galilean wedding rapture

With lockdown and difficult recovery still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! This introduces the Rapture to us. The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." You'll never see Jesusor yourselfthe same way again. 'MO'EDIM'- Appointed Times & Feasts of the Lord! This was done after the exchange of gifts, which were costly. At the sound of TRUMPET, the Bride and her bridesmaids wake up and execute their preparedness. This can be doneSECURELYthrough PAYPAL by clicking on "Make A Donation" LINK above or by visiting our Donations page where you will find the list of ministries where you can be a blessing to. Materials and fabrics had to be bought for the brides wedding dress and this took lots of time in the 1st Century. Are You Ready For The Coming of the LORD? 2. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Samuel 15:1-14 - To show that partial obedience is complete disobedience. Stick with the Bible. In the Ancient Galilean Wedding, the FATHER makes the decision that it is time. became a Nation again. 5 Bizarre New Plagues That Have Hit America. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:1, CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL & THE SAINT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:6, SHEPHERDS, SHEEP, GOATS, WOLVES & SHEPHERDS or FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? Then the Groom would come for His bride in the night. Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 18:3, THE FAMINE HAS BEGUN! Neither the Groom nor Bride knew the day or the hour that the wedding would take place! 24:32-44, HE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME! But until the Bride is reunited with the Groom, much has to take place. December 15, 2020. It demonstrates that we the bride will be lifted (raptured) and taken to the Fathers House in Heaven to avoid the 7-year tribulation that will be visited upon the Earth. The bride needs to drink from the cup of wine for the betrothal to progress. to fetch his bride and the wait was finally over! Answer No. Commentary On The Book of Daniel - Dr. Paul Fedena, Writings of Reuben Archer Torrey (1856-1928), SOME METHODS OF BIBLE STUDY FOR BEGINNERS, General Rules for Bible Study, grouped under the letters "s-e-a-r-c-h.", 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter Two - Dr. Paul Fedena, 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter Three - Dr. Paul Fedena, 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter Four - Dr. Paul Fedena, 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter Five - Dr. Paul Fedena, 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter Six - Dr. Paul Fedena, 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter Seven - Dr. Paul Fedena, PANORAMA OF GODS WORD A Survey of the Scriptures Old Testament - By Dr. Paul Fedena, PANORAMA OF GODS WORD A Survey of the Scriptures New Testament - By Dr. Paul Fedena. If we look carefully, we are able to connect the rituals of Ancient Galilean weddings with what Yeshua (Jesus) told His Disciples about the Rapture. The Bride ALWAYS had to be ready. Need A Great Wed. Or Sun. The bride and company have their lamps prepared (trimmed) with enough oil to see their way to the awaiting groom. Only the FATHER knows the time and hour Neither the Groom nor Bride knew the day or the hour that the wedding would take place! But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. Bride of Christ The Church is the Bride of Christ. The Church is not just a religious institute but rather, it refers to "born again" individuals that put their trust in Christ and are the true believers! Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to Israel and the Jewish people! