eu4 the pope and the emperor incident

Now though the fortunes of the Hanseatic League have fallen into decline. Europa Universalis 4: EmperorPapal State into the Kingdom of GodHey everyone and welcome to my second EU4 Emperor run. Sad news reaches us today as we learn that our beloved Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, has passed from this life into the next. on Paradox technology, Legal The Imperial incident "Decline of the Hanseatic League" begins. Should we seek this? The Imperial incident "The Question of Holstein" begins. Hidden effect: [Root.GetName] has narrowly avoided a disastrous succession crisis, with [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName] finally emerging as our undisputed ruler. The AI never chooses this option if they have rivaled the emperor or are rivaled by the emperor. There is the "The Pope and the Emperor" incident, where they can choose to join via the "A Holy Empire?" event. the Revoke The Privilegia imperial reform for the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Switzerland has abandoned the Empire! AI will not choose this option if it is the strongest trade power in Lubeck trade node, out of range of the trade node, or is already in a trade league. - Part 4! The Privilege would enforce that all cities in the Lowlands recognise [BUR.GetName] as their rightful [BUR.Monarch.GetTitle] but also remain loyal to the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] of the Holy Roman Empire. Burgundy's overlord is saved as an event target named burgundy_senior_partner. At least some were last verified for version 1.30. If the Common Sense DLC is enabled then: The Emperor has failed to defend $FROMCOUNTRY$ against foreign aggression. You have to trigger this event that triggers an imperial incident. As we have ruled over [pu_hre_country.GetName] for quite some time, we might consider whether to champion their cause for membership in the Empire. [PRU.Monarch.GetTitle] [PRU.Monarch.GetName] has announced [PRU.Monarch.GetHerHis] intention to create a Kingdom of Prussia, elevating the nation from its status as a mere [PRU.GovernmentName]. To kill pope, use the favours interaction to break his alliance with your ally. This is particularly annoying since adding Rome to the HRE is a part of the Austrian mission tree. A more uncommon way the Papal State can improve its control over the Curia is the ability to willingly increase the death chance of the Pope to cause an immediate new election. The Emperor of the HRE: With the death of the Duke of Burgundy, the Lowlands have completely slipped out of our reach. Starting as the Papal State, become the Kingdom of God. For each practice banished not only the reform desire is decreased by a notable 10%, but also the related event is permanently disabled for all the Catholic nations, thus permanently stopping one of the most important sources of reform desire. The country saved as pu_hre_country gets the opinion modifier "Petitioned for Imperial Membership" towards this country for 50 years, worth +50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. on Paradox technology, Legal This may lead to a War with France! At first there was supposedly an easy resolution, as the widowed Charlemagne could marry the w Continue Reading 16 5 Justin J. Liu political conservative Author has 593 answers and 754.5K answer views 3 y Related The Imperial incident "The Shadow Kingdom" begins. and our You can check whether you fulfill all the conditions. EU4 Imperial_incident Command General Information This cheat command starts the imperial incident with the specified ID. The Emperor has taken pity on the struggling Hanseatic League by proposing a renewed Hansa that includes the Free Cities of the Holy Roman Emperor. If the Pope decides to stay out of the Empire then you'll have to convince him of his error of judgement and relieve him of Rome for a bit. Irish and Scottish nations are a big no-no, they will be conquered by England sooner or later. Otherwise, the event "The Burgundian Succession" - option 'The [Emperor.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Prince will do nicely.'. Italy, no longer the Shadow Kingdom, has been returned into the fold of the Holy Roman Empire through the relentless efforts of the Emperor. It truly saddens us to see that the dominions of the Pope have all but disappeared. EU4 1.30 Battle Pope! When a monarch with that flag ascends to the throne of Burgundy, the flag is removed and the country gets the hidden modifier Burgundian Succession Crisis with the following effects: The modifier Burgundian Succession Crisis is one of the requirements for the event Marie of Burgundy. Dominating the Baltic Sea from our home port of Lbeck, members of the League were blessed with wealth. Enabled if: Many Burgundian territories exist within the Empire, and Marie de Bourgogne has decided to fully integrate with the Empire by offering to wed a [Emperor.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Prince! Become the controller of the following provinces: Independence is supported by the Emperor of the HRE. AI is 10 times as likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 0.5 if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, 2 if it is allied to, has a royal marriage with, or has an opinion of +100 of the Emperor, and 10 if it is a member of the HRE. Many nobles of the realm are already bending the knee to the [burgundy_senior_partner.Monarch.GetTitle] of [burgundy_senior_partner.GetName], but many others are beginning to flock around a distant cousin to Marie and one of few surviving members of the Burgundian royal family. 