maryland state senators

Early defeated Union troops under Maj. Gen. Lew Wallace. 1. There are 34 state senators in Maryland, and they are responsible for While other men born in Maryland may have served in other Confederate formations, the same is true of units in the service of the United States. [45], The 1st Maryland Infantry Regiment was officially formed on June 16, 1861, and, on June 25, two additional companies joined the regiment in Winchester. Muse, C. Anthony (D), District 26 Zucker, Craig J. The Senate decided that Smith would retain his seat during the session of the legislature, unless the assembly named a successor during that session. 4. Lam, Clarence K. (D), District 12 War produced a legacy of bitter resentment in politics, with the Democrats being identified with "treason and rebellion", a point much pressed home by their opponents. King, Nancy J. Guzzone, Guy J. McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 Rosapepe, James C. (D), District 21 [8] Butler fortified his position and trained his guns upon the city, threatening its destruction. [1] In the leadup to the American Civil War, it became clear that the state was bitterly divided in its sympathies. [69] Such celebrations would prove short lived, as Steuart's brigade was soon to be severely damaged at the Battle of Gettysburg (July 13, 1863), a turning point in the war and a reverse from which the Confederate army would never recover. Minority Leader. Lam, Clarence K. (D), District 12 As one Massachusetts regiment was transferred between stations on April 19, a mob of Marylanders sympathizing with the South, or objecting to the use of federal troops against the seceding states, attacked the train cars and blocked the route; some began throwing cobblestones and bricks at the troops, assaulting them with "shouts and stones". We, as providers, deserve a safe environment to continue providing reproductive health care thats not available to our counterparts in surrounding states and, above all, allows us to provide an environment where our patients needs are served and not criminalized for accessing full spectrum care, which includes abortion, Sanusi said. WebU.S. While it emancipated the state's slaves, it did not mean equality for them, in part because the franchise continued to be restricted to white males. [50] Tony Campbell, Evan Cronhardt, Nnabu Eze, Gerald Smith, and Blaine Taylor [51] were seeking the Republican nomination, with Campbell Smith asked the Senate to clarify his statuswhether his credentials extended through the regular session of the Senate scheduled to begin on May 22, 1809, or if they terminated once the state legislature met again on June 5, 1809. [53] Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 Ready, Justin D. (R), District 5 The very nomination of Abraham Lincoln, four years ago, spoke plainly war upon Southern rights and institutions And looking upon African Slavery from the same stand-point held by the noble framers of our constitution, I for one, have ever considered it one of the greatest blessings (both for themselves and us,) that God has ever bestowed upon a favored nation I have also studied hard to discover upon what grounds the right of a State to secede has been denied, when our very name, United States, and the Declaration of Independence, both provide for secession.[80]. Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 We hope to enable educators to build lesson plans centered around any bill or vote in Congress, even those as recent as yesterday. Vacancy from Feb. 25 to Nov. 18, 1891, because of recess of legislature. [33], The Merryman decision created a sensation, but its immediate impact was rather limited, as the president simply ignored the ruling. Zucker, Craig J. Folden, William G. (R), District 4 Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 Jennings, J. Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 Maryland had ratified the Thirteenth Amendment on February 3, 1865, within three days of it being submitted to the states. [citation needed] Most of these volunteers tended to hail from southern and eastern counties of the state, while northern and western Maryland furnished more volunteers for the Union armies. Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 Smith, William C., Jr. (D), District 20 Lam, Clarence K. (D), District 12 Phillip F. Thomas was elected but was not permitted to qualify. Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 In the presidential election of 1860 Lincoln won just 2,294 votes out of a total of 92,421, only 2.5% of the votes cast, coming in at a distant fourth place with Southern Democrat (and later Confederate general) John C. Breckinridge winning the state. Mautz, John F. (D), District 37 WebProfiles of U.S. Benson, Joanne C. (D), District 24 check that your profile has your current email address before its too late. In 1991, Maryland enacted a law allowing abortions to be performed until a fetus reaches viability, considered to be around 24 weeks. WebThe Maryland Senate is the upper house of the Maryland General Assembly, the state legislature of the U.S. State of Maryland. Gile, Dawn D. (D), District 33 Jurisdictions with bans or restrictive abortion policies also are going after abortion providers from other states, like the Indiana physician investigated after providing abortion services to a 10-year-old rape survivor from Ohio. Kramer, Benjamin F. (D), District 19 Zucker, Craig J. (R), District 7 Hershey, Stephen S., Jr. (R), District 36 King, Nancy J. Watson, Ronald L. (D), District 23 We hope that with your input we can make GovTrack more accessible to minority and disadvantaged communities who we may currently struggle to reach. PDF Help | Muse, C. Anthony (D), District 26 [3][4] In seven counties, Lincoln received not a single vote.[1]. Muse, C. Anthony (D), District 26 Rosapepe, James C. (D), District 21 McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 The bill, sponsored in the Senate by Democrat Shelly Hettleman of Baltimore County and in the House by Democrat Sandy Rosenberg of Baltimore, would prohibit records about reproductive health care, including abortion, from crossing state lines via digital health information exchanges. "The social and economic impact of the Civil War on Maryland" (PhD dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1963) (ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1963. [62] The battle was the culmination of Robert E. Lee's Maryland Campaign, which aimed to take the war to the North. Visit us on Mastodon Hettleman, Shelly L. (D), District 11 ; COS McKay, Michael W. (R), District 1 During the American Civil War (18611865), Maryland, a slave state, was one of the border states, straddling the South and North. Mautz, John F. (D), District 37 Americans in the United Statess six territories are represented in the House of Representatives by an additional six non-voting delegates. Griffith, Melony G. (D), District 25 Mautz, John F. (D), District 37 Ready, Justin D. (R), District 5 Legislation Full Text Publications Media Floor Actions Meetings AELR Analyses/Regulations Bond Initiatives Prior Authorizations Redistricting. Ferguson, Bill (D), Senate President, District 46 Young, Karen Lewis (D), District 3 MARYLAND (DC News Now) Lawmakers in Maryland are pushing for more regulation on diet supplements they say target teens and young people. [59], On 6 September 1862 advancing Confederate soldiers entered Frederick, Maryland, the home of Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, who issued a proclamation calling upon his fellow Marylanders to join his colors. [86] Democrats therefore re-branded themselves the "Democratic Conservative Party", and Republicans called themselves the "Union" party, in an attempt to distance themselves from their most radical elements during the war. However, a number of leading citizens, including physician and slaveholder Richard Sprigg Steuart, placed considerable pressure on Governor Hicks to summon the state Legislature to vote on secession, following Hicks to Annapolis with a number of fellow citizens: to insist on his [Hicks] issuing his proclamation for the Legislature to convene, believing that this body (and not himself and his party) should decide the fate of our stateif the Governor and his party continued to refuse this demand that it would be necessary to depose him. ", Cannon, Jessica Ann. Americans in the United Statess six territories do not have senators. Simonaire, Bryan W. (R), District 31 The Constitution of 1867 overturned the registry test oath embedded in the 1864 constitution. King, Nancy J. Merrick's fellow judges took up the case and ordered General Porter to appear before them, but Lincoln's Secretary of State Seward prevented the federal marshal from delivering the court order. Hayes, Antonio L. (D), District 40 Duncan, Richard Ray. McKay, Michael W. (R), District 1 Congressman Henry May (D-Maryland) was imprisoned without charge and without recourse to habeas corpus in Fort Lafayette. More Americans died in battle on September 17, 1862, than on any other day in the nation's military history. Twitter announced the end of their free login service, unless we pay, and we are not going to pay. (D), District 15 Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 Privacy Policy | Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 Disappointingly for the exiles, recruits did not flock to the Confederate banner. [45] Among them were members of the former volunteer militia unit, the Maryland Guard Battalion, initially formed in Baltimore in 1859. Losses were extremely heavy on both sides; The Union suffered 12,401 casualties with 2,108 dead. Baltimore boasted a monument to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson[81] until they were taken down on August 16, 2017. Lam, Clarence K. (D), District 12 [62] The order indicated that Lee had divided his army and dispersed portions geographically (to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, and Hagerstown, Maryland), thus making each subject to isolation and defeat in detail - if McClellan could move quickly enough. One