john mccord bmx real life

captainformCustomVars['772605'] = ''; But no, instead, we have The Ride, an upcoming indie film inspired by the real-life story of BMX star John Buultjens. Ny Magee | Nov 11, 2020 Share on Facebook . ", Train crash an 'unimaginable tragedy' - Greek president, Survivors describe 'nightmarish seconds' as trains crashed, Rescuers search wreckage of deadly Greece train crash. To his shame now, John says initially he could not deal with having a father who was brown-skinned. Buultjens, "I promise not to quit if you don't." Them. }); by Emalyn Muzzy, Arts and Entertainment ReporterPublished December 3, 2020. All Rights Reserved. Or you knowa trendy promise made earlier this year that has already seemed to lose steam! Raised by a white supremacist family John spent most of his youth locked up in a juvenile detention center. textContent: 'var frmRef=""; try {; } catch(err) {}; var captainform_servicedomain="";var cfJsHost = "https://";', SWAMPFEST X DIG 2023 - KINKED RAIL - ODYSSEY STEP UP - POLE JAM GAP JAMS Trey Jones and the Swampfest crew really outdid themselves once again, and took the course madness to a new level, literally and figuratively. 1 day ago, by Chanel Vargas Of course, Eldridge (Ludacris) and Marianna Buultjens (Sasha Alexander), an interracial couple who wants to "provide a fresh start for the tormented youth," take in Jordan. "I could have killed my father," John says. Eldridge makes it his "mission" to overcome the "challenges" of John's white supremacist upbringing, forming a bond through the young man's fascination with extreme sports. John was taken into care and it was years later before he found out that it was his mother who had alerted the police and social services to what was going on. On his path to BMX glory, John must learn to put his past behind him and look towards a brighter future. up One of my earliest memories is the stench of waste in the streets, he recalls. }, 50); The bike represented freedom., Realising the limitations in his competitive abilities, Buultjens concentrated on his love of constructing and designing bikes. Trying. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63ff3d79dd70d'); 'The Ride' follows John McCord, an . } It is this version of John's story which is full of bombshells to shock even the hard-hearted of readers. Information about brokerage services Consumer It stars Ludacris the rappe. I can't speak to how true-to-life the film is, but I can speak to the utter exhaustion that rose in my body just watching the trailer and reading that synopsis. Chosen as an Official Selection of the 2018 Newport Beach Film Festival. John says: "The number one stunt man in the film ET was Bob Haro. The pair ended up having a long conversation about Buultjens difficult upbringing in Glasgow and how he had found love and redemption through his adoptive family and BMX. What a ride Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude. if ('' == 'left') Directed by Alex Ranarivelo, The Ride begins in Northern California, where most of the story takes place. There was always a constant fear at home growing up. John was eventually put into Glenrosa children's home after he picked up a knife in a bid to stop his dad beating his mum. BMX Glory Against All The Odds has inspired an emotional response from crowds over the world and there is even an adjusted film of his biography featuring rapper-turned-entertainer Ludacris which is. He eventually gets introduced to a foster family only to discover his new father is black but together they work through to overcome his racism and form a bond that helps thrust him down the path to BMX. From being thrown into a fire to confronting his father with a kitchen knife, John certainly didn't have an easy start in life. There he met Ricky Nelson during a football game and they . Rooted by this newfound passion the family builds a bond of mutual respect love and together they speed toward BMX glory and ultimately redemption. "I actually ran into the bedroom with a kitchen knife to stop him but he knocked me out before I could attack him," he says. I certainly cant minimize this narrative as a simple and fickle Hollywood trend when Im watching a real-life montage of a black man forgiving his brothers killer (while attempting to fully erase the mother who spoke out against police corruption). John, who grew up in the Drumchapel area of Glasgow, says his earliest memory of his father is being thrown into an electric fire at the age of three. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? Seven years after being imprisoned, John (played by Shane Graham) is finally let out when hes 16 years old, but hes a very emotionally damaged person. Between takes, the pair would talk about their childhoods and how they followed their passions. setTimeout( function() { resize77260563ff3d79dd1c9(wrapper); There's this obsession in Hollywood with white savior movies in which white people are donning the metaphorical cape, or Black people are doing the labor, and a white person still being the savior because they learned not to be racist. It summed up the mood of desperation. Back in 2001 I was working in a local Video Shop (Global Video) for a crappy minimum Roster includes Motocross drama Bennetts War. formId: '772606' Bridges performance as Eldridge is at times a little stiff, but he and Alexander are convincing overall as caring foster parents, while Graham turns in a capable performance as teenage John. 2023 BBC. Alex Ranarivelo's The Ride follows John McCord, a gifted young athlete who triumphs over a troubled upbringing. }); id: "captainform_js_global_vars", In the film John Buultjens, whom "Ride" is about, stars as his own biological father, Ewan McCord, an abusive alcoholic. Even at that age, a bike represented the freedom I craved. Copyright 2023 Interactive One, LLC. Chosen as an Official Selection of the 2018 Newport Beach Film Festival where it premiered last year "Ride" earned numerous awards including a Breakthrough Performance Award for Shane Graham and the Audience Award for Best Film. Chris Ludacris Bridges (2 Fast 2 Furious, Crash) plays Eldridge Buultjens in the film The Ride which is inspired by the real-life story of extreme sports star John Buultjens. Maggie considers John to be a nuisance and refuses his pleas to let him live with her when he gets out of juvenile detention. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? 6. It baffles me that was the way I was. John was born in Scotland to his mother, Margaret Craig and his abusive father. jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); Eldridgeis a Black man in an interracial couple that takes in a foster son with a white supremacist upbringing. (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; Be better, Hollywood, or go away and let other people do it the right way. ohn Buultjens, a Glaswegian who made his name and fame by riding and designing BMX bikes, is standing outside his home in San Diego. Based on the true story of professional BMX rider John Buultjens (formerly known as John McCord), The Ride takes a while to get to the heart of the story, it soars when it shows Johns transformation, and then it becomes a conventional sports competition by the end of the film. Any chance I got as a teenager I was riding this bike. }, 50); Please, for the love of everything that is actually progressive, let this racist pacification propaganda train derail already! var append_element = append_element || function(e){if(void 0==e)return!1;if(! John McCord (played by Alexander Davis) is only 9 years old, but hes already living like an adult hoodlum. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.async=true;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); Because they had to spend time on John getting closer with his family but also learning BMX tricks, the writers never fully developed either narrative. "My foster father was from Sri Lanka and my mum was from Paisley," he says. Besides Ludacris, the cast of The Ride includes Shane Graham as John McCord, Sasha Alexander as Marianna Buultjens, Blake Sheldon as Rory McCord, and Alexander Davis as young John McCord. It was freedom straight away. After a violent, racially-charged incident lands John (Shane Graham) in juvenile detention, he is finally placed with an unlikely set of foster parents, Eldridge ('Ludacris') and Marianna Buultjens (Sasha Alexander), an interracial couple who want to provide a fresh start for the tormented youth. Great, Click the Allow Button Above } As a child, John grew up alongside his elder brother, Rory McCord, and two sisters. if (document.getElementById('captainform_js_global_vars') == null) { Whilst searching I was finding other bikes too, so I started collecting the Haros I had always dreamed of, including the 1982 Haro Freestyler. Manual guide for BM. captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams); At one point in the film, Johns white supremacist childhood friends are shown living in a run-down shack filled with confederate flags. It was just before Christmas 1979 that his life changed forever. It was in the middle of a bin-mens strike. Eventually, he's given a home by a mixed-race couple played by Chris "Ludacris" Bridges Why We'll Be Watching ' The Ride ' jQuery(wrapper).css('top', jQuery(window).height() * 0.4 - wrapper.outerHeight()); "The Ride" was written in part by University of Minnesota alum Jack Reher and is based on the life of famous BMX rider John Buultjens. "It didn't have the guard on it and my foot got stuck in between the two bars," he says. A weekend packed with absolute mayhem! The opening scene shows John and three other boys beating up a hospital security guard (played by Dorian Lockett) and stealing bottles of pills. Eldridge makes it his mission to overcome the challenges of John's white supremacist upbringing and slowly begins to forge a relationship through his foster son's fascination with extreme sports. Rooted by this newfound passion, the family builds a bond of mutual respect, love and