50 interesting facts about vegetables

In 3rd millennium BCgarlic was used not only by nobility, but also in medicine, religious rituals and was given to the slavesas a powerful source of strength. Originally cultivated in South America's Andean Mountains, potatoes found their way to Europe during the 16th century. Studies by the FDA have confirmed that any decrease in nutrition from freezing vegetables is negligible at best. Carrots contain major sources of beta-carotene, which our bodies turn into vitamin A. Beta-carotene gives fruits and veggies their orange pigment. Apples, pears, cherries, and plums are just some of the fruits that come from the same family tree as the rose. You can use that to season all sorts of foods. Cancers vary. 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Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, blackberries, strawberries, quinces, apricots, loquats and raspberries are all fruits of the rose family. Red pepperspack the most nutrition, and in comparison togreen bell peppers, theyve got almost 11 times more beta-carotene and 1.5 times more vitamin C. Originally grown by the Aztecs and Incas as early as 700 A.D., the tomato is native to the Americas. Incidentally, the first documented use of the phrase cool as a cucumber was in the poem A New Song by English poet and playwright John Gay in 1732. 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Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. Onions contain over 100 sulfide-containing compounds. We need potassium to help strengthen our muscles and control our blood pressure. The first documented carrots in ye olden days werent orange, they were white and purple! We eat them raw, cooked, chilled, frozen, and in ever creative combinations with other fruits and vegetables. Theyre cut from full-grown varieties that are sweeter and thinner than traditional carrots. So that means bell peppers along with squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins are fruits. Bring it along, it can keep you from getting dehydrated! 133: 1415, 2015.4 Arch. 20. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. Part of HuffPost World News. They have a lot of fat, but it's the good kind that lowers cholesterol. GO POTATOE FAM!!!! To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. And it's also part of the cabbage family. The Supreme Court ruled tomatoes a vegetable so they could be taxed like a vegetable when imported into the country. :3. Avocados have seeds, so that makes them fruits. Potatoes contain occasionally harmful amounts of a toxin called solanine. In 1767, the word was specifically used to mean a plant cultivated for food, an edible herb or root.The year 1955 saw the first use of the shortened, slang term veggie. The onion symbolized eternity to the Egyptians who buried onions along with their Pharaohs. With the help of these miracle workers and a bit of discipline, we can reach a perfectly well-balanced diet. Required fields are marked *. Think about that the next time you peel into a banana. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled that, in common language, produce often served with meats or fish is a vegetable. Illnesses and remedies. Tomatoes are very high in the carotenoid Lycopene; eating foods with carotenoids can lower your risk of cancer. Vegetables can regulate our metabolism, protect skin, help our bones, bloodstream, heart, guts, reduce risk of cancer, preserve our eyesight and much, much Figs match milk in calcium. Try using dried apple slices to make a sweet-smelling potpourri. . 3) Fruits are low in sugar and Calories. Onions can make you cry and make your breath smell terrible. Res. For instance, a stalk of celery has between six and ten calories. On top of this, strawberries and raspberries are the only fruits that wear their seeds on the outside. Think about it: fruit and veggies are colourful, unique, perfectly packaged foods that exist in nature so they can reproduce. If you take certain medication, the chemicals in grapefruit can cause a bad reaction that can have fatal results. Aside from being convenient, theyre vitamin-rich like full-size varieties. Its a nice story but in fact, as a fruit of a plant i.e. The best way is to grate it up like cheese into an orange zest. Vitamin C, on the other hand, remains in the vegetables the longest. 4 /11. Probably still works today, tbh, but well stick to the hairdresser, thank you very much! Bell peppers are usually sold green, but they can also be red, purple or yellow. Heritage veg were either too small, yielded inefficient harvest, were the wrong color, or didnt quite have the right taste. In the 1950s, a disease called the Panama Disease all but wiped out an entire species of banana which motivated farmers to use the Cavendish banana which we all eat today. Seed vegetables are usually legumes, such as peas and beans. 18. 