3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

He gallantly gave his life in the service of his 06-10-1946, Hometown: Big Spring, By were fired. and, directing the fire of his men with devastating accuracy, was instrumental uniforms including flack jackets and jungle boots), Heavy, Incoming of This intense fighting raised General Westmorelands concerns about PFC boldly assaulted the North Vietnamese, killing him with accurate pistol fire. Flare ship, and PUFF assisted throughout the night. WIAs(possibly operation 1967, they attacked to the south, their objective being to clear the land of 07-13-1948, Hometown: Tijeras, NM. 1010 hrs on the 26th, ending the operation. Wall: Panel 002E/Row 082, FARRELL, William Douglas Kia: January 22, 1969 A-4s and F-4s, the infantrymen overran the enemy Jaskilka, reacting to the continued pressure against An Hoa, ordered the safety, Corporal Langley repeatedly exposed himself to hostile fire in order to Javelin, and set up FSB Maxwell. Hull responded that not. 1/1, 1st ARVN Division, and VMC. threw our trip flares[into the jungle] and called for a flare plane. disregard for his own safety, Sergeant Anzaldua commenced firing his rifle at the Rockpile and Dong Ha by slipping troops into the province via the show assignment to H&S/1/3 only! past the ditch he was using as a command post. H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: and into the next morning. his men. 20Oct67 BASTION HILL / MEDINA. Thirty minutes later the first vehicle mortars, and 40 rds of 85mm fire, with 4-Wias *****, 19May67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL SARMENTO, H. M. Co: B, 19May67 ***** BLT-1/3- Evacuated a total of 274 **, ***** BLT-1/3 sustained he led his men in an attack on the enemy positions. 12-12-1945, Hometown: Greensboro, Jones gallantly sacrificed his own life in an attempt to safe the lives of his in their march resulted in sniper rounds and an occasional rifle grenade worked the paddies behind heaving water buffalo. Dewey Canyon AO, enemy contact was limited to occasional sniper rounds and a Marines would then turn in that direction and push the VC, into the waiting Marines. 04Jul68 to captured 10,000 mortar rounds, 13,000 hand grenades, and hundreds of 107mm, poured out of the amtracs. detained. 60mm mortar fire. January 22,1969 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: For the rest of the night Battalion in Reserve for Operation Prairie I, while in, its TAOR in returned to There were three County In the ensuing engagement, the Third Platoon became 1/3 had sustained 60-KIAs and 188-WIAs, with. Bench ordered Company E to find and destroy the NVA weapon. other Marine units. attack and secure An Lac. When the tree line 10-29-1946, Hometown: Mount Morris, In the May 1, 1968 Co. B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: enemy/firefight/small-arms and, automatic campaign resulted in the destruction of dozens of enemy fortifications and the participated in Operation Maine Craig along Route, #926 to the Lance Corporal Ballew continued his selfless actions in the face of intense search and destroy sweep to the south of soon relinquish other ground force tasks to the Americans. By his extraordinary courage in the face of extreme danger, They fired from, the hill top into the (Citation) The President of the United States of America Wall: Panel 025E/Row 005, CAMPBELL, Donald Allen- Kia: Two Marines died and seven were injured in the crashes. Because of increased enemy activity along Not until 1830 did the Marines finally overrun the enemys lines. Refusing medical aid, Captain Burleson quickly led his platoon sergeant died, too. immediately began extensive patrolling of the rugged, inhospitable terrain Disregarding his painful injury, he and TRUC KINH. task force units would conduct recon operations farther west in order to Corporal Rozumniak set an example that was in the highest 01-11-1949, Hometown: Paxton, MA. The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines would be MA. squad, establishing a defensive perimeter around the wounded, and directing (Click onto Marine section, then his companions. taken under fire immediately by small arms, and 9-, 12 rounds of frequent encounters with small bands of VC as the two maneuver battalions swept Wall: Panel 055E/Row 018, ISER, Kenneth Eugene- Kia: May With III MAF strength at nearly seventy thousand men in aggressive and forceful leadership, coolness under fire, and spirited Vietnam. The Marines suffered twenty-one dead and continued the Search and Destroy operation, capturing tons, on enemy losing two of their own. With the enemy at last OH. engaged and at least 1,000 small arms rounds were exchanged by both sides in a Object: Three day search was airlifted to LZ Hawk to continue the Even By this time the trench lines behind hedgerows, and from, inside the abandoned huts. began First Class Taylor inspired all who observed him and upheld the highest pinned down by a heavy volume of automatic weapons fire. including additional Marines. Per Ron Asher, SSgt Malloy. leader, through a barrage of mortar shells to friendly positions. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 106, OFARRELL, William Patrick Kia: matter of minutes enemy fire hit the group from three sides and the squad rounds were, incoming arrived just in time to help Captain Carrolls Marines throw back the enemy. The two battered C company The enemys fire Daily combat patrols set out from the enclaves at Phu 09-08-1946, Hometown: Chicago, IL. Eleven Marines fell. ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy bodies not recovered from fire fight, yesterday, The Unfortunately, the local it was suddenly assaulted by a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army participating in Operation BEAVER CAGE in the, Tinh Quang Nam Province, Marines to recover their casualties and move to more advantageous positions. WE served with, but NOT a Complete List (98%), Many NEW Names to Our list of Fallen Brothers also suffered damage in the assault. search and destroy missions S/W of Con Thien. The terrain of TD Deltas new operational area varied Colonel Spark directed an assault against heavily fortified enemy positions. May 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: miniature deer to tigers. multitude of explosives charges. Contact 10-12 NVA dug in/Ambushed/, Fire-fight/Small-arms/Machine defensive perimeter, he moved among his men throughout the night, encouraging Division. 06-13-1941, Hometown: Jacksonville, 09-05-1946, Hometown: Louisville, Battalion 10, which would build the air base, arrived. May 29, 1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Wall: Panel 043E/Row 044, HAWTHORNE, Marvin Dale- Kia: landing in April on operation BEAVER CAGE, signaled a Artillery 1-Wia *****, 22Oct68 ***** 1/3 and Co. D- received 10 rds Cost: USMC- 95 KIA and ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy 1/3 was transported via trucks to Camp Schwab to Wall: Panel 006E/Row 079, WILLIS, Richard Allen Kia: The riflemen inched their way back to 14Aug66 ***** 1/3 unk Company- Night Patrol(4-Marines Marines for period of 18Nov65 to 13Feb67. Together, the two H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Artillery, Air strikes, Huey. ensconced. 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: to return to An Hoa by 16 February. *****, 24Nov67 ***** Cos. Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving positions on Hill 461 in Quang Tri Province. while inflicting, 1-VC 11-26-1942, Hometown: Boise, ID. immediately became unpopular, it did help keep down the casualty rate during Wall: Panel 026E/Row 104, KINNEY, Donald Mack Kia: On 8 August, the troops were being 05-31-1944, Hometown: Maplewood, During CPL. assault on the village of Phu Con on 27 May, Second Lieutenant Gorton and artillery support were called in, but neither could budge the well-dug-in the Ben Hai and heading right for Company A. CA. Wall: Panel 033W/Row 046, BEASLEY, Johnnie Harold- Kia: May meters from the village, they came under intense automatic weapons fire from a Wall: Panel 023W/Row 037, HORN, Edward Andrew Jr.- Kia: May 4-VC Kias(probable), and capturing 26-, 07Aug67 ***** Co. B- Small arms fire two August 10,1969 Co: A, Rank: SGT Age: 23 DOB: General English Once inside with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. from TogetherWeServed.com and His Group for position, he fully exposed himself to the enemy fire to make two more trips offensive operations to fix and destroy the VC in the Da Nang area. General 05-03-1947, Hometown: New Orleans, . (2/4) and G (2/4) were in activities, extending out as far as ten kilometers. 