does tessa sleep with anyone other than hardin

Tessa shoves the phone at Noah, realizing her coming home was mistake as she gets back in her car and leaves. They talk about her birthday, to which she tells him she did. Steph refuses to look at Tessa. He is disheartened and she calls from the top of the stairs behind him. In the book, Tessa and Hardin continue their will-they-won't-they romance with multiple breakups and make-ups throughout the pages. She leaves moments later, much to Tessa's confusion over the seemingly random event. She claims she has to go, but it was nice talking to him, before hanging up on him. She exclaims that it's because she doesn't trust him. Trish, who has returned, is excited at the prospect of celebrating with Tessa and begs her to stay another night instead of going out of town to see her mom. But it doesn't go further than that, as Tessa is still in love with Hardin. She pulls into a parking lot where Landon's car is and parks next to him. When she exits the bathroom Hardin is gone, so she follows him to the stairs where she finds him talking to a girl. He says that we should see them in the future on a beach in Hawaii or somewhere nice and tropical because I think he wants to shoot there. She asks what his favorite book is and he responds with The Principal of Economics by Alfred Marshall. Carol decides to do just that and Tessa bids her mother and Noah farewell. She takes a call from Noah and he reprimands her for attending a party so she hangs up on him and leaves. He claims that this one is better anyway, to which she merely smiled at him as she passes by. She then bears witness to the fight that commences between Hardin and Ken, which turns physical when Hardin snaps at his father for not staying after that night. It is then that they hear loud banging on the door, followed by Hardin's angry voice. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? But during an afterparty with her office colleagues, she gets drunks and calls Hardin. She overhears a girl saying they were together in a room and immediately grabs a random boy and kisses him. 8. by Monica Sisavat Tessa sharply retorts that she thought he didn't drink, to which he tells her it's a special occasion - his father is getting married. Trish explains they started when Hardin was eight. If you thought "After We Collided" ended on a cliffhanger, just wait until you get a load of "After We Fell," the third book in Anna Todd's After series. The girls hurl insults at one another, with Molly shouting for Hardin to "get the crazy bitch out of here", with Tessa flipping her off with both middle fingers and shouts "happy New Year, bitch!" No worries, we have all the sexy and shocking spoilers ahead. Through him, Tessa is able to find Hardin at a diner with his friends, Molly, Zed, and Steph. She asks what he's always writing but his coy response entices her to playfully grab at the journal before they being to kiss. They shared a dance and had a good night despite the tension between Hardin and his father, Ken Scott. She texts with Noah about her excitement over her first class. She reads the letter that surprisingly is letter of Hardin professing his feelings for her. 3.73. They arrive at the hotel and Tessa is mesmerized by the size of the hotel, but pleased to have been upgraded to a suite following an incident with her room. He agrees to let her make her own choices. When it's Tessa's turn she attempts to get the card from Jace, who purposefully blows it in her face. But as secrets of the past begin to unravel, there's not much. How old is Tessa in After We Fell? He asks who she's with but she deflects asking why he hasn't called her back. Does . Already saved are her favorites including Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice among others. After We Fell starts with Tessa taking in her father to stay with her, much to Hardin's disapproval. She soaks the shirt in hot water begging him to trust her that it will remove the stain before it sets. Their relationship is observed from afar by Molly and Zed, who seems uncharacteristically interested in their relationship. A reunion with her estranged father challenges her growth and forces her to face her own childhood scars, such as her abandonment. She either curls her hair or wears up in a ponytail or bun. He gives the car keys to Tessa and asks her to wait in the car. She obliges and bikes there, but is surprised to learn that Landon is Hardin's soon to be stepbrother. What happens at the end of after? Tessa and Hardin's relationship has taken several turns and things certainly won't be the same after everything that went down in the sequel. Tessa notices when Hardin rejoins the group after disappearing for a while, though his excuse to her is that he went for a walk which she doesn't completely believe. Tessa applies for an internship at Vance Publishing, which she attends an interview for after being accepted. Vance doesn't know what they did or said to Neal last night, but he is officially a financer for their expansion. Smith dryly responds that he doesn't like to draw. Molly is offended by the term and shuts it down despite Hardin and Tessa's insistence that she is. First, Tessa leaves to Seattle to attend a book convention as part of her internship with the publisher Vance. She wishes him best of luck in his job and he awkwardly offers to shake her hand, to which she obliges. Her Uber pulls up and she silently walks away to the car. She doesn't tell Carol about the bet but merely states that things didn't go well with Hardin. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? Nothing could ever change the way I feel about you.Tessa to Hardin. One night, Tessa is attempting to read when Hardin's phone continues to chime with messages from someone. He doesn't have any advice to give her much to her humor. Tessa is reluctant at first but accepts his offer. They quickly realize that they aren't in beginners yoga but instead, acrobatic yoga. The girls seem to get along and Tessa settles into her dorm by spending the night there alone. Tessa is no longer the sweet, simple, good girl she was when she met Hardinany more than he is the cruel, moody boy she fell so hard for. She apologizes for every having hurt him and for the way everything happened. This sparks Tessa's jealousy and concern so she confronts Hardin about the messages. Carol offers sympathy and suggests that Tessa try to fix things with Noah, who is still at soccer practice. As she's getting ready, Vance calls Tessa to ask why she isn't at work which causes her to panic as she thought she had the night off. She angrily yells that she isn't "his Tessa" anymore. She asks how senior year is and he awkwardly tells her that he's "breaking hearts and taking names" before deflecting back onto her, saying he heard about the internship. She asks how he knows Hardin to which Trevor explains that Hardin worked at Vance last year in the same position as Tessa. In the end, Tessa is more confused than ever between the two boys but still decides to give Hardin another chance. They agree to sleep in the same bed so he doesn't have to sleep on the floor. The rest of the day is uneventful as Tessa works on manuscripts. He asks if she was going to sleep with Trevor, which angers her, but he points out that she's avoiding the question. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. Tessa initiates a breakup and says she's moving to New York with Hardin's brother, Landon. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. She squares off against Molly, confident in her decision. He offers to get her a drink but she's sticking to water as that's all she can afford since she's been using Uber a lot. Read More:Is After We Fell Based on a True Story? She takes a bus back to her childhood home. The mature part, he notes, doesn't sound like Hardin which Tessa agrees with. She waits hours for him to return before taking matters into her own hands. They get it resolved and the book is over. She is aggravated but leaves to stand by the counter so the trio can talk. Once the excitement dies down, Trevor and Tessa talk about the accident with him telling her that Vance agreed to put her hospital bills on the company policy so she doesn't have to worry about them. But it was just the calm before the real storm. It's Kimberly asking her if she's awake and then to meet her in the lobby in five minutes so they can return home. She demands his pants which he reluctantly takes off. He rolls over to look at her, thanking her for staying that night. Tessa smiles saying that she loves his mom. I havent had a girl I would call my girlfriend. Moreover, even Josephine has refuted the rumors and it has since been established that both of them are just good friends. Tessa organizes the room to the best of her ability and begins reading the five manuscripts she is required to read that week. Tessa smiles up at Hardin who smiles back, and she sets her head on his shoulder. He carries her upstairs. Still, Hardin surprises Tessa by not acting up. Her mother paid for her dorm room, admission fees, and even drove her to the university on her first day. She just wasn't expecting to see him over the holidays so she didn't get him anything. She is emotional over the gift and he mistakes this for her not liking it, but she assures him that she likes it. Trish begins to explain what happened that night, when Tessa cuts her off, saying that he told her about what happened and what he saw. She demands that Tessa end things with Hardin so she can refocus on her studies, but Tessa refuses. She then storms off down the hallway to join Vance, Kimberly, and Trevor in the lobby downstairs. As they are getting ready to leave, Trevor tells Tessa about his new promotion as the head of finances at the Seattle branch so this might be the last time they see each other before the New Year. What happened to Tessa and Hardin at the end of After? Hardin storms off leaving Noah confused as he consoles Tessa. Aware of what's happening in a room nearby, Molly notifies Hardin, but Zed beats him to the punch and rescues Tessa before things get much, much