor fatigue afterwards. As such, I wont be delving into every plot and character nuanceonly the ones which are likely to be relevant toThe Lost Metal. But was that truly the end of his tale? His other role involved using his reputation as the Survivor of Hathsin to inspire the newly-trained skaa soldiers. Paalm has been working with the Set to attempt to break free from Harmonys influence. He hates injustice and takes this hatred to the extreme, which originally resulted in him being unable to see good in any of the nobility. He tells Spook that this healing was Kelsier's parting gift. If you enjoy queer protagonists, snarky humor, and dont mind some salty language, check out book 1. And the Lord Ruler still had a spike in his chest when he stabbed Kelsier. [54] Secretly, however, he knew that Ruin would send Marsh to intercept the message, and was hoping that reading the message would give Marsh the information he needed to remove Vin's earring, which was also a Hemalurgic spike that was keeping her from taking up Preservation's power. B. from what I do understand, I don't see why it is relevant, and generally, when something is irrelevant it is wrong simply because it is simply adding more complexity to the books (I think we all know the Cosmere has plenty), and is pointless. Most of the information in this article has been culled from The Coppermind, the definitive Sanderson knowledge base on the internet. After testing her ability to burn multiple metals, Kelsier concludes that Vin was in fact a Mistborn. Please help The Coppermind by, Kelsier really wasn't kidding when he said that. TenSoon learned the location of his bones from OreSeur, and used them to convince the people of Luthadel to hide in the caverns after King Penrod was corrupted by Ruin.[41]. When he reaches their base, he moved past their guards and passed the wall into their chambers. Kelsier is seen to be not fond of the decision, but doesn't let any of his agents to assassinate her. He infiltrated the Steel Inquisitors, and is one of the few remaining characters from the original trilogy who is alive. He also appears to be the only remaining Mistborn thanks to Hemalurgy. Sixteen months later, when Kelsier was unable to get his weekly atium geode, Mare gave Kelsier hers, claiming that she had found two that week. [13], Kelsier is a psychopath,[14] or at least has some psychopathic tendencies. He worked out of a safehouse in Bilming, alongside Moonlight, TwinSoul, Kaise, and Dao. Kelsier knocked out Camon with Steelpushes and gave control over the crew to Milev. One of Kelsier's defining characteristics is his infallible optimism, even in the face of disastrous situations. Additionally, spiking him at his death would have left the spike behind in his corpse, providing no benefits. However, Mare's use of Allomancy was sensed by the Steel Inquisitors (since they could pierce copperclouds), and Kelsier and Mare were captured by the Lord Ruler. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. What are you trying to say you think happened? In retaliation, the Lord Ruler executes numerous skaa in public demonstrations. As long as it provides something to think about and consider, it is worth posting. Although Vin assumes him to have only trained partially using each metal, Kelsier is extremely skilled at Steelpushing and Ironpulling, a skill he demonstrates when he defeats and kills the Steel Inquisitor Bendal. He takes up the Shard of Preservation following Leras' death and sends a round-about message to Marsh in the hope that his brother will remove Vin's earring. Now there is also the question of why your comment was warranted. I worried about doing this, actually, since it seemed a little too expected. Marsh resents Kelsier because Kelsier had success with the skaa rebellion soon after Marsh quit being its leader. If he were a Returned, his name would likely be Lifeseeker, or something along those lines. He is a twinborn, utilizing the Allomantic/Feruchemical skills of Coinshot (pushing metal) and Skimmer (storing his own weight to make himself heavier/lighter). His most prominent trademark is the multitude of long scars running down his arms, a memento of time spent in the Pits of Hathsin. Then, in Shadows of Self, Paalm was using a spike supplied by Trell to gain Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, as well as to remain invisible to Harmony. [12], Deal with your own stupid planet, you idiot. No, Kelsier was not fond of Marsh. We do it because we want to. Mistborn (Series) Personality Type: ENTP - 8w7 - so/sx - 873 - EIE - SCOEI - Sanguine-Choleric - EF (N) One of the most legendary men known to the Skaa. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. When that happened, after everything he and Vin went through, I was in a state of sadness for days. Though he is killed by the Lord Ruler, he watches over Vin as a Cognitive Shadow. [79], This page or section contains spoilersfor, This page or section needs to be updated with new informationfor, Kelsier to the Lord Ruler, last words before death, This article is still missing information. When Kelsier's father discovered the truth of their parentage, he had their mother executed and attempted to do the same to the brothers, who fled. As of Mistborn Era 2, he may be a feruchemist and he has not gained access to allomancy since his death. Sazed, after becoming God, grants Spook the power of a Mistborn and heals him of his ultra-enhanced sense (an effect of continuously flaring tin for extended periods of time). All we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped by many on Scadrial. A natural leader, Kelsier used his charismatic personality to draw skilled and loyal Mistings to his own crew and eventually to lead a rebel army. He offered to teach her about gold and atium, gave her the money he took from Camon, and allowed her to leave, as he didn't want to force anybody into his crew. He has a spike through his eye at the end of BoM. After Kelsier died, he became a Cognitive Shadow through the Well of Ascension, making him able to resist the pull of the Beyond. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. This thread only relatesto Mistborn, and should probably be moved to the mistborn forum,instead of the Cosmere forum, to avoid spoilers. Kelsier was the primary mentor of Vin and crewleader to the gang who was credited for overthrowing the Final Empire. Back at the city gates Kelsier introduced Vin to Sazed. The spear head doesnt have to leave the body. Gemmel is Kelsier's mentor in the allomantic arts, meeting each other after Kelsier escaped from his captivity in Hathsin. They were extremely successful. [20] He is arrogant and very driven which, combined with his power, makes him incredibly dangerous;[21] he is willing to go extremely far to achieve his goalsfor example, he would be willing to use Hemalurgy on a large scale to create powerful Allomancers if ultimately necessary to protect Scadrial from other forces in the cosmerethough is not quite as utilitarian as Taravangian. With his newly awakened Mistborn powers, Kelsier killed the guards and escaped the Pits of Hathsin, murdering all the nobility and skaa who had chosen to become guards he encountered in his vicinity. He is presumably the founding member of the Ghostbloods, a secret society investigating the Cosmere and ways to travel between all the different worlds. All Im saying is that whether or not TLR could have been hemalurgically spiked depends entirely upon whether or not the rebels stabbing him with spears only stabbed hard enough to just barely get the metal heads in, which would technically allow for hemalurgical side effects, or if the rebels stabbed him with enough force that the spear head went ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIM and stuck out the other side of his body, leaving him with only the wooden haft still inside of him and the metal heads not touching his insides. Proceed with caution.). She agrees to join the crew in exchange for Kelsier's training. It gains its Hemalurgic charge as soon as it touches moving blood. The Well of Ascension: The impossible task has been accomplished. As punishment, Kelsier was sent to the the Pits of Hathsin to mine atium for the Lord Ruler. "[3] He is referred to by Hoid as "the Lord of Scars. He also ran into Vin and was shocked to see how far she had come in the time he was away. [76], I don't want to be responsible for something happening to you, Vin. He also searched far and wide for possible ways to defeat the Lord Ruler, and managed to find an ingot of the fabled Eleventh Metal (he claimed he had found it in the west, which is considered to be a lie. [34] This spike pins his soul to his bones. He is the central figure of the religion known as the Church of the Survivor. Despite her supposed betrayal, Kelsier never stopped loving her. The elite of the underworld, each of whom had one of Kelsier's various abilities, were recruited. Gemmel frequently put Kelsier into life and death situations in order to push him to learn how to use his powers. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. I am not trying to shut this theory down as you would say, I am trying to understand the theory, because as you said, I want to discuss it,and your post telling people who dont understand what you are saying because you are so unclear are even more uneccesary, aggressive, and frankly very rude. So, Im kind of with Ishar a little bit. Later on, a group of Southern Scadrians traveled north in search of the Sovereign's Bands of Mourning, but were captured by the Set, who decided to seek the Bands as well. Despite their strained relationship, Kelsier is still grieved and angry when they find evidence of Marshs death. Kelsier was kind of Ruins agent on Scadrial while he was there, even though he didnt actually have a spike. This one is gonna be a RAFO for what his true plan is and if there is influence somewhere. He just didnt really understand the point you were trying to get to with your theory, so he asked. Thus was born a sense of resentment for the nobility in both children, which resulted in Marsh becoming the leader of the Skaa Rebellion and Kelsier became a crewleader for a gang of Misting thieves, stealing from the noble families. The reason he would fit well as an Edgedancer is mainly because of what he picked up from Mare regarding restoring the world to the time of flowers and greenery. Wax and his friends became embroiled in this incident in opposition to the Set, and Wax was almost killed in an encounter with them. When Marsh caught Vin in Luthadel, he attacked Ruin with Preservation's power, weakening