8. Vegetable facts don't end with them just being 'good for your health,' turns out that they are much more interesting. Yep, that includes the leaves! If you peel your fruits and vegetables before you eat them, you may be making a nutritional mistake. 50 Florida State Facts. There are three popular varieties: Calabrese broccoli, sprouting broccoli and . Not all oranges are orange. and longer. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. "These numbers are intended to be used by retailers to identify produce (including varieties) and make it easier to process them at the check-out.". 1. Figs are high in calcium. Cousins whose parents are identical twins share 25 percent of their DNA, instead of the usual 12.5 percent. It tastes good, its high in potassium, and its delicious when placed in a dish with ice cream and chocolate syrup. The head, or flower, vegetables include artichokes, broccoli, and cauliflower. Despite orange's reputation for being loaded with vitamin C, a kiwi fruit contains nearly twice as much Vitamin C as an orange per cup. Human race reached turning point some 11 thousand years ago when the first hunter-gatherers managed to domesticate wild wheat. the best way to eat saut Brussels sprouts it's to peel them almost in half which helps to lose bitter taste, the taste of cilantro is also affected by that gene. 8. Oh, YUM. Also . A win-win situation! It's for this reason that they aren't technically a 'true' berry like blueberries or grapes. Share. Among the edible tubers, or underground stems, are potatoes. In the United States, more tomatoes are consumed than any other single fruit or vegetable! How this might help though is that it has been touted that peppers with odd nodes are heavier than those with an even number of nodes. A baked potato (with skin) is a good source of dietary fiber (4 grams). Yep, it can fight bad breath with one simple slice. Vegetables are full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Hone your math skills with our flashcards! In 1893 the Supreme Court was called upon to settle the debate once and for . Carrotshelp our vision because theyre rich in vitamin A. Broccolis healthy rep comes from its low calories and high micronutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. Do you need help with cognition, heart health, and disease prevention? As for shiitakes and portobellos: Who could live without em? Potatoes are only 20% solidsand 80% water. Pumpkin seeds are also a good choice as they have more protein than a similar amount of ground beef. ": 40 Hilarious Before-And-After Pictures, As Shared By These Women With A Sense Of Humor (New Pics), Chefs Are Sharing 30 Common Cooking Mistakes We Need To Avoid, 50 Times Signs Were So Funny, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page, The Best And Worst Transformations Seen During School Reunions, As Shared By These 30 Internet Users, Someone Asks "What Makes You Not Want To Have Kids?" Just suck on the slice for 20-30 seconds and youll be ready to smooch up a storm. Tomatoes are very high in the carotenoid Lycopene; eating foods with carotenoids can lower your risk of cancer. Good luck with that! Pretty much all of those things can lead to you feeling healthier, losing weight, and eating less bad food. Legumes (beans) provide loads of fibre, 50% of our daily foliate, and 45% of our daily iron recommendations. Soluble vitamins are at the greatest risk particularly when you boil veg. Originally cultivated by the Aztecs and Incas as early as 700 A.D., the tomato is native to the Americas. 2023 - Vegetable Facts | Privacy Policy | Contact. The plant part of carrots (the green bits we see above ground) can grow up to one metre high! And unlike the cool drink, figs are also a great source of fiber. 15. Other famous staple foods like what and rice are in the 1400-1500 range. Knowing more about the food we nourish our bodies with is never going to be a bad thing is it? Its no surprise because if that gene link is true, with 50% of the worlds population finding veggies bitter, the sprout is probably one of the most bitter tasting of all vegetables. 5. #1 Carrots Carrots were originally white or purple. Most of the nutrients in a potato reside just below the skin layer. The italian name "Melanzana" can be divided in two parts: "mela" "apple", it means it is a fruit; and "malsana" "unhealthy", which indicates the fact that you cannot eat this fruit whitout cooking it first. Veggies pile on the potassium. . Wake up to the day's most important news. It is also the most interesting fruit in the world. The killer spud may sound like a bad B movie but listen up. One more thing: our scores give no credit for phytochemicals that may eventually turn out to matter. Share them in the comments below! 1 Int. 20 Vegetable Facts for Kids A vegetable is any part of a plant that is consumed and is not a seed bearing structure. 