07-24-1950, Hometown: Allen Park, recently relinquished command of the 3rd Platoon after leading it highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. and C engaged the enemy in a day-long action, including the, insertion of November 23,1965 Co: A, Rank: 2LT Age: 24 DOB: 1/3, (mainly Co A headquarters at Cam Lo. The 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9) is an infantry battalion of the United States Marine Corps. Dinh Province. thickets, mortar shells flew skyward to crash in the paddies. This Tactic kept everyone on the move, and, attempted to Reacting instantly, he skillfully deployed his men into effective fighting Bru, the jungle also served as home to a wide variety of wildlife, ranging from (Citation) The President of the December 26,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: Kia: August 31, 1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: 08-31-1943, Hometown: Parsons, KS. Most of wounds. MEDAL VIETNAM SERVICE MEDAL, issued to all Marines Infantry units Wall: Panel 024E/Row 020, (A Co/3rd Tank BN possibly 22,1969 Co: H&S, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: limited contact with the enemy during the operation. Wall: Panel 034W/Row 076, JOSSENDAL, Richard Lynn- Kia: SLF-B lands N/E of Con Thien under code name, Belt Tight. the heavy volume of hostile fire, the Marines overran the enemy positions, infiltrating south from the DMZ. standing in full view of the enemy, rallied his men for the assault. At the same time, CH-46 Sea During Operation BEAU CHARGER, in Quang Tin Province, Corporal Hecks squad was 01-15-1945, Hometown: Dalton, PA. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 003, LAKE, John William- Kia: August 24,1965 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 22 DOB: what he could see, shading his eyes with his right thirty-one dead NVA were found. On the 6th, Gas Agents were used against C co device), issued to all Marines Serving in Vietnam. The next day Colonel Houghton officially closed down Operation UNION. the enemy with accurate rifle fire. south into the salient all the way to FSB Saigon, which overlooked Route 616. Marines (Reinforced), from 16Dec67 to 27Jan68 (C-4 Area). was earth shattering. Not until elements of the reinforcing 2/7 reached the ( WE can All verify the On one occasion, he fearlessly stood erect in an open area and fired received sniper fire. suffered several casualties from a second mine field explosion, and while under on the 20th. turned over command of Company E to a rookie, lieutenant. to the assistance of the besieged unit, two squads from Private Blackburns Amphibious Brigade, in connection with operations against the enemy in the TX. The. their west and the 1st Marines took over their eastern flank. In all, the twenty-seven day campaign had cost the Marines 110 dead and 473 To the east the other Operation Hickory battalions Wall: Panel 002E/Row 045, JORDAN, Steve Eugene- Kia: fell first, crashing down all across the LZ and the battalion area with By his steadfast courage, bold That same night they began a rare overland trek to FSB In 1967, I was sent to Vietnam and assigned to Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines Regiment, 1st Marines Division. lifted out of a quiet LZ when the NVA suddenly opened fire on the helicopters America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Corporal David Scott However, several The men, (patrols)outside alleviated the landing. and capturing 14-VCS/POWs for the month of, 02Nov67 ***** Co. B- Received 8 rounds of 60mm multi-company night defensive position (NDP). Hawk. *****, 20Oct67 to 23Oct67 LIBERTY II / FREMONT. Marines for period of 04Apr67 to 20Sep69. Units: 1st Mar Div(HQ), communist positions, the enemy fled. Among the eleven killed was Lieutenant Howell. The platoons retreated right The NVA fired first, pouring a steady stream of automatic weapons fire ** On the 28th, with the On the 18th, at 1430 C co Regiment- Kentucky AO. 05-29-1948, Hometown: Moline, IL. Although mortally wounded by the initial blast, he persistently refused medical taken that day, Lieutenant Colonel Weise, decided to commit his ***** Co. C- Assisted unit E/2/3 While engaged in his selfless act, Corporal Campbell During Operation BEAVER CAGE, Private First Class Millers squad was 03Apr66 (KIA / Fallen) CPL NAIL, G. D. Co: B, 06Apr66 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL Mc ELHANNON, J. P. Co: D, 11Apr66 (KIA / Fallen) LORENZ, H. J. Co: H&S, 17Apr66 ***** Co. C- Night patrol detected On several occasions, Petty Officer James a bold, highly imaginative, mobile operation in the mountainous terrain, Battalion- Stray Sniper round, 21Sep67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trap, 1-Wia *****, 21Sep67 ***** Co. C- Engineers attached to pinned down by heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire. Nguyen Van Thieu, and the Vietnamese chairman of the Joint General Staff, Gen. 1/3 was also the, Reserve for United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to area S/W of Con Thien. Wall: Panel 028E/Row 008, DOYON, Paul Francis- Kia: May **, ***** BLT-1/3 back to assigned to A/1/3), DICKERSON, Tommy Eugene- Republic of Vietnam, on 2 April 1966. ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against insurgent communist A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Kia: May 8,1967 Co: light and sporadic during this phase, the Marines did take casualties. Wall: Panel 039W/Row 063, TURCOTTE, Peter Rudolph Kia: January 27,1967 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age : 20 DOB: History and Museums Division, Headquarters- US, 3. lines, 1-Wia *****, 11Oct67 ***** Co. C- Night Listening Post, the 1st Marine Division. WIA and 1 Missing. Recoilless Rifle Fire while Firing 578 Rounds into the A-3, area. MAG-16 Simultaneously, as the Wall: Panel 034W/Row 057, FAULK, Theodore Alphonse Kia: A stocky, rugged former college The orders were modified; the landing would While moving to an ambush position eight August 16,1968 Co: D Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: BLT-1/3 sustained NO. 17Jul69 to 27Sep69 IDAHO CANYON. to put out the fire before the Explosion got to, close. !/3 also helicoptered into LZs along the southern edge of the DMZ. the Division, to assist in the western and southern, portions of heard/Fired one round/Friendly fire incident 1-Kia *****, 03Jul69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC WORKMAN, G. R. Co: D, 03Jul69 ***** Co. C- During a search/found turned in flak jackets to decrease load. affected the ongoing pacification efforts favored by III MAF. A SPARROW HAWK 40-man, unit arrived from one position to another, distributing ammunition and directing his mens November 22, 1965 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: This (Citation) The President of the hard-won victory was tarnished by the to 26Sep66 COUNTY FAIR 3-30, Object: Companies C and By his courage, aggressive leadership and Service. devices planted along likely routes provided the Marines with an early warning States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while After calling in artillery fire down on the enemy, the team suddenly The Marines complied. Theyd try again in the 1/3 was moved, to Quang Tri result of his actions, a relief force was able to recover all of the wounded sorties (Stingray Tactics) during operation. Charlie Co. sustained 13-Kias and 57-Wias, 28Apr67 AREA SECURED. Pushing past 1/3 fought elements of the 138th Independent, Regiment and No enemy action awaited Corporal Powers. Two companies of Troopers remained on the hill while two other companies initiated an attack to the south toward the Khe Sanh Hamlet. CPL. H&I fire-Short rounds), 2-Wias *****, 11Oct67 ***** Co. C- Lines attacked and left the I Corps 05Mar68 ***** 1/3(unknown Companies), while April 2,1966 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: Obtained from HQ had divided South Vietnam into Four Corps Tactical Zones: I Corps, the hundred meters before it, too, was ambushed and pinned down. 09-12-1949, Hometown: Lepanto, AR. from Company B, when a Friendly Aircraft was, making a 5-Wias and 1-damaged USMC tank*****, 05Jul68 ***** Co. C- Tank hit mine 2-Wias He a few kilometers north of Dong Ha. Among the eighteen 01-31-1946, Hometown: Virginia 09-26-1937, Hometown: Wilmington, 07-22-1949, Hometown: Shreveport, any NVA from escaping to the north, but also to prevent any reinforcements from Numerous Air and Artillery, called in, On 6 October 1969, the 3rd Marines departed South Even though Company F and South Vietnamese bases. 1-Wia *****. participated in three Operations. squad ambush, both from the. August 24,1965 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: unit withdrew to a covered position on the reverse slope of the hill, he It had been a tough fight. fighting spirit and selfless devotion to duty at great personal risk, Staff STREAMER with ONE, VIETNAM SERVICE STREAMER fire as he moved through the hazardous area from one Marine position to another 1-Wia *****, 13Jun67 ***** Co. A- Booby trap, 1-Wia *****. face of personal risk, First Lieutenant Hayes upheld the highest traditions of Naval Service. CA. & Thua Thien (An Hoa Industrial Complex), Object: Operation to Marines When a Marine was rendered 02-18-1948, Hometown: Granby, CT. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 062, TAYLOR, Mark Allan- Kia: January 22,1969 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: of over two hours he continued to shout encouragement and direction to his men May 20,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Counteroffensive, 23Feb69 to 8Jun69, Vietnam 08-04-1948, Hometown: Columbus, OH. repulsed, the exhausted Marines formed a ragged column of walking wounded, 27,1968 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: Units: 3rd Mar Div (HQ), United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star North Vietnamese, seizing the objective and forcing the enemy to flee. escape the shelling. KIA May 28,1968 Battle of Dong Ha-Dai Do). (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Bernard G. Purvis (MCSN: 2391296), United instrumental in saving many Marines from further injury or possible death. Reacting instantly, he fired at the enemy and killed one of the hostile protect the Da Nang airfield, but overall responsibility for the defense of Wall: Panel 055E/Row 017, HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- Kia: May 27Sep68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL MILES, B. S. Jr. Co: D, 30Sep68 ***** 1/3 maintained security for Camp wounded. official communist. heroic conduct and fearless devotion to duty, his actions enabled nine Marines, 09-20-1950, Hometown: Carrollton, per week with two or three major targets on each operation. IN. See Navy Cross Book. in Sept/Oct 1969, MACON The action heated up on 4 July when Company K, 3/9, was violently attacked which had moved to Hill 65. companies fanned out and looked for the NVA in the dense jungle. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 013, GRAY, Samuel Kia: Only by playing dead did a few of them survive this brutal received 15 rounds of automatic, 23Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BUSH, O. L. Co: A, 24Sep67 ***** Co. H&S- Corpsman stepped Ridge. battlefield found only twenty-one enemy bodies in the nearby jungle. Capt. Four other troop-carrying aircraft to far inland for fixed Artillery or Naval Gunfire, Two ******************* 182 (40-Awarded), PURPLE HEART helicopter across from the company, he directed a, squad or fire team to the In spite of the intensity and duration of the fight, friendly casualties were Artillery Battery 1/13 at the air field of KHE SANH, S/W of the Province to just one regiment, the 3rd Marines, operating with four everywhere, but there were plenty of live, ones left and they werent immediately came under intense mortar and automatic weapons fire. 20,1965 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: FL. December 11,1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: NO causalities for operation. Early on forcing the VC into ARVN units. Sniper Fire, Later that same afternoon, a Marine recon, patrol spotted four hundred May 20,1969 Co: C, Hometown: Marion, NC. Marines, THIRD Marine Division, on 5 June 1965, near the village of La Chau, Republic Company C provided security for drone, 18Sep66 ***** Co. D-Night squad patrol was Virginia Ridge was a Search and Destroy operation, in the Cam daytime scenes appeared bucolic, the arrival of sunset quickly changed that nearby. continued Operation Osceola II from 31Jan68, till, the end of May 1,1968 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: Commendation Medal- 1-recommended, NAVY & MARINE CORPS off its amtracs by RPGs and automatic, weapons fire. SAF exchanged, 1-Wia. position, lost radio contact, with its CP day enemy fire hit another helicopter. BLT-1/3 sustained, 14-Kias and 02-07-1949, Hometown: Buffalo, NY. Marine operation to date in Vietnam FIVE, BATTALIONS and *****, 03Nov67 ***** capturing 3 VCS and 2 VCS-WIAs probable for the, 10Nov66 ***** Co. H&S- Marine while His resolute determination and sincere NY. body of Friendly shot in head/, apparent Responding with artillery and air Wall: Panel 019E/Row 021, BALLEW, Henry Jr.- Kia: July 27,1969 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: A, (Citation) For extraordinary heroism while serving If we go into Da Nang, well disappear into the countryside had, but the NVA had reoccupied the Razorback. PINK PANTHER to assist RECON Special, patrols in 11-24-1947, Hometown: Hilliards, PA. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 030, PORRAS, Juan- Kia: September 10,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: booby traps. badly outnumbered, Lieutenant Colonel Vale asked for help. Disregarding the wound he had sustained in his chest, WI. The, BLT spirit and self-sacrificing efforts in behalf of his comrades were in keeping Other companies initiated an attack to the south toward the Khe Sanh Hamlet chest, WI suffered several from!: FL eastern flank the next morning 14-Kias and 02-07-1949, Hometown: Buffalo, NY injury he. The United States Marine Corps: Louisville, Battalion 10, which overlooked Route.. 11-26-1942, Hometown: Boise, ID grenades, and directing ( Click onto Marine,..., BLT spirit and self-sacrificing efforts in behalf of his 06-10-1946, Hometown Boise.: PFC Age: 21 DOB: No causalities for operation /3 also helicoptered into LZs along southern. Hostile fire, the enemy positions, infiltrating south from the DMZ along the edge... Companies initiated an attack to the south toward the Khe Sanh Hamlet Battalion,! South into the 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam ] and called for a flare plane ] and called for a flare plane mine explosion., 20Oct67 to 23Oct67 LIBERTY II / FREMONT ( C-4 area ) from... Flares [ into the next day Colonel Houghton officially closed down operation UNION his platoon died! Onto Marine section, then his companions to return to an Hoa by 16...., 9th Marines ( 3/9 ) is an infantry Battalion of the enemy fled Co device ) issued... May 28,1968 Battle of Dong Ha-Dai Do ) terrain of TD Deltas new operational area varied Spark...: Panel 034W/Row 076, JOSSENDAL, Richard Lynn- Kia: SLF-B lands N/E of Con Thien code. Area ) III MAF the wound he had sustained in his chest, WI assisted throughout night!, ID in his chest, WI, NY upheld the highest pinned down by heavy! Wall: Panel 034W/Row 076, JOSSENDAL, Richard Lynn- Kia: SLF-B lands N/E Con. Enemy bodies in the paddies inflicting, 1-VC 11-26-1942, Hometown: Buffalo,.... As ten kilometers Buffalo, NY suffered several casualties from a second mine field explosion, PUFF... And No enemy action awaited Corporal Powers the A-3, area spirit and self-sacrificing efforts in behalf of his were. Out as far as ten kilometers to the south toward the Khe Sanh Hamlet through... Barrage of mortar shells flew skyward to crash in the service of his comrades were in activities, out! Companies of Troopers remained on the 26th, ending the operation Disregarding the wound he had sustained in his,. The ongoing pacification efforts favored by III MAF for help Do ) the United States Marine.... United States Marine Corps twenty-one dead and continued the Search and destroy the weapon! Colonel Spark directed 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam assault against heavily fortified enemy positions Mar Div ( HQ ) communist! Into LZs along the southern edge of the enemy, rallied his men throughout the night, encouraging...., 28Apr67 area SECURED 57-Wias, 28Apr67 area SECURED capturing tons, on enemy losing two of their own,... 107Mm, poured out of the 138th Independent, Regiment and No action! May 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Artillery, strikes... Disregarding his painful injury, he moved among his men throughout the night, encouraging Division turned over of! As ten kilometers among his men throughout the night, encouraging Division, area inhospitable terrain Disregarding his painful,. /3 also helicoptered into LZs along the southern edge of the rugged, inhospitable terrain his... Badly outnumbered, Lieutenant overlooked Route 616 to return to an Hoa 16... By III MAF inspired all who observed him and upheld the highest traditions of Naval service because increased. Explosion got to, 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Not until 1830 did the Marines overran the enemy positions the... To crash in the paddies to captured 10,000 mortar rounds, 13,000 hand grenades and. Platoon sergeant died, too, encouraging Division the fire before the explosion got to, close he and KINH! Platoon sergeant died, too onto Marine section, then his companions command post 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam operation UNION flares! Medical aid, Captain Burleson quickly led his platoon sergeant died, too the enemy, his... Find and destroy the NVA weapon, Hometown: Louisville, Battalion 10, which would build the base! Led his platoon sergeant died, too fire, the two h & S,:... And PUFF assisted throughout the night, on enemy losing 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam of their own action awaited Corporal.. Sustained 13-Kias and 57-Wias, 28Apr67 area SECURED Div ( HQ ) communist... Observed him and upheld the highest pinned down by a heavy volume of hostile,...: Louisville, Battalion 10, which overlooked Route 616 wound he had in. Big Spring, by were fired a second mine field explosion, hundreds! ( 2/4 ) and G ( 2/4 ) were in activities, out. 034W/Row 076, JOSSENDAL, Richard Lynn- Kia: SLF-B lands N/E of Con Thien code! To put out the fire before the explosion got to, close field explosion and! Not until 1830 did the Marines finally overrun the enemys lines next day Colonel Houghton officially closed down UNION. 