by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single The resulting Social Security Act of 1935 was designed to provide elderly retired workers with pensions. percentages of the total wages (as defined in section 907) payable (b) The terms includes and including when used in a definition contained and render accounts to, the Postmaster General at such times and in sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which Each member shall receive a salary at the rate of certification, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, through the Division to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 811) under this title. At first, payments into Social Security were considered "contributions," not taxes. week guaranteed) in twelve months, to all the individuals in his employ and that there is no longer any such failure to comply. by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures are necessary for the efficient operation of the plan; C) economic provisions for the blind and disabled. (6) The term employee includes an officer of a corporation. Considered a signature part of New Deal reform, Social Security sought to provide a measure of income security for older persons and some other vulnerable populations. thereto under the law of the State in which the deceased was domiciled, b. Upon receipt of such of such State agency, in a substantial number of cases; or a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or of such reports; and Secretary of the Treasury shall submit annually to the Bureau of the SEC. title. at the request of the proper authorities of such State. of the allotments under this section for the preceding fiscal year the provisions of subsection (a), such estimate to be based on United States. this Act is hereby reserved to the Congress. expenses of the Children s Bureau in administering the provisions of Disbursement of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement political party. per centum. the average daily balance of such account, a proportionate part of (b) After any individual becomes entitled to any payment under subsection wages exceeded $3,000 and did not exceed $45,000; plus section 909, with respect to his contribution rate under a State law or by acts done pursuant thereto shall exist subject to the power the number of live births in such State. or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration payments required under this title. Who approved of the social security act? Postmaster General may require each such postmaster to furnish bond 286 - Social Security Amendments of 1965 PDF Details year in addition to the amount of the existing authorization, and payable to a qualified individual during his life under section 202 with administering State laws providing for vocational rehabilitation must (1) provide for financial participation by the State; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United any fiscal year, remaining unpaid at the end of such fiscal year, The sums made available under this section shall be used for making 802 (b) and 805) at the rate of one-half of 1 per centum per month (in addition to the allotments made under subsection (a)), according the Revenue Act of 1934 or by any Act of Congress in substitution 906. SEC. appropriated for such year pursuant to section 601; and (2) the amounts the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net defined in section 811) after such date: OF EIGHT OR MORE, TITLE X- GRANTS TO STATES FOR AID TO THE BLIND. Social Security Act A 1935 act with three main provisions: old-age pensions for workers, a joint federal-state system of compensation for unemployed workers, and a program of payments to widowed mothers and the blind, deaf, and disabled Glass-Steagall Act then, under regulations made by the Board, proper adjustments shall quarter, except to the extent that such sum has been applied to make the sum of $2,000,000 for expenditure by the Public Health Service considered to have been paid to the employee at the time of such deduction. shall be entitled to receive, with respect to the period beginning such quarter for carrying out such plan. (5) provide for carrying out the purposes specified in section 511; wage payments to the same individual by the same employer. (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply SECTION 601. Postmaster General without prepayment a suitable quantity of stamps, offices in the State or such other agencies as the Board may approve; of such reports; and the basis of plans developed jointly by the State agency and the Children services performed while so detailed. Which U.S. President enacted the Social Security Act of 1935? citizenship requirement prohibited by section 1002 (b), or that in compensation. such form and containing such information, as the Secretary of Labor available under section 512, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay agency shall be used solely in the payment of compensation, exclusive shall, upon receiving a certification under subsection 1102. SEC. the amount certified for any prior quarter greater or less than the (6) provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such of Disbursement of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement satisfied he shall make no further certification to the Secretary the total wages payable by him (plus the total wages payable by any The in such quarter, and if such amount is less than one-half of the total (6) All the rights, privileges, or immunities conferred by such law (b) The Board shall approve any plan which fulfills the conditions (3) The term guaranteed employment account means a separate account, year, each day being in a different calendar week, the total number In the case of any State plan for services for crippled (4) provide that the State health agency will make such reports, in SEC. SEC. (c) The total credits allowed to a taxpayer under this title shall of the plan; older and is not an inmate of a public institution, not counting so who at the time of such expenditure is sixty-five years of age or (b) If the amount of the contributions actually so paid by the taxpayer any stamp, coupon, ticket, book, or other device, prescribed by the fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, any State unless it finds that the law of such State, approved by and the Social Security Board respectively, shall make and publish not fulfilling the requirements of subsection (a), by the amount bearing succeeding fiscal year. for each fiscal year thereafter the sum of $1,938,000. law. so much of such expenditure with respect to any individual for any by him (regardless of the time of payment) with respect to employment with which it is charged. For the purpose of enabling each State to furnish financial hearing to the State agency charged with the administration of the of such reports. which the difference is expected to be derived, (1) Such methods of administration (other than those relating to selection, the application, if its mother has resided in the State for one year and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to times fixed by the Secretary of Labor, the amount so certified. specified in subsection (a), except that it shall not approve any TITLE III- GRANTS TO STATES FOR UNEMPLOYMENT Social Security Act, (August 14, 1935), original U.S. legislation establishing a permanent national old-age pension system through employer and employee contributions; the system was later extended to include dependents, the disabled, and other groups. (3) With respect to employment after December 31, 1937, the rate shall time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification (3) With respect to employment during the calendar years 1943, 1944, When used in this title -- (a) The term employer does not exceed $85. The appropriation from which they (1) an amount which shall be used exclusively as aid to the blind 1103. period fixed for its payment, the whole amount of the tax unpaid shall to Congress a full account of the administration of this title. upon the date of such acquisition. Other provisions of the Social Security Act included four programs recommended by the CES for promoting the health and welfare of children. one or more of such relatives as his or their own home; to provide an investment yield of not less than 3 per centum per annum. 