126: 102, 2008.5 Stroke 45: 2874, 2014.6 Eur. Eeeek! All of these were great for our 6th grade health project, Thanks! A true berry is a fruit that develops from a single flower and a single ovary. Please enter your email to complete registration. However, a little known fact is that some fruits and veggies contain toxic chemicals. Pomegranates are high in vitamin C, K, folate and fibre. Some, though, are richer in nutrients than others. Stay tuned. 10. I know we bombard you with all sorts of nutritional information and benefits of foodstuffs, so I thought Id dish up some facts about vegetables with a bit of a difference. Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. As you take a bite of one, do you notice a sweet smell? It is low in calories, but rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber, folate, potassium, selenium, vitamin A, manganese. 2000-2022Sandbox Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You hear it all the time that fruits and veggies can make you more healthy and help prevent disease. 4. This fear was shared in the American colonies and it was years before the tomato gained widespread acceptance. But getting enough potassium 4,700 milligrams a dayis a tall order. No - rice is technically a grain, and therefore a carbohydrate. Potassium helps lower blood pressure, and it may also make blood vessels less stiff. In no way would we ever try to convince the coffee aficionados in our readership to give up their precious morning coffee. Because of their versatility in terms of cooking (we can eat them raw, boiled, cooked, and dried), wide array of cultivation techniques, untold ways they can help us in daily problems that dont require us eating them, and high nutritional values, vegetables represented extremely important commodity for humankind. I like steamed veggies they seem to keep there flavor better. That's fascinating AND weird all at the same time! If its good for Popeye then you should consider adding this leafy green to your diet. For example, potato is an excellent source of Vitamin C 31: 1743, 2016. 2. Vegetables have vitamins A, B, C, D, minerals and carbohydrates. Dont let their names fool you. Pineapple is a fruit and that means its great for you, but you should probably let a freshly sliced pineapple sit in the fridge for a bit before eating it so the enzymes can break down. via GIPHY #2 Tomatoes The biggest tomato fight in the world happens each year in a small Spanish town of Buol. A pomegranate can hold up to 1400 seeds. Mushrooms often get labelled as vegetables, but there are technically fungi, and arent connected to plants at all. Today potatoes are grown in over 100 countries and in all 50 of the United States. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. That could explain why people who eat more have a lower risk of stroke. . Never eat a green potato! Half the population gets less magnesium than experts recommend. Yep, believe it or not, a slice of cucumber can help. Through The Red Shed Organization, I'd Like To Share The Stories Of Amazing Ukrainians Who Have Been Helping Rescue Animals From Their War-Torn Land, "Little House In The High Desert": This Couple Had 12 Kids In 12 Years. Ounce for ounce, kiwis pack the biggest nutritional punch of any fruit in your produce aisle. ), In some studies, people who eat more leafy greens have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. There are ways to reduce the bitterness of Brussels and they should definitely be tried because sprouts really are a highly-nutritious little vegetable. Asparaguscontains only a few calories but lots of fibre and micronutrients such as folate, vitamins C, A, and K. Lentils are both a vegetable and a protein, which makes them a smart and budget-friendly choice. Believe it or not, the reason onions do those things are the exact same reason why onions are good for you. Without further ado, lets plunge right in to this healthy serving of facts about vegetables. For calcium, we used the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for women over 50 and men over 70. Grapefruits are among the most nutritious fruits out there for you. But dont overdo it. Avocados have seeds, so that makes them fruits. This is depressing because the inside is usually the part that tastes good. Home News Fun facts about fruits and vegetables. Doubleor triplethe serving size. Much like the orange peels mentioned earlier, there are creative ways to get these nutritious parts of the vegetable into your meals. Europeans were first made aware of the tomato when explorers brought back seed from Mexico and Central America in the 16th century. In October 1995, NASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison collaborated to help grow the first vegetable to be grown in space: potatoes. Do you know any fun facts about vegetables? The creamy fruit also helps your body absorb nutrients in other produce, like tomatoes. Among the bulb vegetables are garlic, leeks, and onions. Zucchini becomes very bitter tasting if over-cooked. Cucumbers are one of the only veggies you cant cook, and always eat raw. In some grocery stores you can find a lot of vegetables in purple including carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, corn, and asparagus. to our plate today, and every day. 18 million. So you can eat it fresh, frozen, or even drink it and youll get the same benefits! 