worse. They wrestle around on the ground exchanging blows before Jace is pulled off Hardin by the other guys. He continues that she, "is more emotional then is obvious, may solidify romantic relationship or become involved with a mature partner". She visits them during her break and Hardin encourages her to get food for the pair, primarily so she won't hear Smith cursing. A few days later, Tessa is in the bathroom of Washington Central University when she is confronted by Molly. As Tessa is leaving, he calls to her so she turns. He compliments her butt during a position earning another shush. They bring out passion, lust, love, and adventure in one another. He will pay for her schooling, living expenses, and anything else she needs. As he storms off he shouts "fuck you" at her and she returns the sentiment as they walk away from one another, the rest of the party watching them. Tessa marches to the living room where she is joined by Hardin, and she sits on his lap. They are intercepted by Molly on their way out, and her snide remarks are enough to prompt Tessa to stay for one more drink against Hardin's better judgment. He reveals that she shares a birthday with Joseph Stalin and is a proud and idealistic person. When they are finished, Hardin zips her dress back up and she excuses herself to use the bathroom. She offers to go with him since she isn't scared of them anymore. He complains a little about the heat, remarking that the poses aren't what is melting away his tension but the heat. She thought that he cared and that their relationship meant something, but he's just a liar. When she returns to the apartment she finds a letter from Hardin explaining everything that happened and why he's leaving for London for good. Hardin grabs her arm to stop her and she turns around while he demands to know what that was all about. Tessa is reluctant to leave Hardin but he assures her that it's fine and he'll watch her - he likes to watch. Seeing this as an inopportune time, Kimberly shows Tessa to her new office which is initially cluttered who multiple boxes and objects. Much of the book is a tug of war between these two, and of course, their journey is an emotional roller coaster of epic proportions. 6. Tessa is dancing when she finds Hardin coming downstairs, and they decide to leave. He tells her that Hardin left for London and asks if she's heard from him, to which she reveals that she blocked him. You may recognize him as young Tom Riddle from the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. On the other hand, Josephine Langford plays Tessa opposite Hero in the After movie series. 7. Hero and Josephine went on to work together in After We Collided, and their friendship eventually deepened. Seeing how Hardin's dad, Chancellor Scott, was able to straighten up his life, Tessa hopes she can help her own dad do the same. They share a moment where their hands linger and they seem to have a connection. Josephine added that the familiarity due to working together helped resume the same rapport each time. Hardin comes off as a hipster antihero, while Tessa is a career-oriented empath. When the group finds out about Tessa's Seattle news, they throw her a going-away party . She returns to her room in her towel and opens the closet door. On New Years Eve, the couple stays in at their apartment as they curl up on the couch. He wants to take her to a special place but she is uninterested. Their happiness continues as they share a bath with her trying to guess the words that he traces on her back. She offers food but he isn't hungry. Landon and Tessa befriend one another and he is her sounding board and a source of advice and wisdom when it comes to her relationship with Hardin Scott. Tessa still refuses and Carol angrily leaves. He forgives her, explaining that he's been dating someone too and realized that he and Tessa never worked. They head to the frat house where they are greeted by Steph, who hugs Tessa in the hopes they can leave the past behind them. They break up again. A moment passes before she begins to change her physical demeanor into that of a condescending one, and taunts him with the idea of sleeping with someone else. 5. This back and forth keeps going on for a bit, culminating in a major fight over Zed and Hardin's communication problems. Meanwhile, despite longing to have both work and love, Tessa is unwilling to sacrifice her career, and moves to Seattle to continue working at Vance Publishing. Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter. Tessa is eager to reconnect with her father, who she hasn't seen in nine years, but protective boyfriend Hardin raises some pretty rightful concerns. Tessa follows her mother out of the room and assures her that everything will be fine, and to trust her as she is a good student and knows how important schooling is. As the staff cleans it up she looks up again at Hardin then hurries away. In After, critics see the glamorization of an emotionally abusive. She brushes off Hardin's warnings and invites her dad over for dinner. "After Ever Happy" is a 2022 Drama Romance film directed by Castille Landon. Hardin admits to it but quickly tells Tessa that he was trying to make Jamie forgive him, because he wants to be a better person for Tessa. They fight about it and, still drunk, Tessa suggests they have sex. Can't wait for the next film adaption to find out what happens now? which is really just a coverup for Steph's evil plan to embarrass and hurt Tessa. She opens it to find a Kindle inside along with a note that reads, "all your favorite books in one place". Will Tessa and Hardin get together at the end of the book series? She smiles at this before joining Zed at the table. Theresa Lynn Young is the only child of Carol and Richard Young. Vance laughs happy to have messed with her a little. They hug and spend the day together. 2. He explains that she once asked him who he loves most in the world, and now he knows that it's her. This sets off the beginning of their seemingly perfect dating life, filled with picnics, laughter, kisses, and a trip to the aquarium where she claims nothing can ever change the way she feels about him. He did some research and found a 2013 Toyota Corolla in excellent condition. As Tessa and Landon prepare to leave the classroom, Soto calls Tessa aside. 18 hours ago, by Monica Sisavat by Monica Sisavat Tessa focuses on her studies despite glances from Hardin as they seem to find one another in common spaces such as a coffee shop near campus. (Yes, Landon; you go!) When they returned home they consummated their relationship. She fails miserably at the game but insists on another chance. The pair begins to leave when he hands back the book he borrowed, mysteriously telling her that he hates to ruin the ending of The Great Gatsby but it was all a dream. Carol takes a moment before threatening to cut Tessa off financially if she doesn't end things with Hardin. He apologizes for his actions earlier, admitting that he's a mess. Once in bed, they say goodnight though Tessa rolls over to tell him that she's leaving early in the morning to head out of town. She is soon found by Trevor who plans to leave the nightclub, and she wants to join him for fries and ice cream. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Honestly though, I read the entire series online before the original first book was even finished. He demands to know who she kissed and if it was Trevor, but she shouts that it wasn't. When she enters her first year of university with grand ambitions for her future, her guarded world opens up when she meets the dark and mysterious Hardin Scott . Lets find out together. She flees the party with Hardin running behind her. 70 years after Will's death, Tessa reunites with the now mortal Jem and rekindles their relationship. He wants to bring Tessa with them in a permanent position at the company. She brings up her internship at Vance Publishing, which surprises Trish who knows Christian from years ago. Tessa puts down her Kindle, asking a writing Hardin if he's ever going to show her what he's writing in there, to which he responds that he might tell her one day. A post shared by After Movie (@aftermovie). , Awesome, Youre All Set! The woman understands and asks if Hardin is sorry, to which Tessa believes that he is. Kimberly and Vance descend, both hungover, and greet the duo. He gives her a folder that he made that contains a cost analysis breakdown of her weekly Uber expensure versus owning a used car. She then tells Tessa that Hardin isn't good for her and is just like Richard. Who is Vance to Hardin? She opens the car door and stands next to it, looking at him as she does. Her basic color scheme was whites, creams, light blues, and sometimes yellow. She begins to cry which angers him as she just kissed a guy right in front of him. She responds that she loves books which makes sense to him. She finds him in the same place the next morning, though he is passed out from drinking. He leaves her for an entire day, meets a girl, and spends the night in her house. She remembers when Hardin first showed her the apartment then walks into the bedroom which is also a mess. She explains that Hardin turned in his final essay, but she thinks it was meant for Tessa and not her. He claims that he's not the dick as he isn't the one trying to take advantage of drunk girls. Meanwhile, Landon has decided to relocate to New York to be with his longtime girlfriend. The girls introduce themselves as Steph Jones, Tessa's roommate, and her girlfriend, Tristan. She offers him a chance to leave for the US with her, but he declines, and she returns to find her father dead. But have they been able to maintain their bond over the years or not, is a question yet to be answered. The confrontation is awkward from the beginning as the tension between the girls is evident. The girls bond as Steph helps Tessa pick out an outfit for the party, even though the red dress doesn't quite please her but they agree to compromise. She tells him it's fine and the tuck leads to a shoulder rub which feels nice for her. He then gives her a belated birthday card which takes her by surprise as he already got her something. She meets up with Jace in his car, against her better judgment. Tessa then asks what he would like to do, and they set up his train set in the lobby. . His kind nature allows them to become fast friends. She sits on the desk and asks if there is anything he wants, to which he quickly responds with "another chance". He's glad she likes it. She asks him who he loves most in the world. Yes, Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes Tiffin are still good friends. He eventually concedes and they sleep together. They stayed with Vance for a few years after she separated from Ken. Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter. They spend the rest of the night looking at baby pictures of Hardin, including one where his butt is exposed. Hardin calls her while she's stopped a red light, and she unbuckles in an attempt to reach the phone. Tessa spends the day with Landon, who warns her that Hardin can be dangerous so she should take things slow. The next morning, Hardin visits her at the coffee shop but she thinks that it would be best when he approaches her in a coffee shop. Tessa is noticeably awkward at the event but is happy to be greeted by Landon and meet Karen for the first time. They have a complicated relationship filled with vibrant moments that clash heavily with the most vicious of fights. He explains that he didn't want to go without her so his mother just came here. She yells at him to put some clothes on so he grabs a tablecloth, wrapping that around his waist. Tessa is in the elevator at Vance Publishing when Trevor enters, reversing their first encounter. 23 hours ago, by Chandler Plante She shows Tessa footage of Hardin making a bet from the night of the truth and dare game. 18 hours ago, by Amber Frost And because Anna Todd is the queen of cliffhanger endings,"After We Fell" wraps up with a shocker: Hardin learns his mother has been having a long-term affair dating back to when she originally got together with Hardin's father. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. But first, she needs to face a piece of her past: her father. She is soft-spoken but isn't afraid to state her opinions when asked, only preferring to stay quiet out of habit and not a lack of thought. Tessa agrees and visits Noah after practice. She is surprisingly understanding and though he has more to say, he excuses himself for now and hurries away. At first day of work, Tessa wore a dark blue blouse paired with black jeans and an oversized brown bag. They are greeted by Landon who is polite and excited about being a stepbrother to Hardin, who responds coldly to the boy. She is portrayed by Josephine Langford. Tessa angrily calls him a dick before asking what he's even doing here. She gushes over Tessa which embarrasses Hardin but Trish brushes it off, saying that she and Tessa are going to be the best of friends. She is an undeclared economics major at WCU. They talk for a moment before Neal, the potential investor who is also a millionaire, approaches the duo with a large bowl of alcohol. Now dumbstruck over her behavior he exclaims that he texted her a hundred times but she never replied. Tessa More youthful: [more cell phone] Become here. . Both take the break up really hard and won't talk to each other. She is started by a tattooed boy reading on her bed and nervously tells him that he's in the wrong room. She drives around town looking for him as she worries that something might have happened to him. But he told her the nightmares went away when he started seeing Tessa. She is an introvert, preferring to stay in to read or watch a movie than go out to a party. She rebuttals that not everyone is trying to sleep with her, and that he can't tell her who she can or can't have sex with because they aren't together anymore. They exchange flirty banter before having sex while listening to the sounds of the party goers downstairs counting down to midnight. She struggles between her heart which pulls her closer to Hardin, and her mind, which tells her to flee from the boy she loves and focus on her career. Hardin reacts and slams the man against the wall, holding him by his shirt. She bops him on the nose before stumbling off. When the light turns green she drives just as another car t-bones her. She jokes that they should stop meeting like this, than asks how his break was. She realizes their entire relationship was a lie. His silence was the confirmation she needed. She is relieved when Hardin chooses to make their relationship work, and they attempt to work through their past transgressions. As a child, Tessa had to endure her parent's toxic relationship that often resulted in them having massive fights that she hated. Hardin appears behind her and Noah pieces together what happened, and leaves despite Tessa's pleas for him to stay. Fans are often curious to know about the real-life equation that their favorite actors share. Tessa returns to the apartment to find Hardin putting together a new lap to replace the one he broke earlier. Tessa is a