notable Maryland front line regiment was the 2nd Maryland Infantry, which saw considerable combat action in the Union IX Corps. (D), District 39 6306239). "[79]:48 Others thought they heard him say "Revenge for the South!" Confederate forces under Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Kagan, Cheryl C. (D), District 17 51-52. McKay, Michael W. (R), District 1 Ferguson, Bill (D), Senate President, District 46 Stuart. Maryland exile George H. Steuart, leading the 2nd Maryland Infantry regiment, is said to have jumped down from his horse, kissed his native soil and stood on his head in jubilation. They make important decisions that impact the lives of residents across Maryland. In 1864, before the end of the War, a constitutional convention outlawed slavery in Maryland. Confederate States Army bands would later play the song after they crossed into Maryland territory during the Maryland Campaign in 1862.[13]. Watson, Ronald L. (D), District 23 Menu. All representatives serve until the end of the current Congress on Jan 3, 2025. Hester, Katie Fry (D), District 9 (D), District 15 Ferguson, Bill (D), Senate President, District 46 Folden, William G. (R), District 4 Gallion, Jason C. (R), District 35 West, Christopher R. (R), District 42 As he presented the bill to amend the state constitution before the committee, Ferguson recalled his wifes reaction on June 24, 2022, when the Supreme Court handed down its decision in the Dobbs case. [citation needed], Thousands of Union troops were stationed in Charles County, and the Federal Government established a large, unsheltered prison camp at Point Lookout at Maryland's southern tip in St. Mary's County between the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay, where thousands of Confederates were kept, often in harsh conditions. Gallion, Jason C. (R), District 35 Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 The Maryland State Senate meets in the State House in Annapolis, Maryland . Kagan, Cheryl C. (D), District 17 WebMaryland was admitted to the Union on April 28, 1788, and elects senators to Class 1 and Class 3. Feb 21, 2023, Not to be confused with, the website of Life University, a Georgia school for chiropractors. There was much less appetite for secession than elsewhere in the Southern States (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Alabama Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee) or in the border states (Kentucky and Missouri),[2] but Maryland was equally unsympathetic towards the potentially abolitionist position of Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln. West, Christopher R. (R), District 42 If you log into GovTrack using Twitter, make sure you dont lose access to your GovTrack account. Gile, Dawn D. (D), District 33 Randolph McKim, Numerical Strength of the Confederate Army, New York, 1912. (R), District 7 Carozza, Mary Beth (R), District 38 Ellis, Arthur C. (D), District 28 Two said Booth yelled "I have done it!" The destruction was accomplished the next day. Some, like physician Richard Sprigg Steuart, remained in Maryland, offered covert support for the South, and refused to sign an oath of loyalty to the Union. Murphy v. Porter. Carter, Jill P. (D), District 41 Emancipation did not immediately bring citizenship for former slaves. [75] Those voting at their usual polling places were opposed to the Constitution by 29,536 to 27,541. Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 Confederate casualties were 10,318 with 1,546 dead. This is part of a new project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom. Salling, Johnny Ray (R), District 6 Article II, Section 17(a) of the Maryland Constitution specifies it takes a three-fifths vote of both chambers to override a veto,[5] which is 29 votes in the State Senate. Thomas Livermore, Numbers and Losses in the Civil War, Boston, 1900. Despite some popular support for the cause of the Confederate States of America, Maryland did not secede during the Civil War. The state legislature failed to elect a candidate to fill the term before it adjourned, so the governor appointed Smith to fill the seat on Mar. Hester, Katie Fry (D), District 9 Bailey, John D. (Jack) (R), District 29 The leader of the Senate is known as the President, a position currently held by Bill Ferguson, who represents Baltimore City. Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 The Confederate General A. P. Hill described, the most terrible slaughter that this war has yet witnessed. Salling, Johnny Ray (R), District 6 Waldstreicher, Jeffrey D. (D), District 18 Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 These restrictive states, however, dont seem content to just stop abortion within their own states, she said. Waldstreicher, Jeffrey D. (D), District 18 [41][42] May was eventually released and returned to his seat in Congress in December 1861, and in March 1862 he introduced a bill to Congress requiring the federal government to either indict by grand jury or release all other "political prisoners" still held without habeas. And starting in 2019 well be tracking Congresss oversight investigations of the executive branch. King, Nancy J. Brooks, Benjamin T., Sr. (D), District 10 (D), District 39 Senators serve six-year terms with staggered elections. McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 (D), District 14, Mautz, John F. (D), District 37 WebStatus Agendas Senate Index House Index Follow Both Chambers Publications About. Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 Mastodon is an alternative social media platform. Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 Hester, Katie Fry (D), District 9 In this case U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, and native Marylander, Roger B. Taney, acting as a federal circuit court judge, ruled that the arrest of Merryman was unconstitutional without Congressional authorization, which Lincoln could not then secure: The President, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, cannot suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, nor authorize any military officer to do so. Senate President Bill Ferguson introduces SB768, which would allow voters to enshrine abortion access in the Maryland constitution, on Wednesday before the Senate Finance Committee. Young, Karen Lewis (D), District 3 Waldstreicher, Jeffrey D. (D), District 18 If it passes through both the State House and Senate as well as receives an affirming signature by Governor Wes Moore, the bill could go into effect as early as October of this year. Kent, Queen Anne's, Cecil, and Content Responsibility | Simonaire, Bryan W. (R), District 31 Hester, Katie Fry (D), District 9 Hatboro, PA: Tradition Press, Whitman H. Ridgway. Salling, Johnny Ray (R), District 6 Senators are elected in even-numbered years when the President of the United States is not being elected, similar to most other state offices in Maryland. [25] After the occupation of the city, Union troops were garrisoned throughout the state. You are encouraged to reuse any material on this site. Americans in the United Statess six territories do not have senators. or "The South shall be free!" Rosapepe, James C. (D), District 21 He goes about from place to place, sometimes staying in one county, sometimes in another and then passing a few days in the city. Carter, Jill P. (D), District 41 James, Mary-Dulany (D), District 34 Patients would need to consent for their records to be transferred. King, Nancy J. Had been reelected on Jan. 15, 1890, for the term beginning Mar. Salling, Johnny Ray (R), District 6 We hope to make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you. Senators represent Maryland in the 118th Congress, which convened "[77][78] Some didn't recall hearing Booth shout anything in Latin. Muse, C. Anthony (D), District 26 Approximately a tenth as many enlisted to "go South" and fight for the Confederacy. Each state in the United States elects two senators, regardless of the states population. Jackson, Michael A. West, Christopher R. (R), District 42 Keep up to date with Maryland politics, elections and important decisions made by federal, state and local government officials. [66], Lee's setback at the Battle of Antietam can also be seen as a turning point in that it may have dissuaded the governments of France and Great Britain from recognizing the Confederacy, doubting the South's ability to maintain and win the war.[67]. Griffith, Melony G. (D), District 25 [82] A home for retired Confederate soldiers in Pikesville, Maryland opened in 1888 and did not close until 1932. By late summer Maryland was firmly in the hands of Union soldiers. The 1860 Federal Census[7] showed there were nearly as many free blacks (83,942) as slaves (87,189) in Maryland, although the latter were much more dominant in southern counties. Democrat. Anthony Kennedy (AM. Majority Whip. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term. Jennings, J. Legislation Full Text Publications Media Floor Actions Meetings AELR Analyses/Regulations Bond Initiatives Prior Authorizations Redistricting. Smith, William C., Jr. (D), District 20 Ill never forget the moment walking down the stairs and seeing my wife in tears. Please join our advisory group to let us know what more we can do. Mautz, John F. (D), District 37 Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 His executive officer was the Marylander George H. Steuart, who would later be known as "Maryland Steuart" to distinguish him from his more famous cavalry colleague J.E.B. It did not affect Maryland. [61], One of the bloodiest battles fought in the Civil war (and one of the most significant) was the Battle of Antietam, fought on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, in which Marylanders fought with distinction for both armies. Waldstreicher, Jeffrey D. (D), District 18 Were looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. Composition as of the beginning of the 20192022 term on January 9, 2019: During the 20152018 term, the State Senate was made up of 33 Democrats and 14 Republicans. Its an open protocol, which means it does not have an owner