21. You can find a variety of recipes that help deal with the occasionally bitter flavor but you should definitely try to pack more of these puppies into your diet. You may have seen purple, red, white, yellow and black carrots making an appearance on the grocery shelves. In a medium-sized potato, 35% of an adults daily requirement of vitamin C can be found. Start writing! . LIVE 5-2-1-0: Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Learn more Why is it important to eat vegetables? Featured photo credit: Johnston Health via johnstonhealth.org. To read all future answers to your comment, please bookmark this page. It was the Dutch who turned purple carrots orange in the 17th century. They got bored of the fancy food and asked for pizza, which was a food for the poor. Vegetables are low in calories. Potatoes do not have to be stored in a refrigerator, but they should be kept dark and dry. Potatoes are only 20% solidsand 80% water. So when you eat one, its botanically a fruit but legally a vegetable. Thanks to its high carbohydrate, vitamin, and mineral content, apples have the perfect storm of nutrition to help you stay energized all day. For more information on our use of cookies and usage policies, please visit our PRIVACYPOLICY. Celery seeds are super versatile and are often used as a spice in kitchens all over the world. 13. Bananas are berries. 50 Interesting Organic Food Facts By Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer Published January 4, 2017 Updated October 4, 2019 Organic food is food that has been grown or processed without synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives. However, most of the nutrients in a potato are just below the skin layer. In fact, more tomatoes are consumed in the U.S than any other single fruit or vegetable! In fact, when carrots where first grown and eaten as food, they were purple and white, long and straggly. Ooops! Due to its thick skin and the fact that its 92% water, explorers and desert-faring folks carried the fruit around so they had something to drink. It also contains more antioxidants than the actual fruit. The merit of the ongoing question, is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?, has even found its way before the bench of the United States Supreme Court which ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden, 1883, that a tomato is a vegetable for the purposes of 1883 Tariff Act even though botanically, a tomato is a fruit. 20 Amazing Facts About Sweet Potatoes. 6. So toss some diced tomatoes into your next batch of guacamole. Studies say that up to 50% can be sent out through the feces via the bile while about 20% is sent out through the urine. Cucumbers dont just grow in the ground they can be grown in water, too! Lets not forget all of the other awesome nutrition it provides. Technically, a strawberry is not a berry. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. To prove this, the Executive Director of the Washington StatePotatoCommission ate nothing but potatoes for 60 days. We all love to eat fruit (and sometimes vegetables) but often we forget how weirdly awesome they are. The average pomegranate can contain 600 to 1,400 seeds or 'arils'. Potatoes have more potassium. Other vegetables: Common vegetables like carrots, . One stalk of celery is about ten calories. Cover half your plateand not just at dinnerwith vegetables (and/or fruit). Theterm vegetablegenerally refers to the edible pieces of certain herbaceous plants, roots, stems, leaves, flowers,fruit, or seeds. 16. . Creating an account means you agree with Bored Panda's, We and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalize content and ads, provide, social media features, and analyze our traffic. Theyre packed with other vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy nutrients, too. Your email address will not be published. Educate, entertain, and engage with Factmonster. You can ripen a banana (and other fruit and veggies) quickly by putting them in a paper or plastic bag with an apple or tomato. J. Clin. A portion ofkalealso supplies 10% of your daily value for calcium. Vegetables are generally low in calories and fat. Bored Panda works better on our iPhone app. A writer, editor, and YouTuber who likes to share about technology and lifestyle tips. Factmonster is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Better yet, forget the cups. Theres no doubt in anyones mind that eating fruits and veggies are required for a truly healthy diet. I wonder if it has made you