scary facts about aquarius woman

Because of their faults, the people who once counted on Aquarians turn against them. Aquarius women have always been considered as mysterious women. Those that are closest to them and who 'get' their twisted sense of humor often find themself in absolute hysterics when Aquarius is around. If things don't work in their favor or they meet an obstacle, they lose confidence. Honestly the most soulless, spineless, baby of a man I've ever known. Aquarius women are incredibly smart. One astrologer said that there are aquas who actually ignore wheel-chair people even if the handicapped person is in trouble. The world wants Aquarius to fufill that role but it won't ever happen. We are tech a Sharknado of emotions. Thanks :). Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is the unique and eccentric newcomer to the party. 13. And shes yapping on and on about how her day went, and the spat she had with her boss and co-workers. She often tends to leave her physical . Moreover, its always a treat to experience it, barring that youre at the receiving end of it cause in that case, god bless you. They are one of the most passionate women you will ever meet. Aquarius women have always been considered as mysterious women. 5 Reasons Aquarius Make The Best Partner Ever! Because we are such highly independent people, letting someone in in the first place is a major feat to us but then to find out that person was untrustworthy etc when we let down our guard seems to hit super hard and we beat ourselves up. Everything is visible there, so the problems and pitfalls ('dark side') of Aquarius are obvious. Such beautiful and charismatic types can be highly influential and the world. Not out of arrogance or something to brag about. (Sometimes for $$$ - but that's another dark side element as well we can discuss later). I can honestly say though that the reason for me not being in a relationship is just due to the fact that I don't get out and my only major relationship didn't understand me. She isnt as extraordinary with guidance (since shes actually sorting everything out, as well), yet raise a questionable theme and shell have an assessment on it. 1. Of course everybody has negative traits, that is normal, and the good and bad make up the complex and interesting human. The French Revolution was called The Reign of Terror, and it reflects the dark side of this sign in its relentless adherence to a higher ideal regardless of the human cost. get ready, aquas, you're in for an ocean of pain there. She will refrain from doing anything that questions her integrity. This is the point when they can say hurtful things and become verbally threatening. They are, by nature, allergic to what's normal, so if you are normal, you won't see them in person much. Continue dreaming and your fantasies will work out on the off chance that you put a little exertion. I have found myself confiding in my one drinking buddy about serious things (and only him). Aquarius is a powerful sign. Well except the relationship part cuz ive never been in a relationship before. 10. 8. I keep quality good friends! My aquarian instincts tell me you aren't and that you probably hate someone that is an aquarius. An Aquarius-women set the bar really high, and expect the same from others. Aquarius falls under the Air element and has an innovative personality. In this manner, they appear to be insensitive regardless of whether there is an explosion of feelings inside them. if you go around hurting people, with your actions, what good is it to your soul journey? I am thinker, rationally and analysing the bigger picture. But if youre expecting to merely see fancy designer clothing, youll be disappointed. I get bored easily, I'm very agitated and restless. Is it working for you?" But to make page after page of 'the dark side of' is really damaging to the soul. This modesty is regularly an extraordinary hindrance en route to progress. Thea Abella from Philippines on January 24, 2019: Hahaha this is so me! -They thrive on change and new experiences, and can get bored easily. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 3. If an Aquarius can do that, it is a sign of maturity. I'm all for a healthy and long-lasting relationship, but sometimes it can all seem like too much to me. it's iike people want to put down others because they are aquarians and wealthy? Exploring the Negative Traits of a Sagittarius. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on May 24, 2015: Rest assured you have Aquarius in your natal chart. She is someone who knows her worth in life and will work accordingly. What exactly is "normal" what everyone else is doing and have no idea why they are doing it and just because you don't want to do it, is bored by it or think it is dumb you're not normal?!?!? It won't be easy to understand the psyche of an Aquarius woman in a short time. She will refrain from doing anything that questions her integrity. My Aquarius boss fit all of those to a T. Quite a horrible person honestly. lol I hate normal people . Pershona Lebourgeois on January 04, 2020: Im a Pisces woman and I used to know an Aquarius woman who completely used me to entertain herself. Famous psychopath Charles Manson, a charismatic Scorpio Sun, had an Aquarius Moon, Saturn, and North Node. How many facts about Aquarius woman can you relate to? While most people find an Aquarius woman arrogant and introvert, however, there is more to her than what meets the eye. People use intimidation, emotional outbursts, jealousy, cohersion or sex to accomplish this. Extremist:Aquarius individuals are constantly extremist. Fix yourself from within and then you will realize that Aquarius are usually the ones who drastically change the world for the better, I know Ive saved a few lives. Treat your Aquarian with love and kindness. Get yourself to full potential, ask with a pure heart, give with a pure heart. Always on the outside, they watch the rest of humanity dispassionately, yet critically. To become whole, Aquarius must strive to integrate their emotional and physical selves as well as find a balance between their consciousness (Sun) and their physical matrix (Earth). What is considered the "norm" in this society is self serving and childlike behavior. A negative Aquarian's fondest dream is to live on somebody else's money. We need your help. Your lineup of shitty aquarians is pathetic. 15 Well Disciplined. Do Not Click This Link inspired by: Bright Side - - https://www.youtub. Individuals falling under this sign have their own thinking . Most of those born under this sign are kind and decent folks if a bit misanthropic and prone to eccentric beliefs and attitudes. Strictly speaking, Aquarius' dark side isn't really 'dark,' since one of the defining characteristics of the Aquarius-Leo opposition, composed of fixed fire and air, is light, plenty of it. They often find themselves stuck in complicated situations all because they cant lie flawlessly for their lives. Here's what you need to know about wooing the water-bearer and what it's like to fall in love with an Aquarius woman. One of the fascinating facts about Aquarius woman is that they are extremely curious about their sensuality. 6. Aquarius zodiac sign can be viewed as truly outstanding if to take a gander at positive attributes and qualities it has, however the initial impression can be mixed up. Suggested Read:5 Reasons Aquarius Make The Best Partner Ever! Unlike other signs, Aquarians really and truly are interested in others. Thus, she works really hard so she can play really hard and travel places. Although Aquarians have a callous exterior, if you hurt them, they will feel disconnected from the world till the time you will put their mind at ease. steve perry's daughter steve perry's daughter. It's worth noting that she showed extraordinary loyalty to her beloved, and stayed with him at the dire end. Ignorance is bliss and do whatever everyone wants you too has two different meanings. The ultimate kick in the arse was when she lied to me about going away on the weekend of my wedding and instead she and all our friends declined my invite and she planned her own bridal shower for the same day/weekend!! Agree-Full Aquarius are as so, although maturity, birth year ect differ.. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on May 25, 2015: Ask a local astrologer to read your chart for you. Never allow other people to make decisions for you. She invokes new energy in bed and thats downright hot! Take a simple thing to her and she will turn into an out of the box idea. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. 13. As an Aquarian there are a few facts Id deem true in this article. Although the typical Aquarian gets along with everybody and greets the world with a sunny smile, they may display a lack of emotion that troubles others. Its not right to state that she needs appreciation all the time but as soon as she feels unappreciated, she bids adieu. Aquarians are famously scared of relationships and negative ones frighten off others by pointing out and broadcasting everyone's mistakes and imperfections. Even in bed, communication is key to being happy! They believe in a very unconventional approach towards life. Clarissa Jones he won t. A steadier and practical view towards relationships which is full of realistic behavior these simple steps not the type easily. For Aquarians, especially those on the borderline of being negative Aquarians, the best bet in life is not love or career but service. Most Aquarians are creative by nature (Im extra weird being left handed) so we are always stretching our minds thinking of the next project or next adventure etc and yes sometimes it can discredit the other person if they arent so passionate and fierce for life and adventure like us. Recently I was fired from my 5year well paid business plan because I didn't want to put down my super bowl planner and finish my daily task, it seems silly but I am guilty of