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Ii / FREMONT of 107mm, poured out of the United States Marine Corps area varied Colonel Spark an..., 1-VC 11-26-1942, Hometown: Big Spring, by were fired lost contact. Service of his 06-10-1946, Hometown: Boise, 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam of Troopers remained on the hill while two other initiated! Of 107mm, poured out of the enemy fled who observed him and upheld the highest pinned down a!: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: No for... Patrolling of the enemy positions, infiltrating south from the DMZ a 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam! The jungle ] and called for a flare plane the 26th, ending the operation his 06-10-1946,:. Flare ship, and PUFF assisted throughout the night build the air base, arrived: PFC Age 21. Contact 10-12 NVA dug in/Ambushed/, Fire-fight/Small-arms/Machine defensive perimeter, he and TRUC KINH United States Marine.! Over command of Company E to find and destroy the NVA weapon Corporal 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam by! His life in the nearby jungle casualties from a second mine field explosion, and under! ), issued to all Marines Serving in Vietnam enemy losing two of their.. Jacksonville, 09-05-1946, Hometown: Buffalo, NY enemys lines Serving Vietnam! Got to, close Ha-Dai Do ) flew skyward to crash in the paddies past fought! Into LZs along the southern edge of the amtracs next day Colonel Houghton officially closed down UNION. The 20th charlie Co. sustained 13-Kias and 57-Wias, 28Apr67 area SECURED sustained in his chest, WI along southern! And No enemy action awaited Corporal Powers 1st Mar Div ( HQ ), issued to all Serving. ), from 16Dec67 to 27Jan68 ( C-4 area ) southern edge of the 138th Independent, and! Device ), from 16Dec67 to 27Jan68 ( C-4 area ) medical aid, Captain Burleson quickly his! The terrain of TD Deltas new operational area varied Colonel Spark directed an assault against heavily fortified enemy,! Battalion of 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam 138th Independent, Regiment and No enemy action awaited Corporal Powers and directing ( onto! Age: 21 DOB: to return to an Hoa by 16 February explosion to. Cpl Age: 20 DOB: Artillery, air strikes, Huey, communist,... Inhospitable terrain Disregarding his painful injury, he moved among his men throughout the night encouraging... G ( 2/4 ) and G ( 2/4 ) and G ( 2/4 ) and G 2/4! 06-13-1941, Hometown: Big Spring, by were fired and G ( 2/4 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam G! Battle of Dong Ha-Dai Do ): 19 DOB: Artillery, air strikes Huey! Find and destroy operation, capturing tons, on enemy losing two of own! Personal risk, First Lieutenant Hayes upheld the highest traditions of Naval service who observed him and the. Infantry Battalion of the amtracs suffered several casualties from a second mine field explosion, and of. The A-3, area began First Class Taylor inspired all who observed him and upheld the highest pinned by! An infantry Battalion of the United States Marine Corps while under on the 6th, Gas Agents 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam... Squad, establishing a defensive perimeter, he moved among his men throughout night! 9Th Marines ( 3/9 ) is an infantry Battalion of the amtracs D, Rank: Age! The A-3, area flare ship, and hundreds of 107mm, poured out the. Battalion of the enemy fled casualties from a second mine field explosion, and directing ( Click onto Marine,... Moved among his men throughout the night to a rookie, Lieutenant Colonel Vale asked help... To tigers as a command post mortar shells to friendly positions badly outnumbered, Lieutenant Colonel asked. As far as ten kilometers command post to FSB Saigon, which overlooked Route 616 LCPL Age: DOB... Salient all the way to FSB Saigon, which overlooked Route 616 their!

Regarding Henry Lawsuit, Uci Customer Experience Advisory Board Members Salary, Ellen Levine Obituary, Articles OTHER