divine praises in spanish

Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. blessing God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed (LogOut/ Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. committee may be limited because it is not its. El Abogado Todo-Misericordioso abre Sus labios para implorar por nuestra causa. He doesn't stop to remember that one of them. Yo te saludo, te adoro y te amo; Oh rostro adorable de mi amado Jess como la estampa noble de la Divinidad! Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Amen. Se misericordioso con nosotros, Oh mi Dios y no rechaces nuestras oraciones, cuando en medio de nuestras aflicciones, rogamos a Tu Santo Nombre y buscamos con amor y confianza Tu adorable Rostro. Benedicta excelsa Mater Dei, Maria sanctissima. Examples with the phrase divine praises in Spanish. Find free online courses to learn grammar, and basic Spanish. Cordero de Dios, que quitas los pecados del mundo, Perdnanos, Jess. composed by a Jesuit priest, Luigi Felici, in 1797. Be an expert in no time! Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Gepriesen sei Gott in seinen Engeln und in seinen Heiligen. Amen. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Amen. Sia benedetta la grande Madre di Dio, Maria Santissima. We love you, O Mary. Dios Mo, ven en mi auxilioSeor, date prisa en socorrerme. Many have prayed the Divine Praises for their personal prayer and find it to be a beautiful prayer of praise, resting in God's divine presence. I want to write the divine praises with my own hands. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. I salute You! Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. O Lord Jesus, we believe most firmly in You, we love You. Opten para ellos De Dios Todopoderoso las gracias de conversion, magnificando tu bondad, poder y misericordia y que juntos con nosotros proclamemos Bendita entre todas las mujeres Inmaculada Virgen Maria y compasiva Madre De Dios. We now offer You this Holy Face, covered with shame and disfigured by bloody bruises in reparation for the crimes of our age in order to appease Your anger, justly provoked against us. (judgment, worship) a. divino (a) 2. Returnin g to the hous e cha pel Divine Praises were recited and the sole mn blessing bestowed. Me encanta entonar las alabanzas divinas con voz fuerte! All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Mientras tanto, Madre misericordiosa, confortadora de los afligidos acepta este acto de reparacin que Te ofrecemos por nosotros y por toda nuestra familia, as como por todos aquellos que blasfeman sin saber. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. May the Holy Name of the Living God split them up by disagreements! Conception Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. Gesegnet sei Jesus Christus, wahrer Gott und wahrer Mensch. Oh como estos impos decires ofenden la Infinita Majestad De Dios y su nico hijo engendrado Jesucristo! Por qu no te gustan las alabanzas divinas? Blessed be His Holy Name. Para algunos las alabanzas divinas son un aspecto importante de la Adoracin. God in His Angels and in His Saints, Latin Las lgrimas que corren en abundancia de vuestros ojos son para mi otras perlas preciosas que me complazco en recoger, a fin de comprar con su valor infinito las llamas de los infelices pecadores. schoenstatt.de. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. "Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man", The Adoration of the Name of Jesus, El Greco, 1577-1579. dirigidos hacia el gran portal de la ascensin. Nomen Sanctum eius It seems to me that in all the churches the divine praises are intoned. It was originally written in Italian by Luigi Felici in 1797 for the purpose of making reparation after saying or hearing sacrilege or blasphemy.The praises were later expanded by Pope Pius VII in 1801 and is prayed as follows: Puede que el sacrificio de nuestras vidas pongan un fin a tan indignos y blasfemias; si fuera as con que ganas lo hiciremos, por que deseamos Oh Santsima Madre, amarte y honrarte con todo nuestro corazn, siendo este el deseo De Dios. Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. This Spanish version easy-to-read, handy booklet has all the prayers you'll need for your Holy Hour of Adoration. (por Len DuPont, Santo Hombre de Tours), Oracin por los pecadores de Santa Teresa del Nino Jess y de la Santa Faz. Mother Maria Pierina De Michelli. I find in the divine praises a communion with God that I do not find in any other way. Amen, PRAYERS OF REPARATION TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS, MAY the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God, be forever praised, blessed, adored, loved and glorified, in heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. to praise God or the Lord alabar a Dios or al Seor. The Divine Praises are traditionally recited following Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament but can be prayed at any time to remind us of the glories of the Holy Trinity, and of the key role our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Angels and saints have played in our salvation. Print these prayer cards for distribution in your community. We thank You, O Lord, for all Thy benefits, and we entreat You to engrave in our hearts feeling of love and gratitude, putting upon our lips songs of thanksgiving to Your eternal praise. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. The Divine Praises follow in English, Latin, Italian, Hebrew, Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Greek, Spanish, German and Vietnamese. - Today I reviewed the divine praises. English Blessed be God. Divine Mercy, greatest attribute of God, I trust in . Protect us in life and in death. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Envanos, Oh Dios, trabajadores celosos e iluminados atraves de las vocaciones sacradotales y religiosa, para que sus oraciones, su trabajo y sus sacrificios esparzan las bendiciones de Tu Iglesia y confundan a tus enemigos. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. R. y que aquellos que Te odian huyan ante Tu Rostro. Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, Panel, God the Father - Christ, 1432, Jesus Hominum Salvator, Andreas Ritzos, 15th Century. May the terrible Name of the God of Eternity stamp out all their Godlessness!. Puesto que nuestro Salvador mismo prometi que al ofrecerte Su Divino Rostro desfigurado en la Pasin, l nos procurar lo necesario para nuestros hogares y que nada nos ser negado, ahora nos presentamos delante de Tu trono. Traduzioni in contesto per "singing of praises to the" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: 7 Then on that day David first appointed the singing of praises to the Lord by Asaph and his kindred. Amen. He does not want to sing the divine praises. Benedetta sia la sua santa e Immacolata Concezione. Download Prayer Distribute these prayers to your community through handouts, in the bulletin, or other church communications materials, including newsletters, the website, and social El Defensor Misericordioso abe la boca para defender nuestra causa; escuchar sus gritos, he aqu sus lgrimas, oh Dios, y por los mritos de Su Santa Faz escuchar a El cundo intercede por nosotros pecadores miserables pobres. Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos, Amen.En la cuenta grande: Jess mo, misericordia Gloria al Padre. . The Divine Praises or Laudes Divinae informally known as Blessed be God is an 18th-century Roman Catholic expiatory prayer. Benedictus Deus in Angelis suis, et in Sanctis suis. Mira en cambio en el rostro de tu Hijo Amado, porque esta es la cara de aquel en el cual Usted est complacido. Benedictum Cor eius sacratissimum Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Blessed be His Holy Name . Altar Amen. A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. V. Levntate, O Seor, y que Tus enemigos se dispersen. Since Our Saviour Himself promised that by offering to You, O Eternal Father, the Holy Face disfigured in the Passion, we can procure the settlement of all the affairs of our household, and that nothing whatsoever will be refused us, we now come before Your Throne. Domenico from Cese to Turin, The Rediscovered Face Videos- Raffaella Zardoni, Virgin Mary appears to Harvard Professor Roy Shoeman. Divine praise provides a moment of rich emotional peace. Hail Mary. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament left us a memorial of your Passion: grant, we implore you, that we may so venerate the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood, Blessed be God.Blessed be His Holy Name.Blessed be Jesus Christ, True God and True Man.Blessed be the Name of Jesus.Blessed be his Most Sacred Heart.Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.Blessed be her glorious Assumption.Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Proverbs 4:7. OFRENDA DEL SANTO ROSTRO DE NUESTRO SEOR JESUCRISTO A DIOS EL PADRE CON EL FIN DE APELAR SU JUSTICIA Y LLEGAR A NOSOTROS MISERICORDIA. Oh Seor Jesucristo, al presentarnos ante Tu adorable Rostro para pedirte a Ti las gracias que ms necesitamos, Te rogamos, por, sobre todo, nos concedas la disposicin interior para nunca dejar de hacer en ningn momento lo que Tu requieres de nosotros con Tus santos mandamientos y divinas inspiraciones. Eternal Father, we offer to You the Holy Face of Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust, and spittle, in reparation for the crimes of communists, blasphemers, and for the profaners of the Holy Name and of the Holy Day. Change). Christi, Maria sanctissima Benedictus Iesus in sanctissimo altaris Sacramento. - He does not want to sing the divine praises. Porque Tu divino Hijo, Nuestro Redentor, ha tomado sobre Su Cabeza todos los pecados de Sus miembros, para que sean perdonados, ahora te suplicamos, Padre Eterno, que nos concedas Misericordia. It is a sequence of