think differently about some of the things on your plate and how you prepare and cook them? Contrary to what our parents told us, eating carrots does not make us see better in the dark. The highest concentration of nutrients and vitamins in vegetables (and fruit) is found in the skin and directly beneath it. Rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and packed with crucial immune-boosting antioxidants, vegetables are the real deal! The expression "cool as a cucumber" comes from the cucumber's amazing ability to cool down the body and add hydration. Vegetables are famous for having high amount if fiber in them. The creamy fruit also helps your body absorb nutrients in other . Employee They Disrespected, I Used AI To See What These 30 Popular Cartoon Characters Would Look Like In Real Life, And Here's The Result (New Pics), People Are Roasting Airbnb For Getting Completely Out Of Hand, Here Are 30 Of The Most Savage Tweets, 30 Stunning Photographs Of Bangladeshi People By This Photographer (New Pics), See Popular Sneakers In Gigantic Forms Composed Into Real Environments All Around The World: 79 Images By Carlos Jimnez Varela. A similar study found an 18 percent lower risk of cataracts in women who reported eating the most lutein.4 Go greens! A fun fact that a lot of people throw around that the enzyme bromelain is used in meat tenderizer. And now you can replace boring white rice with rice made of cauliflower, ortrade your pasta for zucchini spirals.The calories drop from 200 to 20 per cup. Brussel spouts are nothing to bitter gourd, nothing. White potatoes were first cultivated by local Indians in the Andes Mountains of South America. Walking in the door famished? 3. Also, bananas are technically herbs. Tomato Is Botanically A Fruit But Legally A Vegetable: By definition, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant while vegetables are other plant parts such as roots, leaves, and stems. Potatoes do not have to be stored in a refrigerator, but they should be kept dark and dry. Fruits and vegetables have been in the human diet over the entirety of human history. If not, you now know why, possibly. Early studies suggest that this flavanoid has a lot of health benefits such as the prevention of heart disease, some cancers, improved general health, and could even protect our brains as we age. During some periods of our growth from early to modern civilization, certain types of vegetables were regarded as extremely important, often being valued more than money, gold or any other commodity that we owned. In Egypt, onions were considered to be an object of worship. Today, potatoes are grown in over 100 countries and all 50 of the United States. And the leaves, which most people throw out, have some nutrients not found in either the stem or the florets. If youre trying to cut your cholesterol, steam your broccoli that helps it lower your levels more. Their presence boosts our immune system, regulates our metabolism and enables us to live healthier Fine. Grab a handful of carrots or grape tomatoes or sugar snap peas to munch on as you cook dinner. It is also the most interesting fruit in the world. Tomatoes quickly became popular in the Mediterranean countries but received resistance as they spread north. When harvested properly, the whole beetroot plant is actually entirely edible. 19. The tangy, fuzzy fruit is also rich in potassium and copper. (Who stops at a half cup of bok choy or broccoli, anyway?). Im sure you must have noticed the arrival in recent years of so-called heritage and "heirloom" vegetables. 5 But getting enough potassium 4,700 milligrams a dayis a tall order. There are foods out there that have very few calories. Discover more about this fat-soluble vitamin here. Have questions, or suggestions for missing content? The lycopene in the tomato supports vascular health and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Kale has more vitamin C than oranges. There is a long standing myth out there that you can eat some fruits and vegetables that require more calories to digest than they actually give. Potatoes were the first vegetable to be grown in space. Bananas are a favorite fruit around the world. A pumpkin is a fruit. Raw broccoli has cancer-fighting compounds, though. Orange peels have over four times the amount of fiber of the actual fruit. Thats about the same drop youd get from some drugs that lower blood pressure. It is technically true and a lot of people dont know that they have a fruit in their salad. However, not everybody accepted all vegetables on their dining table. There is a metric called TEF (Thermal Effect of Food) that measures how many calories are used to digest food. 10. Countless studies have linked the benefits of greater veggie intake to a reduced risk of chronic disease, heart disease, diabetes, and lifestyle-related cancers. The Egyptians saw eternal life in the anatomy of the onion because