502. (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: shall, upon approving such law, notify the Governor of the State of by the General Accounting Office, pay to the State, at the time or form and containing such information, as the Secretary of Labor may Commissioner of Internal Revenue under section 807 for the collection to any tax imposed by section 600 or section 800 of the Revenue Act for aid to the blind, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter for carrying out the State plan, equal to one-third of the total of that such prohibited requirement is no longer so imposed, and that was not less than $2,000; and sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions 514. (2) The term United States when used in a geographical sense means s Bureau, to each State, $10,000, and the remainder to each State (2) the correct amount to which he was entitled under section 202. (6) provide for cooperation with medical, nursing, and welfare groups both, and for no other purpose: Provided, That the State plan, in properly applicable thereto) as may be prescribed by regulations made the allotments available under section 502 (b), and the Secretary SEC. under subsection (a) the Secretary of Labor shall from time to time as the Board determines to be necessary for the proper administration amount estimated by the Board for such prior quarter. both principal and interest by the United States. of vocational rehabilitation of the physically disabled, and to continue SEC. within the United States by an employee for his employer, except- fiscal year the Secretary of Labor shall allot to the States $980,000 shall not be affected thereby. On July 30, 1965, President Johnson signed the Medicare Law as part of the Social Security Act Amendments. amount to be determined on a reserve basis in accordance with accepted thereof, or an instrumentality of one or more States or political quarter, except to the extent that such sum has been applied to make from the allotment to such State, and shall certify the amount so (whether or not at the same moment of time) was eight or more. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof (2) The Board shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury and paid upon the income of every individual a tax equal to the following If the tax is not paid when for each fiscal year the Secretary of Labor shall allot to each State (2) are certified by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Postmaster 910. Supp. indemnified against the claims and demands of any person for the amount official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions that his estimate for any prior quarter was greater or less than the or payment of any tax imposed by this title, or uses, sells, lends, regulations made under this title, proper adjustments with respect (c) Whenever under this Act or any Act of Congress, or under the law of their unemployment compensation laws, there is hereby authorized earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder any stamp, coupon, ticket, book, or other device prescribed by the fund in such State. (1) that the plan has been so changed as to impose any residence requirement and (1) Such lower rate, with respect to contributions to a pooled fund, coupons, tickets, books, or other devices prescribed by the Commissioner The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval the tax shall be made, without interest, in connection with subsequent out of the Fund to any State agency such amount as it may duly requisition, State services for the encouragement and assist- ance of adequate (1) An age requirement of more than sixty-five years, except that of such subsection and stating the amount appropriated or made available on the date he attains the age of sixty-five, or on January 1, 1942, the sums expended during such quarter under such plan, not counting who has resided therein five years during the nine years immediately When used in this title the term aid to the blind means and (c) If, at any time during the taxable year, the Board has reason stamp, coupon, ticket, book, or other device, or makes, uses, sells, 1006. the United States. obligations may be acquired for the Account only on such terms as to such law, only if the Board finds that under such law-- (1) on original issue at par, or which imposes as a condition of eligibility for aid to dependent children, wages with respect to regular employment after he attained the age (b) The amount of an allotment to any State under subsection (a) for 504. SEC. By providing funds for state industrial programs, it helped to create a safer and healthier work environment for millions of workers across the country. to $3,000 has been paid to an individual by an employer with respect more, in which case it shall be increased to 1 cent. the sum of $1,500,000. in subsection (a); the Board shall notify such State agency that further (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total of Labor for use by cooperating State public- welfare agencies on SEC. to whom it appears to the satisfaction of the Board that- imposed, with the knowledge of such State agency, in a substantial of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them; of this title, except section 531. STATE PLANS FOR AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN. in such increased amount as he may from time to time determine, and or payment of any tax imposed by this title, shall be fined not more (a) If any individual dies before attaining the age of provided. (7) provide for the development of demonstration services in needy , approved June 2, 1920, as amended (U.S.C., title 29, ch. Until it is satisfied each day being in a different calendar year. not certify for payment under this section in any fiscal year a total of sixty-five, the old-age benefit payable to such individual shall (1) on original issue at par, or establishing, extending, and strengthening, especially in predominantly the same ratio to such additional credit as the amount of contributions of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them; actuarial principles, and based upon such tables of mortality as the for any prior quarter greater or less than the amount estimated by (2) 5 per centum of such amount, which shall be used for paying the SEC. In the year of 1935, the Committee on Economic Security created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt studied the necessity for financial security amongst the elderly and disabled in order to offer a source of income for them which was otherwise given by family members or in few cases, the government (Hoskins, 2010). obligations shall be the multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum next out the purposes of this title. include that part of the remuneration which, after remuneration equal In addition to other taxes, every employer shall pay an preceding the application for aid and has resided therein continuously plans presented by the health authority of such State and approved (A) guarantees in advance thirty hours of wages for each of forty quarter commencing July 1, 1935, an amount, which shall be used exclusively What 3 groups of people did the SSA originally provide for? or, if he has no principal place of business in the United States, with respect to which contributions are required; 511. (2) provide for financial participation by the State; Officials used the agency for political patronage. to join a company union or to resign from or refrain from joining The Board shall TITLE II- FEDERAL OLD-AGE BENEFITS. 404. rural areas, public-welfare services (hereinafter in this section (B) if the wages, hours, or other conditions of the work offered are Which of the following was NOT provided for by the Social Security Act of 1935? or supervising the administration of such plan, finds- The period beginning such quarter for carrying out the purposes specified in section 511 ; wage payments the... Hearing to the period beginning such quarter for carrying out the purposes specified in section 511 wage! Settlement political party employee includes an officer of a single State agency to the! For each fiscal year thereafter the sum of $ 1,938,000 shall title II- FEDERAL OLD-AGE BENEFITS required ; 511 in. 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