using the platform West, Christopher R. (R), District 42 There formerly was a Confederate monument behind the courthouse in Rockville, Maryland, dedicated to "the thin grey line". Vacancy from Mar. 4, 1867, to Mar. Because Maryland had not seceded from the United States the state was not included under the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, which declared that all enslaved people within the Confederacy would henceforth be free. Youve cast your vote. Hackers/journalists/researchers: See these open data sources. Washington, Alonzo T. (D), District 22 McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 Mautz, John F. (D), District 37 West, Christopher R. (R), District 42 During this period in spring 1861, Baltimore Mayor Brown,[31] the city council, the police commissioner, and the entire Board of Police were arrested and imprisoned at Fort McHenry without charges. When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. MEMBERS. Jackson, Michael A. Guzzone, Guy J. (D), District 14, Waldstreicher, Jeffrey D. (D), District 18 (R), District 7 [26], Butler went on to occupy Baltimore and declared martial law, ostensibly to prevent secession, although Maryland had voted solidly (5313) against secession two weeks earlier,[27] but more immediately to allow war to be made on the South without hindrance from the state of Maryland,[25] which had also voted to close its rail lines to Northern troops, so as to avoid involvement in a war against its southern neighbors. Rosapepe, James C. (D), District 21 James, Mary-Dulany (D), District 34 It has been estimated that, of the state's 1860 population of 687,000, about 4,000 Marylanders traveled south to fight for the Confederacy. (2021), Schoeberlein, Robert W. "'A Record of Heroism': Baltimores Unionist Women in the Civil War", This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 01:19. Each Senator has at least one standing committee assignment. [74] Article 24 of the constitution at last outlawed the practice of slavery. Gallion, Jason C. (R), District 35 King, Nancy J. Smith, William C., Jr. (D), District 20 Feb 20, 2023. Klausmeier, Katherine A. Some witnesses said he shouted "The South is avenged! Hettleman, Shelly L. (D), District 11 Elfreth, Sarah K. (D), District 30 Zucker, Craig J. This history of the 1st U.S.C.T., credited to the District of Columbia contains roster on pp. Rosapepe, James C. (D), District 21 (D), District 15 The rules of the Senate also permit members to limit debate by a three-fifths majority vote, meaning Republicans would need to gain four additional seats, for a total of 19, in order to sustain a veto or filibuster legislation. One feature of the new constitution was a highly restrictive oath of allegiance which was designed to reduce the influence of Southern sympathizers, and to prevent such individuals from holding public office of any kind. McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 Waldstreicher, Jeffrey D. (D), District 18 Because Maryland's sympathies were divided, many Marylanders would fight one another during the conflict. B. Kramer, Benjamin F. (D), District 19 that "the 23rd was made up of men mostly from Washington and Baltimore" though the regiment was credited to the state of Virginia. Help us develop the tools to bring real-time legislative data into the classroom. According to one of his aides: "We loved Maryland, we felt that she was in bondage against her will, and we burned with desire to have a part in liberating her". Folden, William G. (R), District 4 We are also still on Instagram at posting 60-second summary videos of legislation in Congress. (D), District 8 Gile, Dawn D. (D), District 33 Kagan, Cheryl C. (D), District 17 (D), District 39 [64], The armies met near the town of Sharpsburg by the Antietam Creek. [14], Hearing no immediate reply from Washington, on the evening of April 19 Governor Hicks and Mayor Brown ordered the destruction of railroad bridges leading into the city from the North, preventing further incursions by Union soldiers. McKay, Michael W. (R), District 1 (D), District 8 Young, Karen Lewis (D), District 3 [34] Indeed, when Lincoln's dismissal of Chief Justice Taney's ruling was criticized in a September 1861 editorial by Baltimore newspaper editor Frank Key Howard (Francis Scott Key's grandson), Howard was himself arrested by order of Lincoln's Secretary of State Seward and held without trial. Bryan W. ( R ), District 6 we hope to make GovTrack more to! United Statess six territories do not have senators 33 Randolph McKim, Strength. Must be attributed to the Maryland General Assembly, the state was bitterly divided its! Mckay, Michael W. ( R ), District 11 Elfreth, Sarah K. ( ). Senator has at least one standing committee assignment the executive branch tools to bring real-time legislative data into classroom. Former slaves, Maryland enacted a law allowing abortions to be confused with, the state Revenge the... 40 Duncan, Richard Ray Assembly, the state was bitterly divided in its sympathies U.S.! 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