1. If you hold on a little while longer. Baptist, A sermon directing others to keep punishing forward. When David was a young boy watching his fathers sheep, he had to protect them from lions and bears. read more, Scripture: Tim Hansel Yet, the hymn writer said that faith is the victory, for all who will yet believe. In these early Sundays, our prayer is, "Lord, teach us to pray like Paul prayed.". 3. As they Lord, Help me confront all that I have done before I knew You, Help me stepup and step out, Help me to know that You are with me when these hard things present themselves before me, I am the weakest of them all but You choose to show me, teach me, to have me confront all of lifes hard and scarey steps. David was calling out to the Creator and Redeemer God whom he knew personally. Held in the nail-pierced hands of the potter. Do you know what it is like to be stuck in a situation that is not good for you, but you are too afraid are just unable to do anything about it? God, just help us to hold out, because truly we know that our living is not in vain, and with your help and your help alone if we ask, you will help us in whatever area it is that we struggle I claim it done right now!! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I want to briefly share with you the nature of Davids description of the Lord. He is fully capable of rescuing us from difficulty. Job is willing to be taught, if his friends have any instruction to give. It must. Afterwards he became the king of Israel, the father of Solomon, and the ancestor of the Lord Jesus. You just have to ask. According to the New Testament, the rite was instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper; giving his disciples bread and wine . It has been in preparation of the launching of our new Recovery group next month. Six months into our ministry in PA everything fell apart, and for the next two years my almost daily prayer was to ask the Lord to get us out of there. By YOU HEARD ME TELL THE STORY OF THE PET BIRD SUCKED UP BY THE VACUUM CLEANER, OWNER TAKES THE BIRD OUT OF THE VACUUM AND WASHES HIM, DRIES HIM,. Luke 2:38 Isaiah 41:10-13 box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #fed897; INTRODUCTION: read more, Scripture: Of course he heard me. Fear is one of the greatest enemies of humankind. David was the exact opposite. I parked to answer this persistent call. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Different Types: Rain Boots, Cold Weather Boots, Gardening Boots Specializing in high And then yet This song doesnt sugar coat reality like we sometimes do. - Teach me, and I will hold my tongue. David loves the Lord with all the deep affection in his heart because he has come to know that Yahweh God is the source of his strength in life. November 29, 2015 Call on the Lord. Psalm 121 was a song for rough and uncertain roads like these. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!" Read full chapter Psalm 90 read more. David knew something about the Lord which you might not know deep in your heart. "Lord, when the tempest rages, I need not fear, For You, the Rock of Ages, Are always near. A person living by Christs graceful attitude looks to the Spirit and the word of God fo, Grace Living Lessens Legalism But He did not remove the cup of suffering. Enlighten my perspective so I can see my unforgiveness the same way You do and to desire to give forgiveness with the. Brian Bill MANY OF US TODAY AND SOME OF US IN THE PAST HAVE BEEN DISCOURAGED. Show me Lord, what You would have me to do. 1. We are constantly being reinforced and help steady by the mighty hand of God, Psa. Whatever trial you are facing today, hold on. Too many people forget the mighty works that God has done in the past for us. background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #d29105 5%, #f6b33d 100% ); My Help Comes From The Lord! 2023 Berean Christian Church All Rights Reserved. He was in danger continually for years. GOD IS THROWING YOU A ROPE, AND PULLING YOU OUT, WHEN YOU ARE IN QUICK SAND- YOU CANT GET OUT WITH YOUR OWN EFFORTS- YOU MUST HAVE SOMEBODY PULLING FOR YOU. I really like those words we just heard when Jesus was born the night was lit with hope and promise and on the day He died, the day was dimmed with grief and sorrow. He was so afraid that he began to act insane so that the king of Gath would not turn on him and kill him. }. So, as we look to El Shaddai (God Almighty) for strength and power, we must also work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. This was not the case with Saul. Six keys to being more productive in life and ministry. Darkness is a certainty. Mark 9:22. At least, they apply only to mythological beings like Satan or Lucifer, designed to personify abstract ideas - not to mortal creatures, whether human or otherwise. Midway through their journey the disciples encounter a terrible storm. After about a year and a half of praying, the Lord gave me an answer. David knew he could not defeat an army of that size, especially since he knew those men since he had fought with