Full Service is a unique all you can eat annual contract that permits you to train at FSI as often as you like during the contract year. The Cessna Learning Center (also in Wichita) offers sim training for the Cessna210, 310, 340, 402, 404, 414 and 421. We think it will save you money in the process of getting comfortable in your airplane. 303-941-8204, Private Apparently, when SIMCOM started they designed and built their own sims, and this Cessna 421 sim was their very first. We think that if a pilot has limited or no experience in the sort of airplane she or he is moving up to that the best training program will be primarily in the simulator but also include dual in the airplane itself. Anon-sim-trained pilot may have logged lots of partial panel instruction, yet be entirelyunprepared to cope with an actual gyro failure that presents itself not with a bang but awhimper. This comprehensive approach to flight training replicates forces that govern and influence aeronautics, while providing practical experience in the cockpit. The sims offer full motion and dynamic controlloading, both accomplished via hydraulic actuators. Eachoffers a completely faithful duplicate of the aircraft cockpit, because each is built fromthe actual cockpit of a wrecked aircraft, with all the instruments and controlseviscerated and replaced by servos. Dont believe me? But Imabsolutely convinced that its well worth the cost. For example, a full-service contract for Cessna 300/400 costs $4,700 per year. Destinations outside of this boundary run an additional $1.25 per mile. Readers should take note of the original publish date for each article. Except, about five years ago, my mechanic found that a cable was misrouted through one of the guide pulleys. By the time the threedays were over, I became convinced that anyone who flies a multiengine aircraft withoutthe benefit of regular simulator-based recurrent training is an accident waiting tohappen. Each day of the course normally includes three hours of classroominstruction, a half-hour of pre-sim briefing, two hours in the simulator, and a half-hourof post-sim debriefing. But as its courses have expanded into bigger jets, the customer base at SimCom has shifted. Pilots that complete a PC-12 Series Initial course or are members of Pilatus Owners and Pilots Association (POPA) can choose in-aircraft training to include a final check. Recently, however, the company has introduced several cost-saving training options. Three? Orlando is the companys main headquarters and training location. We graded it only to define where we needed to review. I went around and landed. When it worked correctly, it was fine; there were many times when it didnt. $5,995, Air Excel 775-827-6568, Advanced The single-engine sims are less than 10 years old, and have electriccontrol loading and no motion. So I asked them how we were doing. Many insurance companies require their insureds, particularly those flying more complex aircraft, to periodically attend recurrent training. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Those things havent changed, and I dont expect them to change in the future., What has changed, according to David, is the technology both the complexity of the avionics in the planes, and the technology SimCom uses to deliver its product. 602-454-1400, B 737 Helicopter Company A full-service student can also train for a second aircraft type at no extra cost, and can take maintenance training or any of a variety of ancillary special-subject courses, all at no extra cost. Cessna 300/400 training is also available at FSIsfacility in Long Beach, California. 2 weeks Single-engine offerings include a two-day Cessna 210 refresher course ($1,200), athree-day Beech Bonanza refresher ($2,500), and a three-day Piper Malibu/Mirage recurrent($1,900). I thought I most needed a refresher on operations and procedures in the aircraft, with an emphasis on abnormals, edge cases, and failures. The usual curriculum involves 14 days of classroom and simulator time and is designed to take a commercial, instrument, multi-engine pilot with no jet time through a type rating. Another example: its one thing for an instructor to slap a No-Peekie over the attitudeindicator, and quite another for the horizon to gradually develop the leansand then subsequently start thrashing around to the point of distraction. So did my friend Chris Wrather, a 1,500-hour pilot andBonanza owner, who accompanied me to RTC for his first taste of sim-based training. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent over which cookies are allowed. I found that SimComoffers the same sort of professional-caliber sim training as FlightSafety, but with a fewsignificant differences. A cost of living index allows you to compare what it costs to live in one place against another, revealing how far your money will go in different areas. When a fuel valve is moved, the display depicts just what that action has done within the fuel system. Ihavent seen this new visual system yet, and I dont yet know whether FSI plans toretrofit similar visuals to their Cessna 300/400 and Piper Navajo simulators, but it surewould be a worthwhile addition from the standpoint of training value. This is the sort of training that the airlines call LOFT (Line-Oriented FlightTraining), and is a significant departure from the sort of recurrent training offered byFlightSafety or Simcom. Initial and or Recurrent Training, at either location, includes flight