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ezekiel 28:11-14 & 17. Blackrock and Vanguard - THE GREAT RESET = THE NEW WORLD ORDER, John Calvins Reign of Terror Four Implications of Calvinism, The Chemistry Of The Blood - Martin R. DeHaan, M.D. The Groom gathers His Bride, brings her to the Fathers house for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Married forever! The conditions for the bride were to always be pure and to sleep in her wedding gown and her bridesmaids were there to help her out when the Groom comes unexpectedly, at an hour they did not know. - Dr. Paul Fedena, The Church Has To WorkMAGIC WITH LEFTOVERS - Dr. Paul. Bible Prophecy - KEY to Kowing the Future! If she accepts the cup and drinks from it, it is a sign of her acceptance of the betrothal! (Besetting Sin) Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 12:1-4, THE TWO NATURES & STANDING & STATE OF THE BELIEVER - Dr. Michael E. Todd. But unlike today's modern wedding, the 1st century Galilean wedding ceremony had very different customs, traditions, and rituals. It meant building onto the familys house, preparing a place for his bride, to live with him; "Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber (chuppah), and rejoices as a strong man to run a race." 4:1-6; 1 Tim. Evangelism Tools What Every Christian Should Know, Pride VS Low Self-WorthThere Is A Difference, Wait Until This Happens BEFORE Casting Out Demons, Finding Peace & Contentment In A Job You Hate, Dont Let Mean Dogs Keep You From Showing Love, Can Objects Be Possessed By Demons? Only Galilean weddings had these customs. Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 8:21b, WHAT IF THIS WOULD BE THE YEAR? (2) Consent - The bride's consent. We need to know about this Ancient Jewish Galilean Wedding, to be able to understand what the Lord meant when He spoke to His Disciples as it gives us clearer understanding of the Rapture and Word of Yeshua (Jesus) to us for End times. Signs of the Times - Are We Reaching A Prophetic Boiling Point? - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Peter 3:1-7, MEMORIES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 65:17, A Choice To Rejoice - Dr. Paul Fedena - Philippians 4:10-13, MYSTERY + MYSTIQUE = MAJESTY (IN RELATIONSHIPS) Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 5:28-33, Religious, But LOST - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:18-24, PHILIPPIANS COMMENTARY (33 Sermons) - Dr. Paul Fedena, PREACHERS, PREPAREYOUR TIME IS COMING Dr. Paul Fedena - Proverbs 6:6-11, GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT! or GARBAGE IN GOODNESS OUT? Dr. Paul Fedena - Ezekiel 18:1-4, PRAYER IS THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 1:14, SALTLESS SAINTS or GOOD FOR NOTHING! and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may also be. ~John 14:3. Thomas De Witt Talmage Sermons From Genesis To Revelation - Over 500 Sermons, John Gill's Commentary On The Bible - Verse by Verse of the Entire Bible, Commentaries On Every Book of the Bible - HUNDREDS OF BOOKS & WRITINGS, Christian Workers' Commentary on the Old & New Testaments - Dr. James M. Gray, Welcome to David Guziks Bible Commentary Bible Teaching Resources Free (More Than 11,000 Pages Of Bible Commentary), OLD TESTAMENT WRITTEN COMMENTARIES - Dr. Bob Utley, NEW TESTAMENT WRITTEN COMMENTARIES - Dr. Bob Utley, Ten Thousand (10,000) Commentaries On The New Testament & Old Testament of the Bible (Conservative), Commentary On The Bible by Arno Clemens Gaebelein - Plus Articles and Lectures, Book of Hebrews Commentary by Dr. Paul Fedena, Gospel of John Study BEHOLD THE GLORY By Paul Fedena (Part One - 67 Sermons), Gospel of John Study BEHOLD THE GLORY By Paul Fedena (Part Two - 69 Sermons), Book of Acts Commentary by Dr. Paul Fedena, Lewis Sperry Chafer Commentaries and Articles, William R. Newell Commentaries and Articles, Harry A. Ironside - Books, Commentaries, and Writings, The Wiersbe Bible Commentary On The New Testament, The Warren Wiersbe Commentary on the Old Testament, Bible Commentaries and Articles By J. DID BIDENS MIDDLE EAST POLICY CAUSE THE MIDWEST POLAR VORTEX? Is our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) coming back? to make her holy, cleansingher by the washing with water through the word,and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." Cussing, Swearing, & Profanity; A Matter of Opinion? In Matthew 25 our Lord gives us; The Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish virgins. The OIL represents the Holy Spirit. Jesus and His disciples are all Galileans, and two-thirds of the New Testament occurs in the area of Galilee and follows the Galilean customs in their culture, which is different from other Middle Eastern customs and cultures. Now, both parties, including the guests, await the grooms father. Looking for solid proof of the pre-tribulation rapture? - 1 Corinthians 12:4. " God's Hebrew Alphabet & Prophetic Meaning. 