3.3 [From.GetName] breaks out of the Empire. The Papal State is the collection of lands under the rule of Bishop of Rome, the Pope himself. This decision is available once most of the north Italian peninsula has been annexed. This page was last edited on 24 January 2023, at 23:52. If the imperial reform 'Call for Reichsreform' has been passed: Otherwise, declare war on Burgundy with a Imperial Liberation casus belli. the Hungary mission "The Bohemian Crown". Declare war on Burgundy with a Restoration of Union casus belli. The failure of successive Emperors to restore Imperial authority in the region has also left large areas under the control of states that outright reject Imperial Authority.By now the question for many Italian states is why they should allow the Emperor any authority over their lands. The Papal State will never accept diplo-vassalization; they have a 1000 acceptance modifier for the diplomatic action. Prussia will become a Kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire through the sponsorship of the Emperor. imperial_incident [imperial incident id] DLC: Emperor, Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands, imperial_incident incident_burgundy_wants_to_join, The above console command would start the "Burgundy and the Empire" incident (incident ID incident_burgundy_wants_to_join), imperial_incident incident_king_in_prussia. Prussia will become a Kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire through a legal compromise tolerated by the Emperor. Holy Roman Empire events[1] are events for the emperor or the princes of the HRE. All of this means that as soon as the Papal State negotiates the opening stages of the game, perhaps by appeasing Austria and joining the Holy Roman Empire, is set to become a very offensive player in the European scenario, capable of expanding fast with minimal negative repercussions. [current_pu_incident_target.Overlord.GetName] has petitioned the Emperor to consider adding [current_pu_incident_target.GetName], which they rule under a Personal Union, to the Imperial fold. The failure of successive Emperors to restore Imperial authority in the region has also left large areas under the control of states that outright reject Imperial Authority.\nBy now the question for many Italian states is why they should allow the Emperor any authority over their lands. A year has passed since the start of the Imperial incident 'Hungary Wishes to Join the Empire'. Female heirs are seen as quite the prize for ambitious men, and Marie's succession may lead to Burgundy falling under a union with a foreign power. AVE! We have thus far not opted to press our claim on the Kingdom of France and as such, our claim has long since grown cold. Enabled if: The Hansa were once the undisputed masters of trade from London to Novgorod. The Papal State's events center around the inner workings of the Catholic Church. In this series I will play as the Papa. Such a privilege has not been granted since the rise of the Kings of Bohemia. Judgment day is upon us! The Diet has agreed to a motion to unite the disparate states of The Empire into a nation state and recrown the Emperor as its hereditary ruler. In the video with Lucia in her dress walking on the street in Rockridge, you can see in the left side a building with a poster on the window where it's written: "At Shorefront, we know what you are worth". The description below is one of several available for this event.Our close friend and ally, the Emperor [emperor.Monarch.GetName], has graciously decided to elevate Prussia to the rank of Imperial Kingdom! The Imperial Diet of the Empire has settled on a terrible and intolerable edict: that the Empire will no longer follow the Catholic faith. Prussia: AI will choose this option twice as often by default. on Paradox technology, Legal Like all the theocracies the Papal State does not suffer a stability hit on monarch death, nor regencies. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option, which is multiplied by 0 if it has an alliance with Burgundy, by 1.5 if it has an opinion of the Emperor of less than 0, and by 2 if it is a rival of Burgundy or Burgundy is a rival of it. Rule a Continent or Rule the World in Europa Universalis IV: Emperor. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries! It was last verified for. Valve Corporation. The primary source of Invested influence for the Papal State is from having cardinals within its borders and they give +1 Invested influence per cardinal (instead of 0.5 Papal influence like other catholic countries receives), and that gets automatically invested on the 1st of January. Our hands are tied, should we interfere, we risk damaging our reputation as Emperor but should we do nothing, we risk losing the lowlands forever. AI will always never this option if its army strength is 80% of Burgundy's. While it may seem like a straightforward decision, there are a number of dangers that a Burgundian Prince would represent to the Empire. The Papal State is virtually guaranteed maximum prestige. Prussia gets the opinion modifier "King in Prussia" towards this country for 20 years, worth +50 opinion with a yearly decay of 2.5. The two biggest nations that the Papal State needs to worry about are, Allying Austria and improving relations to maximum can allow the player to join the, Since the Papal State begins with two vassals, the. The Papal State begins in control of the Curia, allowing the player to begin the game with large bonuses and the ability to excommunicate rivals, allowing them to break up alliances. If a Catholic country other than the Papal State owns Rome, they may cede it, unless they have a better claim (i.e. From events The Shadow Kingdom - Imperial resolution or The Shadow Kingdom - Imperial answer or The Shadow Kingdom - Incident start. This way the Papal state will have seven cardinals with in the first decades and already have over 100 Invested influence which should be enough to gain Papal control over the second pope. It appears the mad nobles of Burgundy only recognise the language of violence and we shall have to enforce our lawful claim with blood. While the Kingdom of Italy is still formally part of the Holy Roman Empire it has in many ways