training in the customers aircraft, or in the full motion simulators, or a combination of both. So for the sake ofvariety, I trained at Simcom a couple of times, and most recently I went through thetraining at RTC. For pilots with at least a few hundred hours in similar airplanes, a simulator-only program is, in our opinion, perfectly satisfactory. Attend a 3-day recurrent course followed in 6 months by 1-day of elective flight training tailored specifically to suit your needs. This means that much of their training is one on one. Make sure you have time to talk with your instructor before things begin so she or he knows the type of flying you are planning to do and your background so that the course can be most effectively tailored to your needsyoure the customer. Sure, we recognize the value of the training and would plan to go anyway, but often plans dont quite make it into schedules. So, without the insurance requirement, we might not go at all or perhaps not as often as we should. 562-938-0100, Citation V We provide many specialty courses, and are proud to introduce world-class, integrated Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) through Aviation Performance Solutions (APS). This is a reasonable compromise.). Becoming a Newly Rated Commercial Single-Engine Pilot. Flying may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. After introductions and the obligatory war stories, training began with a systems-focused test to see how much I knewor didnt. Previous Experience Unlike FlightSafety,Simcoms core business is piston and low-end turbine training for owner-flown aircraft.Originally, Simcom offered training only at one location Orlando, Florida but in1996 they opened a second training facility at Scottsdale, Arizona. Perhaps a third of the malfunctionsand emergencies we train for in the sim cannot be done in the aircraft, either becausetheyre impossible to duplicate (e.g., overvoltage trip, induction system icing, propelleroverspeed, left main gear wont extend) or are simply too dangerous to practice (e.g.,engine failure immediately after takeoff, flying with a heavy load of airframe ice). There are pros and cons to both sides of the simulator-versus-aircraft discussion. Calling as a student (not an editor), I reached out to another facility Id previously visited, Glass Simulator Center (now SIMPRO) in Aurora, IL, but they didnt return my call. The physical faithfulness of the sim allowed us to nicely review various procedures, which was quite valuable. The upset training provided by Patty Wagstaffs company was, I believe, one of the most important aircraft training events I have completed since becoming a professional pilot. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WORLD'S PREMIER INDEPENDENT AVIATION NEWS RESOURCE. For example, when FlightSafetyfirst shipped one of its two Cessna 300/400 simulators to its Long Beach (Calif.) learningcenter, the sim didnt have a motion base. The idea is to move into flight scenarios early. For available course dates click on the links below. Scores are presented in relation to the national average of 100. Myfirst exposure to serious simulator training took place in October of 1987,about six months after Id purchased my T310R. But that wasnt the only feature that set SimCom apart. However, if youre looking to duplicate any particular aircraft, you might get close, but you wont get exact. One Time Plus is a reduced tuition for pilots who have taken the same course within the previous 12 months, and is between 15% and 25% less than the One Time price (depending on aircraft make). Your insurance company will be ecstatic that you aredoing this sort of training, and will almost always express its ecstasy through reducedaircraft insurance premiums. 2056 Palomar Airport Road Reno Since then, Ive returned for regular sim training every six months. 800-441-5387, Flight Control Academy I managed to kill myself quite a few times during sim training and then when I had an actual engine failure four years ago in the airplane, it was pretty much a non-event (except for my wallet, of course)., Busch went on to point out something that we hadnt considered: The ground school portion helps with maintenance costs. The FSI rep we spoke with said that the company has gone to all Level D simulators (the highest currently available) and it was no longer financially feasible for them to provide piston twin training. 40 hours per week No other aircraft is equipped just quite like yours is, and its unlikely that a sim comes very close at all. 878 Greenview Drive Of course, sim time is a significant part of the course and thats where the hiccups started. The content of this website (graphics, text and any and all other elements) is Copyright 2023 by Piper Aircraft, Inc., and may not be reprinted or retransmitted in whole or part without the expressed written consent of Piper Aircraft, Inc. Themost difficult parts of doing this in a single-pilot cockpit scanning between thegauges and the windshield and deciding whether or not adequate visual references areavailable to make the landing are never practiced at all. It was that been there, done that feeling. Initial Ive flown 10 in an hour in a sim; just put yourself out on a five-mile final and try it again. Four if you really push? $7,750, Open Scheduling varies with each class and number of participants. Accidentstatistics back this up: pilots who get regular sim training are far safer than those