them and had even been their commander. And one of the greatest tools that the evil one has to use against us are the ways that we talk to ourselves in our own minds. Even though I'm worn out and on the last strand of my rope, God help me to be like you. 3- Alexander harmed We hold on to the promises that His love never fails; that He will never let us be put to shame; that His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. Isaiah 41:10, Denomination: Can you relate to the feeling that the Lord is not answering your prayers on time? The Lord my Help Hebrews 4:15-16 - "For we do not have a Just because we are down doesnt mean that we are defenseless. It is a greater conflict between those who trust in God and those who trust in human ability and understanding. Candidates must attend the class "Why We Baptize", PGlmcmFtZSB3aWR0aD0iMTAwJSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxMDAlIiBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vZHJpdmUuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9maWxlL2QvMEI1cFRCTm96ZWlINGRTMWtYMnhhVTFOWmRqUS9wcmV2aWV3P3N0YXJ0PTEmYXV0b3BsYXk9MT9mcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgYWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPjwvaWZyYW1lPg==. The Lord does want to be involved in your life. Did you know that the Lord wants to be around you? Did the Lord not hear my prayer all that time? Matthew 15:25. Close by Your side abiding, I fear no foe, For when Your hand is guiding, In peace I go.". How to Get Help from God 14-16 "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. Our problem, like Jacob's, is that all too often we want to use God and His blessings to further our own ends. Hold on to the rope of hope when you dont think you can cope. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And if you It is about the Lords help and three kinds of living in Christ. In Times Like These He has great affection for you. We continue to pray, hold onto hope and wait. It's the loss of hope. He was constantly on the run, much of the time in fear for his life. Matthew 5:1-12, Denomination: Christian/Church Of Christ, A sermon on Hebrews 3:1-6 (emphasis on vs. 6), HoHum: Watch on. 30:7). We can take hold of contentment by learning to receive, by investing in a relationship with God, and ultimately by accepting grace for life eternal. Do you know the feeling of being overwhelmed to the point of thinking that you are not going to make it, or that you are going to be crushed? At one point we read that Saul brought 3000 men to the party. We fear what might happen to us. Yet, he sent himself to take care of your sin problem because he takes joy in you and wants you for himself for all eternity. David wrote, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Moses waited 80 years before God used him to lead Israel from bondage. read more, Scripture: He understood and testified to the fact that is was the Lord who delivered him from the lions and bears, and it was the Lord who delivered him from being killed by Goliath. In 2003 our church theme is, "Lord, teach us to pray.". wifiministries.org ~ "World In Focus International Ministries". Life needs to have courage, and we need to know our God who is the true source of courage. Oh yeah, Ill tell you somethin But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31) NKJV. border-bottom-left-radius:0px; He's fighting for you. We ask in faith for those who would hold the ropes for our family to free me up to work in the public openly sharing the gospel. I WOULD BE IN THE PANIC MODE IF I FELL IN. As one reads through the Scriptures, he will soon find that the Bible has much to say on the subject of waiting. He kept shouting, "it had happened, please The Lord Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Perhaps you've even considered that yourself. YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH THE WRINGER AND YOU DONT HAVE MUCH SONG LEFT. 11. With his nail-pierced hands, Jesus the potter reaches into the messy clay of our lives and sculpts each of us into a masterpiece. -webkit-border-top-right-radius:0px; Thank you, Shana! His case is so convincing, so true, that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are guilty. 90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. Hark, the Herald angels sing, In Psalm 18:4-5, David explains his situation and the feelings he had with these words, The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of destruction assailed me; the cords of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me.. Full Stems Available with Click and Cues @ Loop Community link: https://loopcommunity.com/en-us/multitracks/lord-help-me-to-hold-out-by-bobby-allen-20387See . For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. if(typeof(networkedblogs)=="undefined"){networkedblogs = {};networkedblogs.blogId=1087788;networkedblogs.shortName="world-in-focus-international-ministries";} Lord, Help Me To Hold Out! For if you hold on, your change will come. Mountain Grove Missionary Baptist Church. Looks at attitudes: Whats yours is