list of british prisoners in colditz

Levings the RMO of that unit, was sent to Campo 57, to run its hospital facilities. Broke into Kommandant's office, cut hole into storeroom, out of storeroom in German and Polish orderly uniforms. The bulk of the correspondence that has been preserved (and not all of it has been) is in FO 371. After the Allied bombing raids on Wilhelmshaven in February 1942 this facility was moved to Westertimke. While the information is limited it does include name and address, type of reward, amount of financial compensation and any remarks. This is an excellent account of Colditz, a special prisoner of war camp for special prisoners. Early 1945 reports have 27303 POWs with 491 officers, 214 of which were British, later reports show 217 British, 17 US, 9439 Soviets, 40 Belgians, 299 Yugoslavs, 1835 Italians and 5030 French. Building the Colditz Glider. Located in Fara in Sabina 35 km from Rome. The men were marched along country roads towards the Oder, first north towards Dresden, then when the Germans changed their mind, south towards Bavaria, eventually reaching Stalag XIII-D near Nuremberg. Drama, War. The nearest large city is Kaliningrad (formerly Konigsberg). Britains Imperial War Museum notes that Of the 170,000 British and Commonwealth prisoners of war in Germany in the Second World War, fewer than 1,200 of them managed to escape successfully and make a home run. The camp at Mahrisch-Trubau contained around 2,000 officers, mostly British captured in North Africa and the Greek Islands, but there were also numbers of Greek, French and American POW. In late 1944 he escaped again and this time made it to Sweden. The camp had field post number 31686, and held up to 30,000 POWs from Poland , Belgium , France , Soviet Union , Yugoslavia , Italy & Great Britain. 1940: In October, Donald Middleton, Keith Milne, and Howard Wardle (a Canadian who joined the RAF just before the war) became the first British prisoners at Colditz. Italy also had civilian internment camps although certain POW camps had some civilian prisoners also. Alternatively, search more than 1 million objects from $12.10M, Approved Also, Papers dealing with the treatment of British POWs in German hands are in DEFE 2/1126-1128. From the 15th of August 1940 there were 356 officers and 140 other ranks. A sub-camp Stalag XVIII-A/Z was later opened in Spittal an der Drau about 100 km (62 mi) to the west. It had the reputation of being one of the worst Stalags, especially when it was overcrowded in 1945. 31,665 | Stalag IV-G Oschatz Saxony Location N/E 51-13. Search them here now. The third barrack contained administrative headquarters. Roger Bushell is believed not to have used the tunnel, instead escaping on the same night from a goat shed in the camp grounds. Florence Desmond, This camp was unique in that it comprised several buildings in the centre of the small town, from which the remaining Polish inhabitants had been removed. Sagan became one of the most active escape camps of WWII and a constant thorn in the Nazis side. The pretty astonishing escape attempts make for a core theme here, and his depictions of the main players really sparks up the narrative--as Macintyre has achieved in his earlier works. Tins of coffee, which was hard to come by in Germany late in the war, served this same purpose in many camps. Relocated to Biberach, housed mainly French and Serbo-Croat officers. Originally a Hitler Jugend camp, then in October 1939 it housed Polish POWs, and after the fall of Belgium/France it came to cram in around 30,000, originally designed for half that number. Prisoners of various nationalities were generally separated from each other by barbed-wire fences subdividing each stalag into sections. If the person you are searching for is an officer then its likely he was held in an Oflag (Officers camp) however many officers were also incarcerated into Stalags (other ranks camps) and particularly at the very beginning and end of the war you may find an officer in a stalag or an airman in a stalag rather than a stalag luft and vice versa. On Christmas Eve 1942 a number of officers arranged a fight outside one of the huts. One ladder collapsed, so of the 41 involved, only 28 escaped the camp, and only three of those made it home. 9 miles west of the port of Brindisi, mainly Indian POWs. In June 1941 the massive influx of Soviet prisoners from Operation Barbarossa began. Contents 1 1941 escape attempts 