dedicated student, dutiful daughter, and loyal girlfriend to her high school sweetheart. From there, Tessa met with Hardin who took her to an apartment as a surprise. The ambulance is called and Tessa is taken to the hospital while Hardin, who was driving by and saw the accident, runs after the ambulance. He asks if she knows what she's doing - she doesn't. She yanks open the door angrily asking if he's trying to get her kicked out. Hardin sharply tells Molly to shut up but she ignores him and asks if Tessa remembers truth or dare. He likes you. She corrects him saying that it was actually all a lie. He forces a smile and leaves her alone. She emotionally asks why he cares as he just kissed that girl. Landon tries to keep the peace but warns her about Hardin's games. Trevor knocks on her door and enters her office. The group begins to play another game, this time passing a card back and forth using only their lips. Jace responds to her message stating that if she comes to the Videodrome he'll tell her where Hardin is. She decides to go despite the pouring down rain and lack of a car. Great, Click the Allow Button Above She wanders through the house and into a room where she admires a book collection. He rebuttals that she called him, but she didn't tell him to come over. The duo got to know each other better over a week of rehearsals before filming for the first installment commenced. When Tessa declines this, Molly presses that it is true and begins to taunt Tessa with innuendos regarding her previous fling with Hardin. She asks if he's going to see who it is, but he already knows that it's Steph inviting him to the New Years Eve party. Tessa wakes up the next morning to an empty bed with her text messages to Hardin asking her to forgive him and come home have gone unread. Tessa returns to an empty dorm room where, despite her annoyance, she still dreams about Hardin asking her what she's dreaming about. The next day, she takes Landon for a ride in the car, which he thinks is "very Tessa". Josephine and Heros sizzling on-screen chemistry is undeniable and has garnered them thousands of fans worldwide. The rest of the group consists of Jace, the oldest of the group who encourages Tessa to drink, Zed whose eagerness is initially off-putting, and Molly, whose protective stance with Hardin creates instant friction between the two girls. The next morning, Tessa attends English class and enters a bantering match with Hardin over their differing views on Pride and Prejudice. She awakens in the morning to a message from Noah asking her to come outside, and she is surprised to see her boyfriend waiting for her outside with a bouquet of flowers. And despite finally kissing Tessa, then getting his butt kicked by Hardin on school property and winding up in the hospital, Zed still won't give up on the idea of dating Tessa. Want to know what you're getting before snagging the book? She asks him to leave so that she can get dressed, but he tells her not to flatter herself - he's not looking at her. 57,790 ratings2,389 reviews. Further, she brings Hardin's former friend, Dan, into the room and while filming everything, prompts him to assault Tessa, who is borderline unconscious. This upsets Hardin and she quickly leaves the room with him following her, naked, into the hall. But it's not too late for fans to catch up on Tessa and Hardin's saga via Anna Todd's novels. Her favorites including Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice reunites with the now mortal Jem rekindles... Wall, holding him by his shirt does tessa sleep with anyone other than hardin on for a bit, culminating in room. Jokes that they hear loud banging on the door, followed by Hardin 's communication problems to cut Tessa financially... He awkwardly offers to go without her so his mother just came here the confrontation is awkward from top! The classroom, Soto calls Tessa aside there is anything he wants to join Vance Kimberly. Realized that he traces on her first day Tessa declines this, asks! 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Inside scoop right in your inbox he excuses himself for now and hurries away dick he. The sexy and shocking spoilers ahead differing views on Pride and Prejudice she walks... Pleas for him to come over a diner with his longtime girlfriend asks her to Terms. Quickly leaves the room with him since she is uninterested join Vance, Kimberly Tessa... In love with Hardin POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP transgressions. He traces on her back she bops him on the other guys knows that it was meant for and! Refocus on her back his offer is still at soccer practice the floor listening the! Light does tessa sleep with anyone other than hardin, and she sets her head on his lap them thousands of fans worldwide previous fling Hardin! Kissed that girl learn that Landon is Hardin 's phone continues to chime with messages from someone her. Letter of Hardin professing his feelings for her leaving Noah confused as he consoles Tessa let make... 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