Ruin's control over Marsh just enough for Marsh to rip out Vin's earring. As of the end of The Bands of Mourning, he has a very obvious crush on Marasi. (Remember how I mentioned all those spoilers? Marsh doesnt like a lot of Kelsiers actions and the way he handles the rebellion. [29] Hoid has also taken direct action against him, giving Wax an unsealed coppermind containing knowledge that he would rather keep hidden. Despite his disapproval of Kelsiers actions, Marsh is still willing to infiltrate the Steel Ministry as part of Kelsiers plan. In the following years, Kelsier traveled the empire and learned the art of Allomancy from an old skaa Mistborn named Gemmel. Those who had been close to Kelsier, particularly his thieving crew, are notably discomforted by his religious image. When Bleeder killed Father Bin by nailing him to a wall, it is described as a parody of the Survivor's Statemark,[60] implying that the Statemark depicts the way Kelsier died, impaled by a spear. [21] There is a darkness to him that other heroes, such as Kaladin, would fight but that Kelsier instead embraces and is so ruthless that, in a fight with other notable people from the cosmere, he would be the most likely to win;[27][28] even Hoid considers him incredibly dangerous. He connects us to his characters. Even with the strongest criminal team ever put together, Kel's scheme appears to be the absolute long shot. [2] He is capable of using them with a high degree of precision to control the momentum and rotation of dozens of pieces of metal simultaneously. Kelsier protested, earning himself a violent beating, whereupon he Snapped. Even if he was though, Im kind of confused at why you think Ruin would want TLR to kill Kelsier instead of Ruin trying to have TLR kill himself somehow. But spiking modifies the spirit web, which is the same whether your a cognitive shadow or not,and so it could have provided him benefits. TenSoon wears Kelsier's bones to glean information about Vin from Luthadel guards. I dont mean to sound aggravated or anything. This was changed by Vin who fell in love with Elend Venture. , After discovering the Eleventh Metal Kelsier started to prepare his plan by hiring the Kandra OreSeur. [47] After that, he left the area of the Cognitive Realm surrounding Scadrial and moved closer to finding the Ire. After removing her second spike and adding one of Trellium, she went mad and began working with the Set, and was defeated. You are filling this thread with posts that are not needed and not wanted. Thankfully, a certain someone found them (see Kelsiers section below) and helped them to survive. He finds Vin and Ham near the steps of Keep Venture and also learned that Dockson had died in the Battle of Luthadel. The spirit of Kelsier often appears in Spook's hallucinations, granting him the power to burn pewter and guiding him through difficult situations. (Otherwise, Inquisitors would be very very dead). MellowKween 21 days ago Hmm well like I said, he's never really gone. With the help of MeLaan, another kandra, they hunt the killer down, only to discover that its Waxs presumed-dead ex-wife, Lessie; turns out she was Paalm all along. We dont haveto do this. Who, or what, is Trell? For more details, see our spoiler policy. First off, I don't mean to come off as hostile, but I am genuinely confused as to what this theory is saying. That is like arguing with air. He was dead anyways. [75] [57] His bones survived the Ascension of Harmony,[58] and may have helped him regain physical form.[59]. Its probably not realistic though. He was dead anyways. The Misborn series comes recommended by Eurogamer friend Johnny Chiodini, who describes Fortnite's latest addition thus: "Kelsier is a thief, but he's also a mistborn - a person who can consume. The Lord Ruler is pierced through the chest with a spear, basically a long spike, then uses that spear to stab Kelsier. While there, other agents decide to report to Kelsier about the Set's imminent launch of a disastrous rocket at Elendel. He once used them in his fight with a Steel Inquisitor, so the metals acted like they were alive, twitching and flying through the air to cut and distract the Steel Inquisitor. Taken in congruence with the events of Secret History, this man appears to be Kelsier. At the end of TheBands of Mourning, we learn that aside from the Survivorists, there is also a whole civilization of people far to the south of Elendel that worships Kelsier, calling him the Sovereign. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. Protecting you.Giving you power!, When Leras died and Ruin began to Splinter the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier used the Ire's orb to Connect with Preservation and Ascend, allowing him to protect the power and hold it until Vin could take it. Itd be interesting if he actually HAD been spiked by the spears. Though they suffered many setbacks, Kelsier's leadership allowed the rebellion to attain an army of sufficient size to hold Luthadel. [8] He also hates how much Kelsier goes against his Intent, bringing about massive societal change in how he brought about the death of the Lord Ruler, and played into Ruin's plans. Later, Kelsier invited a team of the best thieves in the city to a gathering in Camon's safe house. [45] They question him on Preservation's appearance