2 1942 escape attempts 3 1943 escape attempts 4 1944 escape attempts 5 1945 escape attempts 6 Further reading 7 External links Reports from SHAEF dated February 1945 showed 1 Belgian, 1 Yugoslav and 2870 French were held. I knew about this prisoner of war camp from having read and reread and loved. They worked predominately on farms and had the possibility to obtain better nourishment. Location lists and additional aerial photographs of POW camps in Germany, Italy and Occupied Europe, including reports on transfers, are in AIR 14/1235-1240, and similar documentation on German camps occurs in AIR 40/227-231. In the latter circumstances, the more perceptive SBOs, realising the Germans would quickly take control, encouraged individual escapes; while some of the more enterprising prisoners escaped without official sanction. 3 men also escaped via Danzig and Sweden in the wooden horse escape of 1943. Originally opened in September1942the camp reported having 81other ranks on 26th February 1943. Stalag IV-C Wistritz Bei Teplitz Bohemia Location N/E 50-13. On the 11th May 1942 52 POWs escaped from Kirchain via a tunnel, all were later recaptured. | P.G. I greatly enjoy WWII history but sometimes books on that topic are too brutal, and depressing. Covering 50 hectares (120 acres) the camp contained a kitchen, bakery, latrines and bathhouse, and was surrounded by a double barbed-wire fence with five gates and four guard towers (later increased to nine). The prisoners quickly found German bugs in their rooms, and discovered that an "English general" imprisoned with them was a German agent. It was located in a former Benedictine Abbey dedicated to Saint Hedwig of Silesia, that had been a military school between 1840 and 1920, and used by the Nazis as a "National Political Educational Institution" from 1934. Four were recaptured. 161 officers were held here on 26/2/43 and it opened originally in June 1941. Drama, War. While no discrete record holds these forms, they are occasionally found in War Crimes files. The number of inmates reached its peak of 5,944 officers and 796 orderlies. It was designed to hold 10,000 men, was the largest in the 3rd Military District, and was considered a model for other camps. Stalag IV-H Zeithain (also known as Jacobstahl), Stalag Luft V, Wolfen, Groditz, Halle (Saale), Stalag Va Ludwigsburg, Germany (Baden-Wrttemberg), Stalag V-A Malschbach Ludwigsburg Wurtemberg Location N/E 49-09. Directors: A substantial quantity of material concerning British and Commonwealth POWs - mostly Air Force personnel - can be found in the Headquarters Papers of Bomber Command (AIR 14), and in the Air Ministry's Directorate of Intelligence Papers. I Similar material, with reports on German interrogation methods, is in AIR 14/461-465. The sounds of the encroaching American artillery could be heard getting louder and louder at this camp. October 1944 -soldiers from the Polish Warsaw Rising came, including over 1,000 women soldiers and officers. By the spring of 1942 an estimated 18,000 had died of hunger and disease, mainly typhus fever. New Zealand Brigadiers James Hargest and Reginald Miles esc. In 1941 more prisoners arrived from the Balkans Campaign mostly British and Yugoslavians (mostly Serbs). The camp was liberated by the U.S. Ninth Army on 12 April 1945. 'Colditz: Prisoners of the Castle' by Ben Macintyre NJ McGarrigle October 08 2022 02:30 AM The inmates of Colditz Castle in Germany might have thought their war was over upon capture, but a. It contained POW camps for non-commissioned officers and other ranks. Stalag 366 also had a branch in White Podlaska, which until late 1942/43 was an independent Dulag. Stalag X-C Nienburg Hanover, Prussia Location N/E 52-09, Stalag XI-A (POWs from Stalag L4 & L1) Altengrabow Brandenburg, Prussia 52-12. On the approach of Allied forces in April 1945 all fit prisoners from the camps and neighbouring labour units were marched east to Stalag XVIII-C. Officially, the camp was liberated by elements of the British 8th Army on 11 May 1945. Rachel Kempson, Michael Wilding, Peter Finch, Also recorded elsewhere (incorrectly?) POWs were transferred from camps in Italy, mainly British Commonwealth officers from the Battle of Crete and North African Campaign. Which are released under the terms of the 116 min Stalag II-B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia Location N/E 53-17. The first one was in Siedlce, and the second was titled in the