whodont. The pet scenario almost invariably involves flying the airplane at the edge of its abilities and will help you get to know the capabilities of the airplane. If youve been to the same facility for the last few years, or worse, used the same local instructor, look elsewhere occasionally for a broader base of experience. Simcom is located in Orlando, Florida and has two visual-motion simulators, classrooms and a team of professional flight instructors located in Orlando, Florida. The company has also recently introduced a new Pilatus PC-12 New Generation simulator, a Socata TBM 850 simulator with a Garmin G1000 panel, and will offer a King Air 350 simulator with Collins Pro Line 21 avionics by later this summer. Chris jotted down his first impressions of theexperience, and I think youll find them interesting. Every sim session at RTC is structured as an actual IFR cross-country flight. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Although a number of flight schools throughout the United States use simulators intraining pilots for certificates and ratings, there seem to be only three companies thatspecialize in sim-based recurrent training for pilots of piston-powered aircraft:FlightSafety International, Simcom Training Centers, and Recurrent Training Center. Sim training is such an intense experience that mostcurricula limit pilots to two hours of left-seat time per day. All Rights Reserved. Yet, quality recurrent training isnt cheap. AVIATION TRAINING: ABARIS Training 5401 Longley Lane, Suite 49 Reno 775-827-6568: Advanced Composite Repair $1,995: Cycled 5 days: Aeroservice Aviation Training Center . By eliminating 15 or 20 hours of training flights a year, its easy to saveseveral thousand dollars in operating and maintenance expenses, not to mention wear andtear. The cost-effectiveness of the SIMCOM technology means better value for our customers compared to other simulation training environments. You can expect to save at least 10% or 15% on your annualpremiummore if youre a low-time pilot. Sign Up; Log In; Sign Up First Name Last Name Email Address After flying for years at FlightSafety with its straight-ahead-only,nighttime-only vision system, I did find that the panoramic daytime visuals at SimCom didpermit a number of important training scenarios that would not have been feasible in theFlightSafety sims. You cant afford to be sitting around and doing nothing during time youve set aside for training. A sim that had been working properly would have provided a more complete and rewarding training experience. It's also a myth. He is the author of. When the stars align and multiple clients are there for the same training, it is conducted in a small classroom seating up to perhaps six clients. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Copyright 2023 Flying Media. SIMCOM advertises state-of-the-art simulators. That might be true for other aircraft, but the Twin Cessna was, to be blunt, old, tired, far from modern, and simply buggy. Trust me, the real airplane wont do that. We received input from a number of pilots regarding their experience with upgrade training. I stayed calm through the whole thing and got the engine secured, landed, and saved the lives of my passengers. Boulder City 2080 Phillips Lane With the new graphics technology, a non-moving Flight Training Device (FTD) might be able to provide a realistic sensation of movement simply by incorporating high-quality, 180-degree wraparound visual displays. Recurrent Training Thus, their pricing no longer seemed "breathtaking" as I'd previously described it. November 2018 Killer Quiz: Emergency Procedures. No. In more and more cases, your underwriter maynot be willing to insure you at all unless you go through an approved recurrent trainingcourse on an annual basis. Click here for the PILATUS PC-12 Series Course Information Sheet, TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. Form your own conclusion from that. For the three- to six-day upgrade courses for piston twins and turboprops, have read the POH and training materials at least once. In addition to the type-specific courses, FlightSafety offers three genericinstrument refresher courses that concentrate on instrument flying subjects (weather,chart reading, ATC procedures, etc.) If you like, go finish it off with some time in the real airplane to polish your buttonology and aircraft-specific procedures. Now offering Gulfstream G650, Challenger 300/350, Phenom 300, and Pilatus PC-12NGx training! Composite Repair Its currently offering a 20 percent discount on both its CJ and Citation Ultra training courses (both relatively new offerings at SimCom). Type Rating Cause failures you just cant (or shouldnt) duplicate in the airplane. $12,400, Flight Safety International Give us a call: (866)-238-4468 or www.simulator.com. 4330 Donald Douglas Drive I didnt find that the addition of motion added any significant training value tothat simulator. This was one of those years, so I had some decisions to make about quality of training, availability, and economics. SIMCOMs Scottsdale facility is one of the nicest of the training centers Ive seen outside of Flight Safety and CAE. Belvoir Media Group, LLC. Both locations have multiple full-motion simulators representative of the latest model M-Class aircraft, and state-of-the-art classrooms, standardized training curricula, and professional and experienced flight instructors. 