turned into a 'Shadow Kingdom', with the Italian states acting independently of the Emperor. The description below is one of several available for this event.The Dukes of Burgundy have always been a thorn in the side of House [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] of France, but with the death of the final male in the Burgundian line, Marie de Bourgogne has offered to reintegrate with France. This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. This country becomes a vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor. Papal State is also locked into Catholicism, but cannot get the perks other Catholics get from spending papal influence and has to deal with the Reformation without the ability to adopt a more tolerant religion, starts the game with the Blasphemy Act modifier that grants +1% missionary strength, but also a 1 tolerance of heretics that stacks with the usual Catholic low heretic tolerance for a total of 4 tolerance of heretics at the start of the game. The Kings of Prussia shall wear their crown with pride, always remembering the favor granted to them by the Emperor. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of Burgundy or Burgundy is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of Burgundy of less than -100, and twice as likely if its army strength is not 80% of Burgundy's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of less than 50%. AI will always choose this option if it is a rival of the triggering country or the triggering country is a rival of it. Electing the Emperor See also: #Electors Emperors, once chosen, serve for life. Infighting within the League and a series of economic crises have led to our merchants not even having control over the trade around Lbeck itself. 3 Further events. Appoint cardinal is done at the diplomacy screen with the target country, under Papal actions. Eu4 Pope Ep.17 Vassal Emperor!? The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. If the Papal State owns no provinces it will go down a line of asking other Catholic nations, particularly the bishoprics, to cede them a single province. Get strong allies and kill Ottos - with Italian economy you should be able to outlast them in a war, even if it means going over force limit and bankrupt. Enter a succession war against the Emperor of the HRE over Burgundy. If not, great too. Type the name of an Insult or an Insult ID into the search box below to instantly filter the table. Well, the papel states complained that they were 'imprisoned' by Italy from the day it formed until Mussolini struck a deal with the pope, giving some money in exchange for them accepting Italy is a thing So maybe an event should fire after a hundred years of occupation, were you can pay some money to get rid of the modifier? AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, and by 1.5 if it has an opinion of the Emperor of less than 0. It was last verified for, The Perpetual Diet of [From.GetCapitalName], [From.GetName]'s Offer for the Electorate. Luckily the usually high stability will help in keeping rebellion and corruption under control, and the Papal State starts with a +25% religious unity modifier that will prevent things from getting truly nasty. Other than that, the main problem is that after Italy is consolidated the Papal State is going to be surrounded by France, Austria, Hungary, and the Ottomans. These muttered calls for some sort of Reformation, left unchecked, could spell disaster for the Papacy. If the Papal State is willing to pick all the reform desire lowering choices the reform can be slowed to the point of being irrelevant for most of the game. The Imperial incident "Petition for Membership" begins. Every prince that has at least 1 city: The reform has been passed and our time as a state is no more. As the head of the Catholic faith, the Pope has a unique responsibility to protect the faith and spread the Word of God far beyond the confines of the Papal States' worldly borders. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. Secondary sources of Invested influence are Appoint cardinal in other countries and Buy Indulgence. The brother of the King of Portugal was a cardinal when the King unexpectedly died on campaign in Morocco; and tried to have the Pope release him from his vows so he could become king, but the Pope was pro-Hapsburg and refused, leading to Spain (the other potential successor) having a PU over Portugal for decades. Lbeck and all countries in Lbeck's Trade league get the opinion modifier Ignored our Plight towards the Emperor worth -50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. [BUR.Monarch.GetSheHeCap] has chosen not to return the land they stole from the Empire, but to instead enact a complex law that dictates that the lowlands are simultaneously a part of the Empire, and subject to the [BUR.Monarch.GetTitle] of [BUR.GetName]. If prevented: True to its promise, the Empire has reined in the Princes of Italy and secured their place within the Holy Roman Empire. Due to the papacy government type, there will be no stability hit on popes death. However, with [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] claim relatively weak in the eyes of many noble lords and ladies, Burgundy is seen as ripe for the taking by the ambitious [FRA.Monarch.GetTitle] of [FRA.GetName] and [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] of the Holy Roman Empire. - YouTube Welcome to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papal States! Is either Age of Absolutism or Age of Revolutions. The Imperial incident "The Pope and the Emperor" begins. Every province owned by Burgundy with the province flag bur_succession_province: AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 10 if Burgundy has a liberty desire of greater than 50%. Should [Root.Monarch.GetName] die without producing an heir, Marie will become [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] de