following towns: Suchozebry and Will Suchozebrska. They also organized the dates of escapes so that one group did not interfere with another. The files BT 382/3232-3249 consist of an alphabetical series of printed cards relating to merchant seamen POWs of all nationalities. On 14th May 1942 all Polish POWs were transferred to Oflag II D Gross Born, where prisoners were all French. There were 20 officers and 4570 other ranks held here according to reports of 26/2/43. | Douglas Bader - British fighter pilot, Wing commander in Battle of Britain; Per Bergsland - Norwegian pilot of No. In their place British, French and other Allied officers were transferred to Hadamar from the citadel of Mainz. Located in a building that was previously a school, closed early in April 1945. The US and British POWs stood fast as per their orders when liberated and were later evacuated via a nearby Airfield some 32 miles to the south of the camp to Le Havre and homewards then by Sea. The prison camp had been constructed on the site of a former German military camp that had once billeted German cavalry troops and their horses. Girot KIA: Gestapo, May 1944. in September 1943 PG60 was turned into a concentration camp for political prisoners and Jews. Everyone would scramble for what they could get. Less than eight months later Oflag IV-C was captured by American soldiers from 1st US Army. The first transport numbering 2254 POWs (1618 officers and 636 other ranks) arrived at the camp on 6th November 1939. They reached Stalag 357 (Stalag XI-B), near Fallingbostel around April 3, 1945. The conditions in the camp, as well as with all Soviet prisoners of war, led to their gradual extinction. During WWI it was a Military prison, before becoming a garrison for the Polish army after 1918. IMDB lists twenty-one films on the theme, most prominently the 1963 production The Great Escape, starring Steve McQueen, James Garner, and Richard Attenborough. Four managed to reach Switzerland, the rest were recaptured. In May 1940 as the building work progressed small groups of Polish officers were transferred in from other POW camps. As with all POWs, escape was always in mind. In September 1942 the British prisoners were transferred to other camps, and were replaced with Polish officers, with 1,077 brought from Romania, where they had been interned since September 1939, and another 1,500 transferred from other camps in Germany. In May 1941 Oflag XIII-B was created in a separate compound for Serbian officers captured during the Balkans Campaign. They are arranged alphabetically by name sequences with separate sections for those held by Germany and Japan. Stars: Oflag IV-D Elsterhorst was a World War II German Army Prisoner-of-war camp for Allied officers located near Hoyerswerda in Saxony, 44 km north-east of Dresden. The camp was created in September 1939. Stalag VIII-A Gorlitz (Moved to Moosburg Murenberg) Silesia Location N/E 51-15. It reopened as an other ranks Stalag Luft and officers were transferred in October 1942. 172 officers held here as of February 26th 1943, opened originally in June 1941. Housed 42202 POWs with 27 officers, 271 British. From the port of disembarkation prisoners of war went to transit camps in the south of Italy. It was organised by the Schutzstaffel - SS-Baubrigade Iwhich was at first under direct supervision of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp; and after mid-February 1943 then run under the Neuengamme camp in northern Germanylocated near the old telegraph tower at La Foulre. There was a hospital located near here at Saandhof & Stolzenberg and 350 British & US and 200 other ranks were there on March 17th 1945. During WW2, German POWs in Britain plot to escape from their prison camp in Scotland. Director: Lewis Gilbert Although partially demolished during the 1920s, it was used to accommodate about 750 men. Aerial photographs of camps are in AIR 40/227-231. Other camps found as listed but without designations (mostly civilian): Ellera Corciano, Castiglione della Valle/Castel Serena & Pietraffita Tavernelle. Kriegslazarett Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 604 - Military Hospital in the, (3.10.1944) Stalag 304 Zeithain (Soviet POWS), British & Imperial Prisoners of War held in Germany WWII. Digital files of films and sound recordings are available at cost depending on intended use. Absolutely brilliant. In German-run camps an 'Oflag' was a prisoner of war camp for officers, a 'Stalag' was for enlisted personnel, and there were also separate camps for the navy, aircrews and civilians. Jumped wall of exercise yard of Colditz town jail, stole bicycle. 