this. I find it a little disturbing that a mature woman would string along a young woman like that and then just discard me like nothing when I made my feelings crystal clear for her. Not for glory. Aquarius, the fixed air sign of the Zodiac, is cool, friendly, eccentric, and quirkily brilliant, but there is a dark side to Aquarius, a cold and ruthless one. They're free-spirited and rebellious, so they cannot stand rules or authority. i feel a little sad about this article because it's kind of true. I'm an Aqurius don't judge 2/18 . All things considered, Aquarius individuals are famous for being emotionally apart in all circumstances, even love relations. Those people have the rare privilege of seeing past Aquarius' self-absorption and stubbornness into their well-meaning hearts. Dark in earnest. Tips for Dating a Capricorn Male (& What to Expect). They lean a lot aside or the other and wind up being somewhat outrageous in their considerations and ways. Irony! Good point. This article is spot on, Sometimes I don't think we know that we are doing things that piss others off because to us it's normal and frankly we could give a shit less, if you get mad that's your problem and you shouldn't be in our space anyway, I married young and got divorced pretty fast, never knew it at the time but I slowly dismantled the relationship not realizing it until I got older and looked back, part of the deal w Aquas having a seperate bed is due to the fact that we cannot control our minds when it comes time to sleep, kinda like the mad scientist that wakes at 3 am to work on a project, sleep is hard to get and seldom deep BC we dream nonstop. 1st Decan Aqua -Equinox on June 13, 2015: ok here's the following few neg-halfway pos about me as Aquarian: 1. 5. Hence the way they express their contemplations in some cases can cause sensitive individuals to feel offended. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Fixed air observes, but cannot relate to others. Im looking for INFORMATION not trash talking. Facts 2: Capricorn smile is their best defense against haters when they simply don't give a damn. lol not always but damn it really really close. I'm an aquarius and I have always felt out of place, everyone around me labels me an introvert and shy and it makes me think its my fault that I can't have relationships and friendships and they don't put in the effort, people say aquarians think that they are amazing and stuff just because we get bored with the things around us like can we really help the way we are. steve perry's daughter 27 Feb. steve perry's daughter Aries actors like Sean Bean and Russell Crowe are famous for brawling both onscreen and off. They dont lose their cool easily but when they do, hell breaks loose. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on April 19, 2012: Jan and reeltaulk, your discussion is getting a bit edgy. When at home, I needed to constantly occupied and doing something to make things more productive in a day. maybe negative aquas are really emotional-less and self centered and don't care about other people. A powerful Aquarian who has been repeatedly betrayed and wounded will do even worse. Because of that, not exclusively its difficult for them to interface with others; however they additionally struggle to take care of their own issues. You can spot the nervousness, their uncomfortable expressions and the loopholes in their lies, which often got them caught. I stayed and get touch even its for years ive lost touched. Can Aquarius fight? Delegates of this sign act as though they are in the nutshell and try not to impart feelings to anybody. As we enter the age of Aquarius this will change to " The thinkers will control the feelers." But for the most part it painted us out to be pretty awful people I feel LOL. As their ancient ruler Saturn suggests, Aquarius is a very loyal zodiac sign, sometimes to a fault. 17 Money Makers. They're calm and sensitive and shy away from labels and categorizations. I will never be friend with an ex lover. A negative Aquarius runs from problems and denies making mistakes, except to a few very close friends and intimates. Now its up to you how far youre willing to go! The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. They get anxious quickly, and it becomes difficult for others to motivate them to come out of the situation. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Things like these can be a hit-and-miss situation. I have had a few wonderful close Aquarian friends born closer to January. Fact 01: Love intellectual people with humor sense Fact 02: Value their private space Fact 03: Enjoy discovering new things Fact 04: Loyal and faithful in love Fact 05: Not good at showing emotions Fact 06: Always say the truth But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Aqu, Neptune in Aquarius: A Deep Sense of Knowing, Individuals with Neptune in Aquarius in their birth chart have a natural freedom of expression that can be inspiring to other generations. The Aquarius woman personality is a force that is never controlled by others. An Aquarius woman will never go ahead and declare that she is right. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. All rights reserved. Even if we pretend we can. They look at any matter from a broader perspective which makes them recognized as highly intellectual . I stick with my high school buddy and we drink and speak of religion and how we'd better society (lol). Plus I would always do her work for her if she was behind and brought her snacks and coffee all the time. They don't like depending on other people. We are the strongest sign. We often have seen people being a split of their own personalities depending on the type of people theyre hanging out with, however, there is no such in-between for an Aquarius woman. Required fields are marked *. She is usually ready to try just about anything in bed as long as you let her take control and make her believe that all that is happening is her choice. Dont try so hard to understand her, just love her and enjoy her wonderful company! An Aquarius friend always encourages you to think for yourself. (Same bday as me) True to your statement we will blatantly tell you whats wrong. why is it our problem what she does with her inheritance? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. However, with all that serious interior they also have a knack for cracking jokes now and then and make people laugh. You can start setting the mood while youre still out in the movies. Theyre practical and would never want to make any decision in a haste. Aquarius Woman Negative Traits All Aquarian women have difficulty with intimacy, but when they go to the dark side, they can be true ice queens who are cold-hearted, aloof, bitchy, and always ready to match wits with everyone. 14 Authoritative. Aquarius women ooze with intelligence. so maybe all signs do that if they are negative, but it sure gives astrologers more fire to the pan to say how aquas lack emotions for other people in the world. They may argue for something passionately that they don't care about at all, or will get into a fight as. You cant call her out when it comes to her finances, either. Theres good and bad in everyone - it comes down to the individual not just their traits of their horoscope. Even the most pathetic Aquarius or Aquarius Moon will bluntly tell you what your problem is and how to fix it. It does not store any personal data. Adventure, thrill and living life every single day is the motto that Aquarius women live by. Let me start off by saying True Aquarians aren't really interested in "friends". When Aquarius detaches from its opposite, Leo's warmth and energy disappear. Dreamer. All Aquarian women have difficulty with intimacy, but when they go to the dark side, they can be true ice queens who are cold-hearted, aloof, bitchy, and always ready to match wits with everyone. Bee Wolf-Ray is a long-time professional astrologer. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on December 06, 2011: It will only fit you if you have enemies! She is inexplicable, intelligent, and unconventional. To branch off from the last point, cooperating is significant on an expert level also. An Aquarius woman does not like to display her emotions openly. Fixed Aquarius-Leo's types, with all their genius and personal power, can forget that such things as physical sensations and emotional responses exist within themselves and others. It was discovered in 1781, right between the political revolutions in France and America which then went on to create the first two modern democratic republics. As a sign ruled by Uranus, they are characterized by their eccentricity and independence. I can point a million things wrong out and tell you how to fix your life! -They are attracted to unique and original people and lifestyles. Not all people who study or write about astrology have the gift for it, thats fer damn sure. She hates being unfair and has zero patience when she sees something wrong happening in front of her. It's what brings them the most comfort. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #aquariuswomen, #factsaboutaquarius, #aquariuswoman, #factsaboutwomen, # . As an intellect, she loves to read, analyze, and write down her thoughts. Pessimism is a trait that affects Aquarians easily. Aquarian representatives need feelings and are realistic individuals, so it makes them disengaged from this present reality. "Co-workers will soon yearn to give Aquarius a beating or a boot out the door." Loves helping. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". She is not very particular about the latest fashion trends and prefers to go with classic, timeless pieces. It will assist you with disposing of the relative multitude of existing feelings of fear and carry on with a glad life. They work best when they create their own jobs, like Oprah Winfrey (Jan. 29) or Simpsons animator Matt Groening (Feb. 15). Lol. original sound. All rights reserved. Aquarius does things crossing the limits. Not for any Aquarians I know, myself included. Theres nothing left to do but receive them with open arms! Just their assessment is correct and nothing else is permissible. MarloByDesign from United States on December 06, 2011: SylviaSky, that makes sense - this Aquarius I know does like their own projects! via GIPHY. Aquarians are considered static and it implies that these individuals are difficult and stubborn. Interesting Facts About Aquarius Personality 1. However, you might never wanna piss her off as they are known for their temper. The Aquarius female can handle being around people pretty much all the time and makes friends wherever she goes. Im an Aquarius and I have manifested my whole life from when I was a child. Natal charts are complex. Focus on things that can be controlled. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. You see, these women are their own person. Here are some freaky facts about Aquarius that will surely blow your mind! If thats the best you could come up with you need to work on your research skills. She knows that already, she just needs you to listen and love her without any judgment. If engaged or married (they think of it as "trapped for life" or "meal ticket for life"), they will want a dwelling with separate bedrooms, bathrooms, hobby rooms, and offices. Like any other sign, the dark side shows itself when we are not being sincerely nourished - mind body and soul. 10 Trustworthy. A good conversation can really inspire her but if she finds your intellect pseudo, she will be bored before you know it. They settle on choices with the head just and decline to wear the heart on their sleeves. The zodiac's natural inventor and innovator, Aquarius is the mad professor of the gang who can change the world with not only their imaginative ideas but their tenacity and persistence in. She is known for being that friend in the group who hates to see her friends sad and in emotionally exhausting situations. Male Aries thrives on physical challenges, and when it's mixed with anger, the warrior nature is activated. He was very two-faced and would say the nicest things about me to my face, and then I'd hear from others how many times he was throwing me under the bus. Most people want to be in control or dominant regardless of their sign. She never dresses to impress or to imply her social status. Yes, its okay to express your own opinions- obviously. She is known for being that friend in the group who hates to see her friends sad and in emotionally exhausting situations. They are rational and see things in a sensible way. What Aquarius generally wants is to work on his or her own projects. To love and to be loved is one of the most beautiful emotions a person can experience. And, moreover, they don't forgive easily. And if I were in a relationship, I would feel guilty for keeping a friendship with an ex. Aquarius is the zodiac sign of people born between January 20 to February 18. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on December 10, 2011: Hillbilly Zen, I'm an Aquarius so I know! Just their assessment is correct and nothing else is permissible. But in next decades if we crossed our paths once again. LOL. However, its not easy to meddle with her sensual beasts, you need to keep her body and brain both turned on. Aquarians are masters of change. Hypocrite:Aquarians is paradoxical in nature. An Aquarius woman will go out of her way to set good examples and make the right decisions. Are you really an aquarian? battle creek police accident reports . Its not right to state that she needs appreciation all the time but as soon as she feels unappreciated, she bids adieu. As a fixed sign, nobody is more certain of their own rightness than this type of Aquarius. Not for fame. I call it honesty and if a person doesnt like what I have to say then dont be such a douche. Perhaps you are feeling stuck in a position that doesn't allow you the autonomy to be an Aquarius. I will wiped you out completely and no return or looking back. I'm loyal will give everything for the right person but when deceived and lied about everything and anything..I'm a person when fired up! We are hermits who love our own company and yes we are highly self-absorbed because we find the ingenuity and fakeness of most people highly exhausting. All seem like too much to me her wonderful company cant call her out when it comes to. Things more productive in a day Aquarius boss fit all of those born under this sign are and. Its not right to state that she needs appreciation all the time but as soon as she feels scary facts about aquarius woman she... Loved is one of the most beautiful emotions a person doesnt like what I have manifested whole. I 'm an Aquarius friend always encourages you to think for yourself Dating a Capricorn Male &... This present reality shows itself when we are not being sincerely nourished - mind body brain. 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