facto successor either way, but if [Root.Monarch.GetName] forsook the pursuit of a male heir and favored Marie as the rightful heir to Burgundy, her claim would be strengthened and we may be able to negotiate our way through this succession crisis with minimal strife. Charlemagne was crowned as Emperor of Rome in Rome so it would make little sense to reform Roman Empire again. Hidden effect: The Emperor of the HRE forms a personal union over Burgundy. [Emperor.GetName] Rejects Reformed Demands! If the option to make Marie an heir is chosen, the heir flag mary_is_heir is set. This step will surely increase the cohesion of the Empire and help formalize the relationship between the Emperor and the Princes. Hidden effect: Sad news reaches [Root.Capital.GetName] today as we learn that our beloved Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, has passed from this life into the next. If not prevented: Despite the Imperial resolution to rein in Italy, there are still Italian states that refuse to accept the supremacy of the Empire. With the lands of Northern Italy under the temporal power of the Holy Father rather than any Emperor or King it is now justified to declare this state the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is best to Appoint cardinals in many different countries instead of just a few. Unlike other theocracies it cannot become an Empire, and cannot change its fixed government type. The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Strong Ally)" begins. One of the following must be true about the. BUT no other cardinals will be automatically appointed (based of dev) after 49. Europa Universalis IV: Emperor lets you expand by hiring cardinals, who continue to spread your influence once hired. Due to the Papal State's abysmal heretic religion tolerance and the consequent rise in corruption due to low religious unity, this strategy has long term benefits that could outweigh the costs. The Imperial incident "Burgundy and the Empire" begins. We will not have another opportunity to petition for [pu_hre_country.GetAdjective] membership. [Root.Monarch.GetName] is a brave and intelligent young woman but if Burgundy is to survive this crisis without falling into conflict with one of the major powers, then [Root.Monarch.GetName] must marry into a prestigious royal family to seek their support and protection. It is time for the Emperor to enforce a firm and final resolution: to protect the rights of the peasantry or to impose the control of the nobility. Every Province in the HRE owned by Burgundy will be released as Princes of the HRE. AI is 10 times as likely to choose this option, and will never choose it if the country saved as pu_hre_country is Hungary. Every owned province in the France region gets the province flag. The reform has been passed and our time as an independent country is no more. If none of them can or everyone refuses, the papal state will have no property, but they will still have opinions and the papacy will still function. However, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] did produce a talented and beautiful Princess by the name of Marie. Unrest is increased throughout the Holy Roman Empire. Marie was a passionate horse-rider and accompanied her husband on his routine hunts, but her kind heart and passion for riding could not save her when her five-hundred-kilogram horse fell atop her and shattered her spine.To our surprise, the lords and ladies of Burgundy have not immediately begun bending the knee to our [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], but have instead recognised a distant cousin of Maries as their rightful ruler. The country with the most trade power in the Lbeck trade node: This page was last edited on 26 January 2023, at 03:47. France is not the Emperor of the HRE. Once you have cored and added the province to the Empire you should be able to return Rome to the Pope and have the Papal States in the HRE. The Emperor is the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, tasked with defending and maintaining the sovereignty of member states. As our great nation rises to ever loftier heights, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] has made it known that he intends to elevate Prussia to the rank of Kingdom and himself to the rank of King. The other way is to take provinces from other countries that already have a cardinal present. As the Papacy, own Jerusalem and have Livonian Order, Teutonic Order and The Knights as Marches. This is ridiculous, the law makes it clear that a [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] must succeed upon Maries death. The Diet has agreed to a motion to centralize foreign policy and warfare by having all member states submit to a direct vassalage under the Emperor. Type the name of an Imperial Incident or an Imperial Incident ID into the search box below to instantly filter the table. Emperor [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] of [Emperor.GetName] has rejected Reformed demands for equality within the Empire, proclaiming Protestantism to be the only true faith, and that those following other religions must fall in line or face consequences. Should we submit, our [Root.GovernmentName] will be no more and we shall be annexed into the [burgundy_senior_partner.GetAdjective] [burgundy_senior_partner.GovernmentName]. Emperor makes Catholic nations much more of a player on the stage, which is a huge improvement over the base game. Hidden effect: AI is 1.2 times as likely to choose this option if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's or it has an opinion of the Emperor of -100, and 1.3 times as likely if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it. Prussia must choose between their false crown and their status as an Imperial Prince. Under the rule of Bishop of Rome, the event `` the Burgundian Inheritance ( Alone ''... 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