together they speed toward BMX glory and ultimately, redemption. Hollywood salivates for it. When Eldridge discovers John's fascination with BMX, he teaches him how to ride a bicycle, presaging the potential for developing a positive bond. In the film John Buultjens, whom "Ride" is about, stars as his own biological father, Ewan McCord, an abusive alcoholic. }; Marianna and Eldridge know about Johns upbringing as a white supremacist, but they wanted to foster him anyway. if('' == 'floating') { captainformDomReady(function() { }, 10); The Ride also known as just Ride is about BMX pro John Buultjens as played by Shane Graham in the film. captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams); Theyve had no luck in trying to start a biological family, so theyve decided to try foster parenting instead. Posted on 09022021 by 09022021 by. His favorite hobbies include video games, of course, and watching a lot of movies, mainly sci-fi. The Ride was written in part by University of Minnesota alum Jack Reher and is based on the life of famous BMX rider John Buultjens. When Eldridge finds out that John might be interested in BMX bike riding, Eldridge not only teaches John how to ride a bike but he also buys John a BMX bike. February 18th, 2023. IT STATES THAT JOHN DUNCAN DIED IN 1715 AND IT WAS THEN THAT HIS SEVEN SONS MOVED TO IRELAND AND DROPPED THE "A . The rest of the story goes how most people would expect it to go. After a violent, racially-charged incident lands John (Shane Graham) in juvenile detention, he is finally placed with an unlikely set of foster parents, Eldridge ('Ludacris') and Marianna Buultjens (Sasha Alexander), an interracial couple who want to provide a fresh start for the tormented youth. Copyright 2023 Interactive One, LLC. Was Haro always the #1 brand in your head of bikes to collect?John Buultjens: Sure was, after receiving my OG bikes, I just knew I had to restore them. The first time BMX star John Buultjens wrote his story down on a piece of paper no one believed him. He had dabbled in acting before, starring in Neighbours while living in Australia, but transforming into the man he had reviled as a scared, young boy proved psychologically exhausting. It was in the middle of, John Buultjens in his job as global brand manager for. Im tired of exploiting the very real pain and trauma of the Black community with unnecessary images of Black kids hugging cops. popupTrigger.css('visibility', 'visible'); Heres the first trailer for the indie film The Ride starring Ludacris and based on the real-life story of BMX star John Buultjens. John Buultjens is a famous Scottish actor and BMX personality. window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ Why not a good kid? Eldridge replies, Everybody deserves a second chance.. This was a man who did so much for me, and showed me for the first time in my life what love meant, and I was ashamed because he looked different to me., Buultjens life changed forever when he saw the Steven Spielberg film ET as a 10-year-old. window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ The phrase I want off this ride has never been so perfect for what Im about to discuss. Instagram. The Ride is scheduled to be available for viewing on November 13 via Amazons Prime Video. The Southern Hospitality rapper has teamed up with Amazon to tell the story of BMX legend John Buultjens in The Ride. type: "text/javascript", type: "text/javascript", Took me a few years, but I got all the parts. I'm incredibly tired of watching films center on the white experience of being coddled into learning how to stop being anti-Black. Hey, Hillbilly Elegy, girl! Do yall ever grow weary of creating narratives that make the perpetrators look like the victim? Golf's longest hole, Cdric Anselin: I was ready to take my own life but phoning Clarke Carlisle saved me, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. var readyStateOverflowInterval; He and his friends have been recruited by a local white supremacist gang to commit crimes. I'm tired of society trying to enforce the idea that the onus of "fixing" racism is on the very people who suffer from it. } John, who is now 45, says he took on playing his father in the new movie Ride because he thought he could be more truthful than other actors. The Ride director Ranarivelo co-wrote the movies screenplay with Hadeel Reda, J.R. Reher and Jean-Marie Sobeck. Eldridge makes it his mission to overcome the challenges of Johns white supremacist upbringing and slowly begins to forge a relationship through his foster sons fascination with extreme sports by giving John his first bike. Was born in Scotland to his mother, Margaret Craig and his abusive.... In between the two bars, '' John says: `` text/javascript '',:. On his path to BMX glory, John Buultjens wrote his story down a... The freedom I craved streets, he recalls all the parts Paisley, '' John initially. A constant fear at home growing up must learn to put his behind. 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