of its circle-within-a-circle structure. Instead of pouring another glass of milk, you could reach for the fruit bowl. In a study that tracked some 100,000men and women for roughly 25 years, those who consumed the most lutein plus zeaxanthin had a 40 percent lower risk of advanced macular degeneration than those who consumed the least.3. Spinach and strength have gone hand in hand since Popeye the Sailorman. The potato has been an essential part of the world's diet for centuries. Cancer Inst. Read More . But, according to law, theyre vegetables. Many vegetables, especially leafy greens, are rich in lutein and its twin, zeaxanthin. Thanks to controlled atmosphere storage, apples are able to be 'put to sleep' and can be 6-12 months old before you actually buy them at the supermarket. 46: 1029, 2017.2 J. Natl. One of the most enjoyable parts of United States culture are the faces of awe you get when you tell someone that tomatoes are actually fruit because they have seeds. Mushroom rag. And dont forget snacks. Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and collard greens are high in carotenoids. Thats a new global record! Fruit & Vegetable Fun Facts Farm to School Program Programs/Schedule of Events Farmers School Gardens Garden Curriculum Get Involved Recipes Resources Press Contact Find us on Facebook Suggestion Box School Closures. The only downside is that its difficult to find a way to eat it. The leaf and leafstalk vegetables include brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, lettuce, rhubarb, and spinach. The potato disease Late Blight was the principal cause of the Irish Potato Famine, which killed a half million people. This was because of a trade tariff back then that taxes imported vegetables but not imported fruits. If youre not eating them, youre missing out on a lot of things that we both know about and dont know about yet. Interesting facts about Peter Paul Rubens. A pound of carrots contains none of those things. Did you know, that tomato is actually a fruit and not a vegetable? For the longest time Americans thought potato to be suitable for horses, potatoes were ignored because their tree and leaves were toxic, and some of them were ignored only because of religious beliefs (Buddhists did not like garlic between 1st and 10th century AD, Europeans disliked potato because it was not mentioned in the bible, etc.). When carrots where first grown and eaten as food, they were white and purple bit of discipline, used! Share about technology and lifestyle tips more healthy and help prevent disease of celery has between six ten... With is never going to be stored in a dish with ice cream chocolate. Spud may sound like a vegetable so they could be taxed like a vegetable ( and sometimes vegetables ) often! An 18 percent lower risk of cataracts in women who reported eating the most lutein.4 Go greens most fruit. Use that to season all sorts of foods celery has between six and ten calories that some fruits and are! 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Supports vascular health and helps prevent cardiovascular disease explain why people who more! Can eat it at dinnerwith vegetables ( and/or fruit ) is found in either the stem or the.. First hunter-gatherers managed to domesticate wild wheat just suck on the link in the world happens each year in dish! Object of worship plums are just some of the Washington StatePotatoCommission ate nothing but potatoes for 60 days in way! Help grow the first vegetable to be grown in over 100 countries and all 50 of the nutrients other... And dont know about and dont know about and dont know that they have a lot of,! Eaten as food, they were purple and white, long and straggly bell peppers with. Beans ) provide loads of fibre, 50 % of our daily iron recommendations cream and chocolate.. Make blood vessels less stiff back then that taxes imported vegetables but imported. 1400-1500 range could be taxed like a bad reaction that can have fatal results your meals vascular health helps... You feeling healthier, losing weight, and onions s fascinating and weird all at the greatest risk when.: fruit and not a vegetable is any part of the actual fruit things that both! Type 2 diabetes Service and Privacy Policy some grocery stores you can it..., cabbage, celery, lettuce, rhubarb, and eating less bad food 102! October 1995, NASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison collaborated to help our. Plant i.e miracle workers and a bit of discipline, we can reach a perfectly well-balanced diet if! Eternal life in the Andes Mountains of South America a dish with cream... Forget how weirdly awesome they are n't technically a 'true ' berry like blueberries or grapes packed other... Over 70 more tomatoes are consumed than any other single fruit or!! When explorers brought back seed from Mexico and Central America in the carotenoid ;!

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