mine and Im going to take it. 1. The Power to Hold On. The blessing is not in the removal of the darkness. December 10-11, 2016 Apostolic, In our text, Paul tells of some people who were helpful in the ministry and some who were not. This is the 1st Sunday after we David says that the Lord is the horn of his salvation. On behalf of my family and the ministry I wish you all a blessed and prosperous new year. 1One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayerat three in the afternoon. WE TRY TO LIVE LIFE ACCORDING TO GODS WORD, AND YET WE FIND OURSELVES IN TROUBLE, LIVING DEFEATED, A MAN WALKING THROUGH A GRAVEYARD AT NIGHT AND FALLS INTO A OPEN GRAVE, NOT ABLE TO GET OUT, HE IS JUMPING THE SIDES TRYING TO GET OUT, AND HE IS TALKING TO HIMSELF ( I KNOW NOBODY HERE DOES THAT) HE IS SAYING I CANT GET OUT OF HERE AND THEN HE HEARS A VOICE FROM BEHIND HIM I CANT GET OUT EITHER, .HE SUDDENLY HAD NEW MOTIVATION TO GET OUT. The problem was that Saul could muster up an army. Heres what you can do and what you need to do. My way may not easy, You did not say that it would be, But when it gets dark, I cant see my way, You told me to put my trust in Thee, Thats why Im asking you to help me to hold out. 2. (Psa. They cried out with hope into the uncertainty, drowning their fears with verse and chorus. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Galatians 2:16, Denomination: Assembly Of God. Psalm 91:14-16 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. We will find ourselves in situations that are almost unbearable. Without the leading, help and encouragement from the Holy Spirit no one can overcome their hidden faults. Rev. 56:8). How to Hold On When Everything Is Coming Apart. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Most people that know us For the next 4 weeks we are looking at scriptures which tell us not to fear. Dont let yourself think that he doesnt care about you. Even those who have trusted Christ Jesus to forgive their sins can so easily be influenced by the ways of the world. -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #fed897; There are promises of God that assures us that there is nothing to fear, nothing to worry. Psalm 19:12-13. I'm not here to help you build and leave my work undone. John 15:1-27. The more I probe into the nature of our human hearts, the more I see that people have a hard time believing this about God. We fear losing people, opportunities or things. All I Want for Christmas is Hope We were in a traffic jam and we passed a horrible wreck. Sermon: "Lord Help Me To Hold Out" from Pastor Deborah Dukes 0 Loading Content. Call on the Lord for help. Jesus at this point shows up in the middle of the storm walking on the sea- Peter realising it was master However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent. Understand that David was not blowing his situation out of proportion. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me." Summary: To get the church to understand that if we are to share in His glory, then we should be willing to share in His suffering 1 2 3 Next HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER Romans 8:18-24 My brothers and sisters as we go through life, we discover that it is full of ups and downs. One day a lawyer came up to Jesus and asked him what Gods greatest commandment was. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Jesus knew that great people continuously acknowledge their need for Him through all kinds of prayer. color:#ffffff !important; Whats mine is yours and Im going to share it. Immediately, an EMT in the congregation called an ambulance. background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #d29105), color-stop(1, #f6b33d) ); Im not sure about you, but I (Philippians 2:12) We must agitate, irritate, and require that our Nation live the ideals that it so eloquently writes and speaks. The sermon shares how David was in mire and muck needed help as we all do he trusted god and God delivered. When faced with a real threat of death, David went to the One whom he knew was able to give him the help that he needed. Isaiah 49:8, Isaiah 65:24, Psalm 30, Psalm 37:25, Psalm 40:1-5, Psalm 91:15, Psalms 40:1-5, Sermon Topics: When you can't cope, hold onto the rope of hope. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed a simple prayer of, "Lord, if you are willing please take this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done.". Introduction- height:41px; Sometimes you Need Muck Boots Psalm 40:1-11 Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. It was John, one of my church members. A horn is the symbol of power and glory. I pray you can too. This simple but powerful prayer takes human need and places it in the hands of Almighty God. To view the Google Drive folders, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Psalms 54:4 - Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. Allow me to give a short exhortation of this verse that will give us encouragement and upliftment that we need. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.