480-377-0222, B737-200 Abbreviated Now, theres no way that could have happened in use; it had to have been done on installation. NOTE: In 1998, FlightSafety introduced a new Operational Recurrentcourse in its Cessna 300/400 program that offers a similar LOFT emphasis. We think anything less than that is a deal breaker. SimCom is focusing, once again, on general aviation training. Class sizes are strictlylimited to two students, the ground school classrooms are small and intimate, and thetraining sessions seem a bit less structured and more interactive. Copyright 2022 SIMCOM Aviation Training. Orlando, FL By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL cookies. Many pilots, for example, are reluctant to ask ATC for all the help they need whenconfronting a difficult in-flight situation, and RTC instructors are quick to point outwhen you could have reduced your pilot workload by asking for assistance from the folks onthe ground. In e-mail discussions I was impressed with the approach that Aircraft Simulator Training took, but we just couldnt get the schedule to work. Its unclear why FlightSafety charges so much more for a Bonanza course than fora Cessna 210 course. Sure, many have been plowed up for houses or 2023 Aviation Publishing Group. An annual cycle through FlightSafety, Simcom or RTC costs between $1,000 and $3,000 intuition plus at least several hundred bucks more in travel, lodging and meal expenses.Many pilots are reluctant to spend that kind of money on recurrent training. Flying around the Statue of Liberty and then landing on the 700-foot-long Manhattan Heliport in a jet may sound silly to talk about, but when you do it and discover that you are getting to know the airplane well enough that you can pull it off, youll have made great strides to becoming one with your new flying machine. We got some unpleasant stories from users on the broken sim issue. Carlsbad, CA Childs Associates LP, although David is still president and CEO. The more the industry drags out phasing out 100LL, the more susceptible it is to looking unconcerned about public health risks. Thats the best of both worlds. Adjust the weather to be exactly what you want. I found it extremely useful. Its no wonder that those who pay more than $25,000 for Level D sim type-rating training consider the money to be well spent. For example, Simcom chargesabout $2,200 for a three-day Cessna 300/400 recurrent course (compared with $3,000 atFSI), and $1,450 for a two-day generic multiengine instrument refresher course (comparedwith $2,400 at FSI). A good recurrent training curriculum will cover all of these. OK Aviation Group has been a leader in flight training provision since 2006, receiving full EASA approval as an aviation training organization (ATO) in March of 2013. And no sim, regardless of how faithful the aerodynamics are, accurately replicates the feel and behavior of even the simplest aircraft. That may not sound like a lot, but I can assure you that its avery intense training experience, about all a person can assimilate in one day. Plan on spending a bare minimum of $4000 for piston-twin upgrade training. Theyve closed the Champagne, IL facility, the closest to me, and I had no interest in going to Tampa. Legacy Flight Training has two training facilities, one in Vero Beach, Florida, co-located at Piper Headquarters, and a second at Scottsdale, Arizona (KSDL). Idconsidered myself a reasonably proficient pilot, but that initial experience in thesimulator was truly humbling. ViaMichelin shows the exact distance between South Lyon and Wolverine Lake, based on the route selected. SIMCOM is committed to delivering training solutions that allow our customers to become safer, more proficient pilots. At Simcom, for example, a new 340 pilot attends a five-day course with ground school on the systems and then 10 hours of full-motion simulator training. The Thinking Pilots Flight Manual or, How to Survive Flying Little Airplanes and Have a Ball Doing It, Vols. 19540 International Blvd, Suite 200 Finally, in-aircraft training tends to be a lot tougher on your aircraft than normaloperations. SimComs prices are at least 25% lower than FlightSafetys. Factor in that you do more in an hour in the sim and the sim gives you at least a four-to-one cost advantage. Orlando, Fla. - SIMCOM International, Inc. is expanding and building a new worldwide headquarters in Orlando. In large classes, he explains, the instructor has to teach to the lowest common denominator in the class. 3814 Curtis Parkway What value do you place on your life and the lives of your passengers? Initial Training In reality, I had a couple weeks. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a flight review through the FAA Wings Program. $13,200, PremAir, Inc. At SimCom, you aretypically assigned one instructor for the entire duration of your course, and thatinstructor handles both the classroom and simulator portions of the syllabus; atFlightSafety, its common to get different instructors for ground school and simulator.The instructors at SimCom also tend to teach multiple airplanes your twin Cessnainstructor might well have taught a King Air class the day before while FlightSafetyinstructors tend to be more specialized. That may include such things as getting an instructors endorsement under FAR 61.31(g) to fly a pressurized aircraft, a multi-engine rating and, for turbojets or aircraft with a gross weight of more than 12,500 pounds, a type rating. We strongly recommend upgrade training at a facility that has a sim that can replicate your airplane, and its avionics, as closely as possible. Founded in 1951, FlightSafety pioneered the use of flightsimulators in pilot training, and has grown into a huge enterprise that operates somethree dozen learning centers across the U.S. and Europe. Carlsbad, CA Checking the logs, installation was at the factory, around 30 years previously. The sim allows you to be trained todeal with nearly any conceivable emergency situation. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The dismal G.A. I needed to renew my instrument currency anyway, and the opportunity to flyFlightSafetys full-motion full-vision twin-Cessna simulator sounded exciting. Finally, the student steps into the full-motion, Level D simulator. week While all thats still trueperhaps even more sothe more competitive pricing and excellence of their training was compelling. Civil aviation and defence training services provider CAE has acquired a 50% stake in SIMCOM Holdings for $85m. Here is a general guide on how many days we will need for your Initial Training: 1/2 day cockpit orientation / avionics with a GPU (only 2 pilots can participate with each session) 1 1/2 days flight training: (3) 3-hour flights PER PILOT 1 day ground class with all participants At the most basic level, moving up from a piston single may require additional training and endorsements and/or checkrides to comply with the FARs applicable to the new machine and the pilot. A mechanic I trust once told me that its a good idea to take your aircraft to a different shop for the annual once in a while. Plus, of course, you can do ever so much more in the sim than in the airplane. Most ATD sims can be rented for $50 to $95 an hour. A combination of more than a decade of economic growth, a soft aviation insurance market (although that appears to be changing) and relatively low selling prices for used piston twins, turboprops and light jets has resulted in a healthy number of piston single owners giving serious thought to stepping up to more capableand demandingairplanes. Incidentally, when I trained at RTC in April 1998, they were in the process ofinstalling a new-generation Phoenix simulator from AST that promised to offersignificantly better fidelity and visuals than the AST 300s. Thereare also a number of alternative pricing plans for pilots who train regularly with FSI: Until about ten years ago, FlightSafety was pretty much the only game in town forprofessional-caliber simulator-based recurrent training for piston-powered aircraft.Thats no longer true, but FSI is still the dominant presence in the industry, and setsthe benchmark by which other training organizations are measured. All rights reserved. ViaMichelin will help you to determine the best route based on various options and, by default, offer two to three routes with varying costs, distances and journey times. A multiengine recurrent course usually takes three fulldays and costs $3,100 for Beech Baron/Duke, $3,000 for Cessna 300/400, and $2,700 forPiper twins. During the summerbetween June 1 and August 30 (which are SimComs slow months), the second pilot gets awhopping 75% discount. The facilities we spoke with said that they train to proficiency so the cost, simulator time and course time is subject to revision upward based on the ability of the pilot to meet the course standards. SimCom has expanded and evolved over the years. Its just different. I can tell you fromfirsthand experience that after two hours in the box, youre ready for a long break and atall beer! For example, two pilots can take the Cessna 300/400 recurrent course for $3,800 (i.e., $1,900 each), which represents a 37% discount from the $3,000 One Time tuition. Originally, SimCom focused on training for owner-operators of cabin-class, twin-engine piston aircraft pilots who wouldnt normally have access to simulator training. The prices quoted above are FlightSafetys 1998 One Time tuitions. And they said, well, the other places theyd done training had full motion simulators, so they were better in that way. There the pilot can work through lots of malfunctions, practice lots of approaches, and make lots of mistakes; none are fatal. Initial and or Recurrent Training includes a combination of both training in the customers aircraft and in the visual-motion simulators. Shooting approaches under the hood is woefullyinadequate preparation for doing the same thing in actual low-visibility conditions. Attend our fully interactive ground school training from the safety and convenience of your own home or office. They combined all those discounts and averaged the price for a more competitive cost. Partner Pricing Program provides reduced tuition for two pilots who train together, taking the same FSI course at the same place and time. The value proposition for SimCom since the beginning, he says, was to give customers value, customized training, and a friendly atmosphere. Knowing how the systems work and how to troubleshoot them helps isolate problems for the A&P.. Visual systems offer an extremelyrealistic nighttime-only display, using infinity-focus collimated optics, (but most lackany capability for side views or daytime visualssee discussion below).These sims were built about 20 years ago (when piston GA was at its peak), and each costabout $1 million to build back then. About six months time per day June 1 and August 30 ( which are slow. 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