189 officers held here as of 26/2/41 originally opened May 1941. Bathing was provided once a month outside the camp. Lignite mine work camp near Giano dellUmbria. Some of the material on this page was partially derived from <> and ,, , , , Piotr Setkiewicz 'The Histories of Auschwitz IG Farben werk camps 1941-45. Opened originally in July 1942, 250other ranks were reported here on December30th 1942. 'Imperial Prisoners of War held in Italy dated August 1943. Harsh conditions, malnutrition, maltreatment and recurring typhoid epidemics led to many deaths among the prisoners. The Poles were transferred to other camps, and in March 1941 it was redesignated Stalag XVIII-A, with French and Belgian prisoners being transferred in from Stalag XVII-A. Generally speaking, Im more of a fan of his espionage tales than the broader war histories hes done, but this takes all of those elements and boils it down to one incredible pressure-cooker of a story. This is sometimes confusing as Italy also had concentration camps in the normal sense of the word for holding of Political opponents and Jews. Sforza costa is 12 miles south of Macerata which is close to the east coast of Italy in the Marche region. Located at 53 degrees, 41 minutes North, 16 degrees, 55 minutes East in the far North of Germany on the Baltic coast. The third tunnel ran westwards from the westernmost barrack block under a sentry tower on the south-western corner of the camp. The huts were about 75yds by 10yds and contained two tier beds for up to 200 prisoners. 11, Hospital #12-Gombos Gyul, Budapest, Hungary 47-19, Salonika Civilian Internment Camp Salonika Greece 40-23, San Martino Civilian Internment Camp Monferrato Italy 45-08, Schuler Military Hospital, Ploesti (Ploesci) Romania 45-26, Serbian Hospital Zagreb Croatia, Yugoslavia 45-16, Sinaia Military Hospital #415, Sinaia, Romania 45-25, Skoplue Military Hospital Serbia Southern Yugoslavia 42-21, Sofia Military Hospital Sofia Bulgaria 42-23, Sospel Civilian Internment Camp Monaco France 44-07, Spitalul de Stat, Targoviste, Romania 45-25, St. Denis (Grand Caserine) Civilian Internment Camp Paris France 49-02, Stadtroda Hospital #1170 (Serves Stalag IX-C) Stadtroda Thuringia, Germany 51-11, State Hospital Trencin Czechoslovakia 49-18, Sub-Lagarule Timis, Timisul de Jos, Romania 45-21, Targu-Jiu POW Camp, Targu-Jiu, Romania 45-23, Teil Lazarett (Serves Stalag XVIII-A) Spittal/Drau Carinthia, Austria 46-13, Transit Camp 133 Unknown (probably located in Rennes, France as Lazarett 133), Transit Camp and Hospital (Dulag 127) Zemun Slavonia 45-20, Transit Camp Feld Post #319797 Location Unknown, Val De Grace Hospital For Civilians Paris France 49-02, Vaucluse Restricted Residence For Civilians Vaucluse France 44-05, Venlo Restricted Residence For Civilians Venloo Holland 51-06, Vernet Civilian Internment Camp Ariege France 43-01, Vincenzo Civilian Internment Camp Vincenzo Italy 45-11, Von Kormend Civilian Hospital Szombathely, Hungary 47-16, Wartenburg Prison Wartenburg East Prussia 53-20, The International Committee of the Red Cross, The Red Cross together with the order of St John joined forces during WWII just as they had in WWI to carry out extensive humane services for the sick and wounded, for POWs and civilians alike. Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley | Trevor Howard, 3,104 POWs here on 26/2/43 originally opened in August 1941. Camps in Italy were normally prefixed PG prigionieri di guerra (prisoner of war), however the full title is campo concentramento prigionieri di guerra hence abbreviations may have the title Campo 57 or PG 57 etc so CC is also commonly used. In September 1943 some Italian internees were transferred to Stalag II-A from Italy after the capitulation. District XIII- Nearest city Stuttgart in the Southwest of Germany. $17.11M, Approved Over 700 of the inmates are said to have lost their lives before the camps were closed and the remaining inmates transferred to Germany in 1944. This was a general rule, although there are plenty of reports the Germans misused this to force labour on troops that would aid the German war effort. Trevor Howard, 3,104 POWs here on 26/2/43 originally opened in August 1941 sent Campo... 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