acclamations Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Blessed be God. O bondadoso Jess, que has dicho Pide y recibirs, busca y encontraras, golpea y se abrir para ti, concdenos, Oh Senor, esa fe que lo obtiene todo o provenos s lo que carecemos; concdenos, a travs del puro efecto de Tu caridad y por Tu gloria eterna, las gracias que necesitamos y las que buscamos en Tu infinita misericordia. "Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse". Benedictus sanctus Ioseph, eius castissimus Amn. Sr. Marie St. Pierre, the Discalced Carmelite nun who received revelations about devotion to the Holy Face, understood well the relationship between the Holy Face of Jesus and His Holy Name. Its reputation extended rapidly as far as. We promise to be faithful to You for the rest of our lives and to observe with fidelity Your Holy Commandments. Alguna vez has entonado las alabanzas divinas con fuerte voz? Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Benedictus Deus. Amen. Here are several infographics if you are looking to learn or teach the basic Spanish vocabulary for foreigners. Benedicta eius gloriosa Assumptio Amen. In the spirit of renewal, solemnity, and active participation, here is a plainchant version of the Divine Praises that any congregation could sing. Acto de Reparacin por las blasfemias y violaciones del Domingo. Benedicta sancta eius et immaculata Conceptio. No te gustara cantar las alabanzas divinas? The tears which well up abundantly in Thy sacred eyes appear to me as so many precious pearls that I love to gather up, in order to purchase souls of poor sinners by means of their infinite value. Amen. We present it to Thee with confidence to implore Thy pardon. And just because we love thee, we will do all that is in our power to make thee honored and loved by all men. How they provoke His indignation and give us cause to fear the terrible effects of His vengeance! Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Chc tng danh xng Maria, c M ng trinh v c M. 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. The Subcommittee on Divine Worship in Spanish, a permanent subcommittee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship, selects texts from Spanish-speaking countries that can serve as base texts for Spanish ritual texts for use in the United States; make recommendations on the publication of the liturgical texts necessary for the Hispanic/Latino communities of this country; and facilitates liturgical catechesis in Spanish through the use of informative resources. Rosaries, Crosses, Prayer Cards and more Our Lady of Guadalupe - Virtual Prayer Candle, St. Jude Thaddaeus - Virtual Prayer Candle, Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Prayers, Practical Practice of Fasting with Fr Dwight Longenecker, 10 important things to consider during Lent, The Happy Priest on Lent, Happiness and the Call to Selfless Love, Daily Readings for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, St. Hilary, Pope: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. Dios, Padre celestial, ten misericordia de nosotros. Do thou obtain for them from Almighty God the grace of conversion, and thus render more manifest and more glorious thy kindness, thy power and thy great mercy. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Divine Praises Catholic Online Prayers Printable PDF Blessed be God. Imaginas ir a la Iglesia y no entonar las alabanzas divinas? . All Rights Reserved. Amen. The Divine Praises were originally prayed as an act of reparation for I adore You and I love you, Oh adorable face of my beloved Jesus, as the noble stamp of The Divinity! - from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers. Te damos gracias, Oh Seor, por Todos tus beneficios y confiamos en Ti que graves en eterna alabanza. Study Spanish grammar, learn the rules, and know-how and when to apply them. This is not a good example for the translation above. Sacrament but can be prayed at any time to remind us of the glories of the Holy Trinity, and of the key role our Han abandonado Tu casa, se distancian de Tu Palabra: desprecian Tus Sacramentos y las gracias de Tu santuario para darse a labores prohibidas o diversiones criminales. Ofrecimiento de Santa Teresa del Nino Jess y de la Santa Faz al Padre Eterno. porque has escondido estas cosas a los sabios y a los entendidos, y se las has manifestado a los sencillos (Mt 11,25). The biblical writer David captured the divine praises that have touched my heart the most. como personajes ilustres, sin detenerse a recordar que uno lanz ms de. Some divine praises are more moved than others. And because God wills not the death of a sinner, but that they be converted and live, she also prayed the words of Christ from the Cross: Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do., There are many Rosaries or Chaplets in addition to the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. estadounidense como un coloso exuberante. OFFERING OF THE HOLY FACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO GOD THE FATHER -IN ORDER TO APPEASE HIS JUSTICE AND DRAW DOWN MERCY UPON US.Prayer. Algunas las alabanzas divinas son ms movidas que otras. Bendito sea Jesucristo, Dios verdadero y hombre verdadero. blasphemy and profane language. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Que el mas santo, ms sagrado, mas adorable, ms incomprensible e inefable Nombre de Dios sea por siempre alabado, bendecido, amado, adorado y glorificado, en el Cielo, en la tierra y bajo la tierra, por todas las criaturas de Dios y por el Sagrado Corazn de Nuestro Seor Jesucristo en el Santsimo Sacramento del Altar. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! Benedictum nomen Mariae, Laudes Divinae Le Lodi Divine Las Divinas Alabanzas Die gttlichen Lobpreisungen, Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, Panel, God the Father -, Prayer for the Canonization of J.R.R. . Adorable Face of My Jesus, my only love, my light and my life, grant that I may see no one, except Thee, that I may love Thee alone, that I may live with Thee, of Thee, by Thee and for Thee. For some, divine praise is an important aspect of worship. Be merciful to us, O God, and reject not our prayers when, amid our afflictions, we call upon Your Holy Name and seek with love and confidence Your Adorable Face. Other prayers may be less familiar. Including morning & night prayers, marriage and basic prayers like Hail Mary, Our Father, Apostles' Creed and many more. Eternal Father, turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people whose face has become unsightly in your eyes. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. (general) a. adivinar Copyright 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited divine adjective (Rel) divino; (sublime) sublime; (wonderful) divino; maravilloso; noun telogo (m) modifier Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. Chc tng Cha Gi Su Ky T, c Cha Tri chn chnh v con ngi chn chnh. Forth from each eternally, Be salvation, honor, blessing, Might and endless majesty. Some of these prayers you may wish to learn "by heart" so that they become part of your daily living. En las alabanzas divinas inspiradas en la Biblia aprendemos mucho sobre Dios. Benedictus Iesus Christus, verus Deus et verus Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. Gesegnet sei der Heilige Geist, der Paraklet. Amen. civil society into the process for saving the world's tropical forests while strengthening developing nations. Offering of the Holy FaceBy St. John Vianney. Just like a dictionary! Gloria, Ofrenda del Santo Rostroatreves de Maria por San Juan Bautista Vianney, Oh Madre de Jesus, por Tus inconmensurables dolores durante la pasin y muerte de Tu Hijo divino, y por las amargas lagrimas que derramaste, te pido que ofrezcas en sacrificio el Rostro Santo, cubierto de heridas y de sangre de nuestro Redentor, junto con Tus dolores y lagrimas, al Padre Celestial, para la salvacin de las almas y para adquirir las gracias que te pido suplicante. Recibe nuestro voto y promesa de nunca transgredir Tus sagrados preceptos tanto en nuestra persona o en aquellos que estn a nuestro cargo; y en toda forma posible procuremos obedecerte y honrarte. The prayer was You are the Lord and Supreme Ruler of all mankind, and we, in acknowledging this Your dominion, consecrate ourselves to You now and forever. Chc tng Dng Mu Qu Bu nht ca Ngi. These prayers have nurtured the faithful for generations, yet they still speak to us. Cuando entono las alabanzas divinas puedo sentir la presencia de Dios. O Mother of Sorrows, by the eternal glory which you enjoy in Heaven, through the merits of your bitter anguish in the Sacred Passion of your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for us the grace that the Precious Blood shed by Jesus for the redemption of our souls, be not shed for us in vain. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Benedictum I believe that divine praises are a valuable instrument for Adoration. Offering to You, O God, this adorable Countenance, disfigured with painful bruises and covered with shame and confusion, we beg through the merits of this Holy Face to obtain these, our most pressing needs. The Divine Praises (Laudes Divina) Blessed be God. , . Many do not see the importance of divine praise in Adoration. Find out how to refer to the past, present, and future. May this offering of the Holy Face of our Saviour before Your Throne of majesty obtain for us deliverance from these evils. Amen. Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, and all the angels and saints. For your Holy Commandments Tus beneficios y confiamos en Ti que graves en eterna alabanza Joseph, her chaste..., o Seor, y que Tus enemigos se dispersen give us to... De mi amado Jess como la estampa noble de la Divinidad texts, use the world 's tropical forests strengthening. 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