12:2 THESIS: To illustrate the biblical doctrine of separation. The potential for the Rapture of the church to occur on the Jewish day of mourning known as Tisha B'Av, i.e. - 1 Corinthians 6:20. The Summarized Bible - New Testament By Keith Leroy Brooks, The Summarized Bible - Old Testament By Keith Leroy Brooks, MODERN DAY SIGNS & WONDERS MOVEMENT - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, (A Message on Christian Integrity) I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE - Pastor Paul Fedena, MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:27, MARRIAGE: THE HOUSE THAT GOD BUILT TEXT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Proverbs 24:3-4. In the Old Testament - the groom left with an escort, carrying a dome shaped canopy to lift up his bride, and carry her away lifted up (final step of preparation) to her new home. End Times Markers in 2021 - We're seeing an accelerated increase of prophetic events! The bride knew the groom would come at any time even during the night, and she needed to always have enough oil for her lamp! 1:8-10, A SONG TO SING ON THE WAY TO CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 100, 5 Bible Facts To Defend The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ, I Love My Attorney - Jesus Christ Advocate - Paid In Full, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 1:3, BLEST BE THE TIE THAT BINDS PASTOR & PEOPLE! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 20:28, IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 21:1-11, STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE! God will have mercy on Israel through Gentile believers acting as mediators towards them! After the covenant, gifts are exchanged, the Groom offers the bride a Cup of Joy. The bride then has the power to accept or reject the offer of the Groom. This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. - Mark 13:32. What about the parable of the Ten Virgins? (. After a year of waiting and preparing, the bride and groom are finally together, reunited, forever. This passage reiterates the wedding analogy to the disciples that one day, Christ would return, but only the Father (God) knows when. TO WONDER, BUT NOT O.K. We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. (Pastor Paul Fedena) - Part One, SAME OLE, SAME OLE or VAIN REPETITION? But, if she rejects the cup, the betrothal cannot be completed! That is why they needed OIL in their lamps and always to be lit and the Bride and Bridesmaids are to be dressed and ready. Some WILL be left behind because they were NOT ready and their lamps not filled with the OIL of the Holy Spirit when the BRIDE (the true Church) is finally , The Ancient Galilean Wedding is symbolically the same way the Church will be , Everything on Earth is a fore-shadow of what is to come. Moodys Stories (Vol. (1891-1965), The Difference Is In The Dispensations How To Make Sense Of The Differences In The Bible By Timothy S. Morton, Some Questions for the Lordship Salvation Believers, Greatest Hymns, Praise and Worship Music, and Spiritual Songs Ever Compiled By Rob and Brenda Madden - Over 8 Hours of Godly Christian Music, 1 Corinthians Study By Dr. Paul Fedena - (Over 90 Messages), Scriptures to read when you are oppressed or afraid - Dr. Paul Fedena, A BOX, A BOTTLE & A BOOK - Dr. Paul Fedena - Exodus 25:37-40; 30:7,8; Lev.24:2, JAMES - VERSE-BY-VERSE COMMENTARY - Dr. Paul Fedena, HE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME! Does the symbolism behind the ancient Galilean wedding prove a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church? "In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. Islam's Radical War on Christians and Jews. Lions and Honey - Dr. Paul Fedena - Judges 14:5-9, Paul Fedena's Letter To Pastors Concerning the King James Bible, LOAVES, FISHES & LOST SOULS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Mark 8:1-9, LOST CHURCH MEMBERS! After she drank, the groom would seal the covenant by saying, You are now consecrated to me by the laws of Moses, and I will not drink from this cup again until I drink it with you in my fathers house.. There are a number of interpretations about who each of these two groups of . Is Luke 16:19-31 a Parable? In the New Covenant - Yeshua (Jesus) is in Heaven preparing a place for us, His Bride. Is being [], 2023 Weddings are among the most exciting events of our lives! Robert Wimer Though you do not see him now, you trust him" 1 Peter 1:8. We MUST watch and pray! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!- Revelation 19:7, 9. The "trumps" wake up the bride and the town, but only those who are prepared will attend the wedding banquet. If she accepted, she would drink from the cup of joy, which would set in motion a series of events that both the bride and groom would do to prepare for the wedding. The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." We need to know about this Ancient Jewish Galilean Wedding, to be able to understand what the Lord meant when He spoke to His Disciples as it gives us clearer understanding of the Rapture and Word of Yeshua (Jesus) to us for End times. By Rev. Fantastic movie depicting a Galilean wedding so you understand the rapture. What Makes Critical Race Theory So Harmful to Our Society. If locked out, there was NO getting in! Henry Mackintosh (1820-1896) - Irish Preacher, Bible Expositor, and Author. Jesus specifically used Galilean wedding symbolism in parables and end-times discussions. The brides consent - Mohar . Moody - 393 Pages of anecdotes, incidents, and illustrations. Big Changes . Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 24:13-35, THE BLOOD OF CHRIST Series - Dr. Paul Fedena - (3 Messages), LIONS & HONEY Dr. Everything on Earth is a fore-shadow of what is to come! - How many people can fit in the New Jerusalem? Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. - John 14.2-30. or THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 3:5, GET READY FOR REVIVAL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 7:13, THE SIN OF DOING NOTHING! The Pre-Wrath Rapture Letter - Dr. Paul Fedena, The End Times, The Anti-christ, and The End of America - Rob Madden, The Return of the KING! The bridegroom then takes a sip from the cup, solidifying their Covenant. After the betrothal contract the bride and bridegroom WILL live apart for a year while the groom prepares for his bride the groom goes to his father and builds a room onto his fathers house, builds new furniture for their new place, and purchases items for the feast and their home. My goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach others about the Kingdom of God, and to be an example of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. This cup of joy was to mark the acceptance of not only the disciples to marry the groom (Jesus/God) but all of us. Joe Biden has called for unity and healing - Persecution, Joe Biden: demented idiot or crazy like a fox? - Philippians 3:10-14, Totally Awesome 3 - DO YOU KNOW JESUS (REALLY?!) And the Bride is to be pure and vigilant as she waited for her Groom - regardless of how long it took for His return. "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. And she said, "I will go." Wedding tradition, scholars have found that the hour of the wedding would be, That is why they needed OIL in their lamps and always to be lit and the Bride and Bridesmaids are to be dressed and ready. After the cup of joy, the bride and groom go their separate ways to prepare for the wedding. The marriage of the groom to his bride was sealed with a covenant, and Jesus said what was said at every Galilean wedding I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers house (Kingdom). The price (costly gifts before the cup of joy) was the shedding of Jesus blood at the cross to buy back his bride from Satan. Ephesians5:26-27. "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. This introduces the Rapture to us. (3) Mohar - The price negotiated for the bride. PRIVATE PRAYER - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 6:5-7, PRESCRIPTION FOR CHRISTIAN GROWTH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 8, IS IT TIME TO REBOOT - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Samuel 30:6, GET READY, Get SetGO! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:15, SAFE AND SECURE FROM ALL ALARMS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 8:35-39, BEHIND THE SCENES (A BRIEF LOOK AT DEMONISM) - Dr. Paul Fedena, AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER ? The disciples understood what Jesus meant because they were all Galileans. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 7:11-12, Series of Holiday Messages especially for Preachers, MY PREDICTIONS FOR 2022 - Dr. Paul Fedena - Eccl. Pray for Peace - Prepare for Persecution! - Genesis 24:4. ARE YOUR SHEEP BLEATING?! By Dr. Paul Fedena, HURTING and WANDERING SHEEP - Psalm 23:3 - By Dr. Paul Fedena, THROUGH THE VALLEY TO THE VICTORY - Psalm 23:4 - By Pastor Paul Fedena, SHEEP IN THE VALLEY - TEXT: Psalm 23:4 - By Pastor Paul Fedena, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SHEEP - Psalm 23:5 - Pastor Paul Fedena, THATS ENOUGH! - (Revelation 21:1 - 22:5), PROPHETIC FEASTS OF ISRAEL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Leviticus 23, Recognition Of Israel By Harry Truman - 1948, Maddens Humor Page - Humor Break - Clean Christian Jokes, THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL By Dr. Paul Fedena, KNOCKING ON HEAVENS DOOR By Dr. Paul Fedena, MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 1:1, DONT LOSE YOUR HEAD! Vine's Expository Dictionary of the New Testament and Old Testament, Bible verses related to Adversity from the King James Version (KJV), Bible verses related to Grace from the King James Version (KJV), Bible Verses About Birth Of Jesus - KING JAMES BIBLE, New Jerusalem - Something To Look Forward To, THE PROPHETIC WORD IN CRISIS DAYS Prophetic Messages Delivered at the West Coast Prophetic Congress in the Los Angeles, Calif. area in mid-1961 by Various Contributors, The Revelation An Analysis and Exposition of the Last Book of the Bible By Arno Clemens Gaebelein, The Two Modes Of Humanity Part 1: The View Delineated And Supported Philippe R. Sterling Pastor, Unparalleled Levels of Tyranny Coming to America, Last Things (Eschatology) (By John Walvoord and Others), THINGS TO COME - Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost - A Study in Biblical Eschatology, Top Prophecy Site For Bible (KJB) Believers, ALL THINGS BIBLE PROPHECY BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Eschatology, RAPTURE - Come Fly With Me - Dr. Paul Fedena, Judgment Seat of Christ By Dr. Paul Fedena, Judgment Seat of Christ By Dr. Paul Fedena, Tribulation Chronicles - By Alice Childs - Rapture Ready, Tribulation Chronicles Part 3: War, Famine, Death & Hell, Suddenly! The Dabar a glass of wine to seal the contract After the covenant, gifts are exchanged, the Groom offers the bride a Cup of Joy. The bride then has the power to accept or reject the offer of the Groom. By understanding their cultural wedding you will be awed at how you now . - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 11:8-10, HEAVEN GODS HOME & THE BELIEVERS HOPE Dr. Paul Fedena, HOW TO HAVE A BIT OF HEAVEN IN YOUR HOME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Deut. This means that the couple even sleeps in their wedding clothes. The Marriage Supper of The Lamb! - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Timothy 4:1-8, Tucker Carlson lifted the hood on scientists, Excess deaths are happening on an absolutely massive scale, and this is something that is happening all over the globe, AMAZON ONE - Mark of the Beast - Revelation 13, THREATS AGAINST THE CHURCH Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Tim. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 27:36, A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 23, THE CHURCH (Universal, Local, or Both?) The bride had to agree to the entirety of the contract before they were to proceed to the next phase of their courtship. This is the Rapture. Is there a deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over thMore, We would like to thank Collide Media Group for providing this plan. Though you do not see him now, you trust him" 1 Peter 1:8. . Causes of Homosexuality - Biblical Explanation, BACK TO BAAL! Paul Fedena - James 4:14, SOME BEDTIME PRAYERS (As prayed by different types of people) By Dr. Jack Hyles, WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO - Dr. Paul Fedena, AFTER THE SPANKING Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 (Church Discipline), Open Letter to Those Who Miss the Rapture :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr, ITS JUST A MATTER OF TIME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 90:9-12, The Fruit of the Spirit Dr. Paul Fedena - Galatians 5:22-23, A SERIES ON God's Promises - Dr. Paul Fedena. Jesus used an ancient Galilean wedding to describe what the rapture will be like. They were to always be ready! They understood (as we should) that the New Covenant was not the casting off of the Jews but a seal between husband and wife with a promise to later return to collect His Bride. Of course, the Lords Bride isnt just the 12 Disciples present at the Last Supper but ALL true believers. If this covenant were only made to the disciples in the upper room, we would not be called to do it every time we meet, but that is not the case (1 Corinthians 11:23-27). Timothy S. Morton, LARA LOGAN: FACTS VS. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 3 John 4, WHY DOESNT GOD DO SOMETHING?! According to Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum in his must-read book The Footsteps of the Messiah, there are four steps involved with such a wedding: The father of the groom makes the arrangements; After a period of time, the groom fetches his bride under two conditions: 24:21-25, Judgement of the Sheep and Goats - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 25, I WANT YOUR REWARDS! As a Christian, I wonder if it is possible for another Christian to be a Democrat? The bride carried under a canopy painted with gold crescents; later the newly married pair would sit under this canopy (Chuppah) during the festivities and there was a great feast, which could several days. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that despised nation; like Israel He Himself was; despised and rejected by men, and there is that despised element; things that are despised God has chosen, 1 Corinthians 1:28. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Kings 10:15, THE SHOULDERS, HEART & HANDS OF OUR SAVIOR - Dr. Paul Fedena - Exodus.28:9-29, The top twenty Pre-Tribulation Prophecies, ENTERING THE HOLY OF HOLIES a verse-by-verse exposition of the Book of Hebrews - Dr. Paul Fedena, Introduction to the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews - Dr. Paul Fedena, MILK & MEAT MILK - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 5:12-13, Topical Sermons and Bible Series By Dr. Paul Fedena, Study On The Life of Joseph Dr. Paul Fedena Genesis 37-50, GOING PLACES WITH GOD WHERE YOUVE NEVER BEEN or STEP INTO THE WATER! or SELAH- Dr. Paul Fedena - Isa 30:7, THE ARCH-TERRORIST & HIS TARGETS Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 1:6-2:7, WHAT DO YOU SEE ON CALVARY? 4:1-2, Men & Movements Threaten the Church Pastor (emeritus) Paul C. Fedena, THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN A BAPTIST CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena, Christian Cussing? The bride spends a great deal of time and cost gathering cloth to make her wedding gown. We celebrate communion (common union) each time we gather to remember Christ. Heres my story about the meanest [], Why is it important for Christians to remove all occult objects from their home? 12:1 & 13, A PASTORS PERSPECTIVE Dr. Paul Fedena 1 Tim 1:12-14, Rob Madden's Day of Salvation - November 5, 1972, THE PLACE, POWER, AND PURPOSE OF PRAYER Dr. Paul Fedena - I Timothy 2:1-4, Pastor Fedena Preaching At First Baptist Church Easton, PA - Art Gilmore (Pastor) (April 10, 2022), THE STONE WAS ROLLED AWAY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 28:1-7, The Role Of Prayer In Spiritual Awakening by J Edwin Orr, Mega Site For Bible Study Tools - Sermon Illustrations - Sermon Quotations, The Largest and Most Comprehensive Bible Study Helps (compiled) on the Web - Internet, Commentaries on Book of Revelation (40 - FREE - PDF Form Commentaries), FREE & COMPLETE BIBLE COMMENTARIES ON THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS - (Recommended by Paul Fedena & Rob Madden), 6600 Free Bible Commentaries by 5000 Authors. Why was the OIL in the lamps always needed to be filled? KEEP RANK! Dr. Paul Fedena - 1Chronicles 12:33 THESIS: To teach believers to be good soldiers by keeping rank. Now, more than at any time is the time to support Israel and the Jewish people - the Lords Brethren! The Bride must prepare for hour of the coming of the Groom. Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to, things that are despised God has chosen, 1 Corinthians, Now, more than at any time is the time to support, and the Jewish people - the Lords Brethren! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 14:25-33, Henry Moorhouse and D. L. Moody - "the man who moved the man who moved the world", From Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler - Antii-Semitism, Dr. Constables Notes - Constable, provide commentary on all 66 books of the Bible, The 3 Most Bizarre Branches of the Trans Rights Movement, Bible Verses About The Fetus Being Human King James Bible, DO YOU TEST POSITIVE?! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Jeremiah 33:3, SAILORS, STORMS THE SAVIOR & SAINTS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalms 107:23-31, A STATEMENT OF FAITH FOR THE STORMS OF LIFE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 14:22-33, STORM WARNINGS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 43:2, BAIL OUT THE WATER, BUT DONT BAIL OUT! Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Jesus was Galilean. how beautiful you are, my love, how very beautiful! Visions and the Rapture? According to Lifeway Research, 36% of Christians believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. I am a Christian, Husband, Father, Author, and Singer. We are witnessing the nations and people turning their backs on Israel. MAKING YOUR SAVIOR YOUR KING - Dr. Paul Fedena, WHY THE ARK WONT WORK - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Samuel 4:1-11, Literal interpretation of the Bible - Gary DeMar Debunked By Thomas Ice, HOW GOD SAVED & SUBDUED JACOB - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 28-30, HOW GOD STOPPED JACOB Dr. Paul Fedena -Genesis 31,32, HOW GOD SEPARATED JACOB Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 33, HOW GOD SANCTIFIED JACOB Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 35, YOUR FUTURE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Dr. Paul Fedena - Proverbs 27:1; James 4:14-15, Be Prepared Pastors, Its Coming! And, when it came to weddings, the Galileans traditions were distinct from the rest of Israel. I go to prepare a place for you." We must like Israel be seen greatlyrejoicing in this Prophetic verse; I will greatlyrejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.- Isaiah 61:10. We must like Israel be seen greatlyrejoicing in this Prophetic verse; I will greatlyrejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a, - those who claim the Name of the God of Israel and dwell in His City, The groom went back to his fathers house to prepare the ", "Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber. - YouTube A wonderful illustration of the plan of God from the beginning, to have a wife for Himself, The Jewish. And, while the groom is preparing the Feast and their new home, his bride is busy making her wedding gown. coming of Christ, WARNINGS FOR GODS PEOPLE - The End Is Near. This is the first of Jesus Miracles. The Final Battle for Jerusalem has begun! (5) Dabar - A glass of wine to seal the contract. All 10 bridesmaids get up BUT only 5 have enough oil and are prepared. This crown was apparently not a symbol of king Solomons power, but it was the marriage crown, a garland of flowers and greens tied together with ribbons that was always worn as part of the marriage celebration until the time of Vespasian. This shocking insight will reignite hope for believers and prepare the world for what's coming. *FREE*, Thousands of Free Commentaris on the Old and New Testaments. - Dr. Paul Fedena, YOU WILL LAND WHERE YOU LEAN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ecclesiastes 11:3b, THE BROAD WAY OR THE BROAD WALL? The night the oil in the 1st Century 3 - do you KNOW Jesus (?... The couple even sleeps in their wedding clothes gives us ; the Parable of the,. Is busy making her wedding gown and end-times discussions wedding would take place 3 - do you KNOW (... A great deal of time in the lamps always needed to be a Democrat FAMINE has BEGUN Weddings, bride. New Jerusalem FREE Commentaris on the Old and New Testaments wonder if it were not so I! Possible for another Christian to be a Democrat bride a cup of wine to seal the contract before were! How you now bride spends a great deal of time and cost gathering cloth to make her wedding.! Cup and drinks from it, it is a sign of her of... Know Jesus ( REALLY?!, I wonder if it is possible for another Christian to be good by. Come for His bride in the ancient Galilean wedding so you understand the rapture and this took lots of and. Cussing, Swearing, & Profanity ; a Matter of Opinion LARA LOGAN: FACTS VS. Dr.. To progress fetch His bride and Groom are finally together, reunited,.... 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