after learning he has spoken directly with the Shard, and then continue their discussion onto other topics. He then asked Preservation if they are God, and after being told yes he promptly punched Preservation in the face. Before leaving them, he created the Bands of Mourning, a collection of unsealed metalminds forged together and containing all kinds of attributes in extremely large quantities. Honestly though, you really, really need to read Secret History before Lost Metal drops. And we know Ruin was able to manipulatepeople, particularly unstable people like Vin's mother and Gemmel, so is it possible that the rebels who stabbed the Lord Ruler were influenced by Ruin to create a Hemalurgic Spike? [43], Hoid greatly disapproves of Kelsier's interference with Roshar through the Ghostbloods. First released in 2006, Mistborn currently emcompasses six books, the most recent one having been released in 2016. Having escaped death only by becoming a Mistborn . [38] Outside the city, they saw a Mistwraith. Kelsier: The famed Survivor of Hathsin, a half-skaa mistborn who led a revolution against the Lord Ruler. [42] While he was in the Well, Hoid passed by and Kelsier essentially challenges him to a fight that Kelsier ultimately loses. [24] After his death, OreSeur takes his bones and appears before several groups of skaa, making them believe that Kelsier survived somehow. Priests in this religion wear robes with stitching up the arms to emulate Kelsier's scars from the Pits of Hathsin. Throughout the course of the series, weve been following the underhanded machinations of a group called the Set. In Alloy of Law, we learned that the Set (through Mister Suit, Waxs uncle) was responsible for funding the Vanishers, a group who was kidnapping female descendants of the Lord Mistborn (aka Spook). Leras is fascinated by Kelsier due to him being the first to punch him after death, and being the first to attempt to recruit him to their schemes. Now lets talk a bit more in depth about Kelsier, and what hes been up to. After further reading and realisation that there is more to this, I think it's safe to say that he's pretty obsessive. We want to discuss this theory. [14][21][27], Kelsier is a Mistborn, so he can burn every Allomantic metal, although he is particularly proficient with the external physical metals iron and steel. Mare joined him there a few months later. Except if you remove the spike, you leave the alteration because the Identity is not matched. So i just finished Mistborn: Secret History and in the Postscribtum Brandon mentions that he as a very clear idea what Kelsier is doing and will be dropping hints again. Marsh/Ironeyes/Death: Kelsier's Inquisitor brother, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him to use the abilities of Hemalurgy. Mistborn Era 2 takes place 341 years after the events in the original trilogy, but theres another little story that we hope youve also read that takes place between themMistborn: Secret History. Honestly, I am kinda confused as to what this theory is trying to say, and how it is relevant to current and future cosmere. Kelsier is described to be a middle-aged man with hawkish features and light blonde hair. While there he meets Ati and Hoid, as well as regularly talking with Leras, whom he believes to be God. He/she/it has kandra under their control, is either controlling or working with the Set, and is apparently planning on annihilating life on Scadrial as a whole. The "Survivor's Statemark" is one of the symbols of the faith. MeLaan: A kandra who has been around from about the time of the Catacendre. Hesdead, and presumably to themgoing to the beyondanyway, so even if they spiked him with an attribute, it would just be waste. During this time, he attempted a second breakin of Kredik Shaw, and was unsuccessful; nearly getting Vin killed in the process. I wonder if there's a way to make hemalurgy permanent. Wax, Wayne, and Marasi work together to take down Miles Hundredlives, a compound bloodmaker who has been kidnapping women and stealing aluminum for a shadowy organization called The Set. At the end of the book, the kidnapped women are still missing, Miles is executed, and Wax discovers that his uncle Edwarn, whod been presumed dead, is actually alive and a member of the Set. He justifies his behavior as faithfulness to the Survivor of Hathsin, since Kelsier himself had been known to express outright hatred for the nobility. It is assumed that, based on his experience as a Misting crew leader that staged increasingly daring heists, he had broken into the Ministry building of Urteau and discovered the secret in the storage cache). Here is where Vin comes in. They also have the technology to create powerful grenades and bombs, as well as medallions which grant various powers. Disapproval of Kelsiers plan though they suffered many setbacks, Kelsier was kind of with a! Kelsier started to prepare his plan by hiring the Kandra OreSeur various powers Dockson had died in face... The Church of the Survivor a state of sadness for days for a book explaining Hemalurgy because he believed was... Mentor in the Cognitive Realm Kelsier was sent to the time of the best thieves in the.... Himself a violent beating, whereupon he Snapped it touches moving blood s brother! 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