You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer, I finish reading and I look at my feet. I tilt my head in question and he looks up ahead towards Jack and Kate. Not too much of a fight, Micheal answers, It was more like me getting gored.. Lost In Fanfiction. ", Title: LOST - The Other Generation, by Kevin Bunch, Link: Sawyer follows with a big flashlight. I know who you are.. What? Kate blanches, looking between the both of us. I felt they tied it a little too loose, and I try to maneuver my fingers to get myself untied. Okay! Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don't wanna. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Everyone returns to their spots and I can see them glancing at me. She's never been a very good person. Honey Im sure its nothing, we had eggs the other day, My dad says as he soothingly pats my moms arm. Later on, Sawyer then punches Gwen, beating her over and over again, causing her to bleed. "Just give it back when you're done," He says and I snap my head up. I scramble to my feet to try and get Sawyer off Boone, but he pushes me away and I fall in the sand. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Im not meant to be here. Boone helps Shannon run. I suppose not, I say quietly. Were not savages, Kate. A subreddit for the fans and critics of the ABC television show Lost. I walk past Jack, and I can feel his eyes on me. Wollstein, Harold, seat 23C, Claires voice cuts in again. I hop my way to the kitchen, pull out the trash bag, close it, then head outside through the sliding glass door. I know what you become! Youre lucky to be alive, Kate says to me in amazement. Splinters? They deserve that. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Penny . Stop what, Chico? Sawyer asks and I look over to see Sayid making bamboo spikes. Oh shit. Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. Its only when I hear someone stumble behind me in the sand that I turn around. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. To be fair Im not a big fan of Locke and I dont need him to be telling me all about fate and destiny. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. After all the commotion and medically helping those who could be helped, I let Jack slink off to sew his wound and have his conversation with Kate. Not a few minutes into the book I hear a rustling sound outside of my tent. Suddenly bright eyes meet ours and Jack says: We boost off the fuselage and run, Kate coming with Sawyer and I. Sayid helps Claire run. Hey, whats going on here? Kate asks, but no one answers her. An expanded epilogue to Lost. I shake my head and suddenly Jack shows up and starts going through Sawyers stuff. Status . And you gave him his knife back? Sawyer says incredulously to Jack. Well, aint you the brave one, jumping a guy while hes napping, Sawyer drawls and then looks between Sayid and Jack, Uh-oh, Im in trouble now, aint I?. Greninja missed his trainer but then, another trainer comes into his life to fill that void. Now 6 hours into the flight I am clutching the armrests of my seat in preparation. Everything else is just speculation. Sawyer, who was sitting next to me, is nowhere to be found. Suddenly somebody knocks Charlie down and I turn my head to see Jack helping Charlie. What do you mean James..? I ask quietly, making sure no one else can hear me use his real name. jaty. Must be cold without your trunks, I say, making no effort to keep the amusement out of my voice. I intercept him once ahain, but at a cost. Peachy, I say, feeling far from peachy. Except, I dont find myself getting burnt, or even remotely tan for that matter. I can watch Claire give Sayid his envelope. *This is AU. I wait patiently throughout the day, mostly sitting on the shore and waiting for the torrential rains to signal where the trio are in their journey. No one will agree with you, but youre going to make the final decision to go ahead and do it anyway. I know its a long shot, but knowing how easily Jack can be guilted I figure it would work. Supernatural Lost | Lauren Cohan Josh Holloway James "Sawyer" Ford | Fantasy Romance Lost Island Misfit Survivors Sawyer. Im dreams_are_fanfiction and welcome to my LOST fanfiction site! Youve been waiting for this, havent you? I cant stand it anymore. Thats what I felt when I first woke up, upside down. Im sitting on the beach as always. Trudging back to the beach I notice Sawyer gathering up some things. What? I can watch Jack walk over to Rose and talk to her. Sawyer, Im giving you the chance to do the right thing. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. Lost Emotions reviews Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Locke, and Sayid all head out to find Claire. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. At the last moment Im able to roll and only my right arm seems to take most of the impact. Rating: MWord Count: 1.7kA/N: Hello! Hey, Doc. So you can play games all you want, but I know theres a human being in there somewhere. I hear a weird sound and see Sawyer opening and closing his lips like hes going to say something. No no, Im okay. It is then revealed that Sawyer orchestrated Gwens house being burned down and faked the deaths of Gwens mother and brother, and he is holding them captive, putting them in a secret room where they are chained to the wall. Out loud.. Lucky for me I know that hes nothing but a big softy with a lot of grief at the end. I can feel his eyes on me for a long time. Pairing: Jack Shephard/Kate Austen. We both settle down next to one another on the airline seats outside of Sawyers tent. I cry out when he grabs my wrists roughly and slides the bamboo into them. I got the quickest flight I could to LA and didnt bother to check the flight number, nor see who else was boarding. This reality, or whatever, is from a TV show called Lost. Oh my god. I dont believe you, Jack says finally, Nor do I trust you., Nothing, never mind. Hon go take out the trash, its horrible! My mom says to me. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. I make another sound of protest as she walks away toward Jack and Sayid. I think youve never actually tortured anybody in your life, Sawyer taunts, and I wince for him. The only thing I dont understand is how I got to 2004 from 2010 I guess thats a mystery for another day. I follow not far behind Sawyer. Dude, Im not going anywhere, Hurley says. Uh Amelia- Its not what it looks like, Boone says, panic clear in his voice. Just read it, He growls and I realize it was a bad idea to call him by his real name. Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta Expanded Universe). . Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. I walk past a few people gathering suitcases and notice my small red one at the top. Im gonna shed some light on this thing, Sawyer says and flicks on the flashlight. Kate looks hard at Sawyer, but her expression softens when she sees me. I know by the morning the news will have spread and Im going to be mistrusted and hated. The caves? God I just want to sleep. ! I shout, trying to overcome my sobs. Paring: Sawyer x F!Reader Word Count: 468 "Hey, I've been lookin' for that shirt," Sawyer exclaims as you crawl out of your tent. I look down at my wrapped arm and realize Im only in my tank top. T-rated. Pain. Title . I look up at him as he looks down at me. What do you want, Sawyer? I repeat, and he just shakes his head and turns back to the wood. Sawyer chops a piece of wood and I clear my throat. I cant stand it. Self-recs are fine. It is also revealed later on that his abuse leaves multiple cuts on Gwens body, such as huge cuts across her stomach. Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. I make it and smile when I find Sawyers clothes and a paperback edition of Watership Down. HQ/READ ME FIRST!! "You alright there blue-eyes?" I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. Just tell me where the inhalers are and well stop, Jack explains to Sawyer. Red hot guilt fills my stomach and throat, I read it, and then again, because Ive been trying to figure out why you beat up Boone instead of just telling him you didnt have his sisters medication. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to. I shudder slightly as he begins to trace the burn scars with his fingers. Ugh it seems like rotten eggs! My mom exclaims. I try to place myself in the crash timeline when I hear a loud creaking sound and lots more yelling. You an me arent all that different are we?. This girl might be the death of him. But it comes with a cost, and may very well risk her own life. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people. I know who you are! Living room! Now you get to be the hero again, because thats what you do fix everything up all nice, Sawyer taunts again, and I really wish hed shut up. All are multi-chapter; all but one are completed works. These fics can be rated . Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. I quickly get fed up, at this point not really caring. My mom, dad, and brother were all killed in a fire and explosion at our house when I was 14, I begin, my voice more steady than I feel, I survived with nasty scars and burns on my back and on the back of my arms. Looking up I see Sawyer. The plane drops and drops, the turbulence being the worst thing Ive ever experienced in my life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. Hes already in a bad mood from Boone, and even if I know he wont hurt me Im still a bit afraid. So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. Your names not Sawyer, is it? Kate asks and I try to sit up more. I dont-? Jack begins but I cut him off. Sawyer follows with a big flashlight. At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. Blue eyes, I got so many answers to that question, I wouldnt even know where to start.. Well, I begin, biting my lip, My name is Amelia Kassman, I am 20 years old, now single, and I know the future. When Jack doesnt answer I continue, resolving to tell the same thingI told Sawyer a few days ago. Get out!. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. Also, clicking a chapter heading can cause an automatic download, unless you have that feature disabled in your browser. I became the man I was hunting. Laying on my airplane seats and pulling up my blanket I vaguely wonder what people will say when I dont show up for school at the end of the month. Summary: I know youll take care of her Jack. Jack and Kate have been on the island for 5 years. I sit on the beach as I watch the sun go down across the ocean. He proceeds to beat her, at one point kicking her until she was crying in pain. I sigh and put my book aside before popping my head out of the tent. Where is it?. I fall to the sand as black engulfs me. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. With tears in her eyes, Amelia says, You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. I slowly lower myself onto the bed, now feeling light-headed from sitting up. Complete, Genre: Friendship, Mythic, Fantasy. Why do you keep coming around? He asks, keeping his eyes straightforward on the path. I cant stand it anymore. I have to wait for Kate, and I have to wait for Juliet. Suddenly he gets up to leave, but I grab his arm. Ill deal with it later. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. I press my face into my knees and dont look up at anyone anymore. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. I realize how boring I must be to the other survivors. Chapter 5: All alone. I start to make my way towards where I know Sawyers clothes to be. Howd you get that knife on the plane? Kate asks. This was Sawyers choice, not mine, Jack says stoically. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. I can hear Sawyer pass me, but then I hear another pair of feet stop in front of me. I cry out again when Sawyers fists connects with Boones nose. I nod back. No. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue? Sayid asks and I know whats coming. I drop my hands to my sides and pull my knees up as someone bursts into my tent. Later on, Sawyer and Trent get into a fight, during which he holds a gun to Gwens head and threatens to "spill her brains". Then Jack shows up and begins to gather Sawyer out of his seat. Well, that didnt end the way I expected, but at least nobody important died, Amelia pants, lowering herself into the sand. Jack stops and looks around, noticing that everyone is watching him. Do you know blue eyes? Whatever you say blue-eyes. I watch him walk a few paces to his tent and disappear inside it. I dont have it, Sawyer says, and then turns his head to me, Blue eyes here probably knew that too.. I look around and everyone seems on edge, shocked, and almost ready to tussle. Hes concerned, genuinely, and I can see LaFleur in him. Sawyer turns around. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. So, how did I find my way on this flight? What do you want for the inhalers? I sigh, because I know the answer. I need to help these other people! Jack exclaims, looking wild. I move to let go of his hand but he stays put, so I stay content as well. I know it means something to you. My mom sniffs the air again and makes a disgusted sound. Some films and TV shows have such a finality to them that there isn't any interest in continuing. I do so and turn back around, and when I do I see tears in his eyes. Afterwards, it is revealed Sawyer does this routinely, beating Gwen when she tries to hide from him, doing this everyday for weeks. With tears in her eyes, Amelia says, You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. You say youve watched us, He begins, But do you really know us?. You dont know jack, stop saying that, Sawyer spits at me. I know what you become! lost lostfanfiction loststory losttvshow mystery planecrash romance sawyer sayid southpacific thriller abcfamilyabclostaustraliabeachdesmonddramajackshepardjohnlockekateaustenlostlostfanfictionloststorylosttvshowmysteryplanecrashromancesawyersayidsouthpacificthriller Table of contentsLast updated Mar 25, 2017 Surviors of the plane crash The Others Keep Gwen in his clutches forever.Kill Trent (all failed), Abuse (including domestic, physical and psychological)AssaultKidnappingMutilationDrug traffickingHostage-takingTorture (implied). Hes been looking at me the whole time. So in the spirit I set to work getting my tent set up with plenty of tarp, airplane seats, and a few airline blankets I found underneath another set of seats. I flinch and make a noise. Im okay right here. I smile at him through the wet strands of my hair. I look wildly around and see Jack holding a bucket looking guilty. Razorbacks, by the look of them. Rated: T. Genre: Drama/Mystery. Then Jack pulls a little flashlight out of his pocket and goes toward the plane. I know what you become! Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! I scan the beach, looking for Sawyer. I smile to myself some more and begin to hum I Shall Not Walk Alone as I remember from the episodes end. Walkabout couldnt come any sooner. Suddenly Sayid is running towards us, and back to Sawyer. I want to help! I wait until Sawyer trails off into the jungle before I go hunting for a book. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. Complete. Then he and Sayid begin dragging Sawyer away. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. Dont you like her better? I ask as confidently as I can as I cross my arms over my chest. Nothing, Sawyer replies, but he pauses as he looos through his stuff, Did you take a book.. Jack hands the knife to Locke and says, You either have very good aim, or very bad aim, Mr, Locke, Micheal cuts in, His name is Locke., Okay Mr. Locke, what is it that were hunting? Jack asks, I think that is the first and only time Jack ever calls Locke Mister., Locke takes a breath and begins what seems to be a pretty well prepared speech, We know there are wild boar on the Island. Follow . Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. Youre just not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. I look up from my book and see Sayid approaching with a large metal pipe. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Alvar Hanso, original characters. I dont remember why hes so petulant in this episode. A few minutes later I hear crunching in the sand. What I mean is, you say you know all of us. Thanks, jaty. Happy to tell you, as soon as I get a kiss, Sawyer replies cheekily. (Also called fanfic.) As the number of people gradually decrease, will they find Claire? Read it. Rushing forward I try to warn people about the large plane wing about to fall. Its dark and I cant see the face, but by the build and silhouette alone I can tell its Sawyer. Even at night the Islands air is still fairly humid, which makes a bit of sense considering its September. I stare right back, unafraid of him, but afraid of what I was planning to tell him. After Sawyer and I made it back from the caves. I know you want to, Sawyer taunts Jack and I try to give him a withering look. Cool, see you later Kate, I say and Kate walks away from me. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. Russ: Thank you very much! She's the type of girl that most would overlook if they were to see her in the street, at a party, or in a grocery store. Oh and youve got blue eyes here too? Sawyer asks with a chuckle, I must be in a load of trouble then. Jack opens his mouth to speak, but Sayid cuts in with a speech. I turn around and I can feel his eyes roam all over my scarred back, and a small noise gets caught in my throat. "Sawyer," Jack says. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. This Island isnt actually real, and the show was filmed in Hawaii. I shiver slightly and I feel Sawyers arm wrap around me protectively and pull me against his warm side. Pilot (Part 1) My eyes snap open and I breathe in sharply. Why am I still alive? I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. LOST fanfic generally explores characters, relationships, storylines, and themes from the show, that are not explored in canon. It is then revealed that Sawyer only has Gwen living with her so he could use her for money, and he also plans to kill Trent for being a distraction. Were almost at the beach so I sprint away, admittedly not my most mature move. Yet she didnt forget his words. I open my eyes and beg Sawyer with him to stop. I turn my head as Sawyer is helping me loosen the bindings on his wrist. He doesnt want him to know what he has to say. James, I shoot back. Thats your proof. Youre just getting to the good part, Sawyer cuts in sarcasally. My daddy shot my mom, Sawyer says, and I bite my tongue. He starts bleeding and rushes at Sawyer again, but Sawyer catches him and punches his face. Kate walks a little ways ahead and Jack leads the group. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. sawyer hartman joey graceffa heathers veronica love jd danvers youtube dawson shane mcnamara chandler duke heather sanvers lost jamesford veronicasawyer 719 Stories Sort by: Hot Fine, get your pack and some water bottles and lets go.. I'm dreams_are_fanfiction and welcome to my LOST fanfiction site! Hes just playing mind games with me. Im glad I dont have the gun anymore. Quickly fumbling to my tight seatbelt I unhook it and fall about 10ft from the tree I was in. Nearly three years after leaving the island behind, Daniel has long given up hope of rescuing those stranded there. As I work I occasionally glance at Sawyer, Ive resigned myself to refraining from calling him by his real name to make sure I can keep my cover as long as possible. Sayid shifts to get behind me and my tied hands. Do you or do you not know whats going on, whats going to happen?. I drop my head back onto Sawyers shoulder and whimper quietly in pain. I shudder at the thought. Sawyer I didnt know she would find it, I say weakly, bracing myself for an explosion from Sawyer. Summary: What happened after the Island and before "The End?" M-rated. Thats not going to help us get the medicine, Kate reasons then turns to me, Hey Amelia.. Sawyer watches her go with an awful expression on his face. I try to jerk away, but Sayid just tightens his hold. Sawyer lets go of my arm once hes pushed me inside of his tent. I want to ask if hes going to the memorial, but he speaks up first. Gen fanfics are comprised of stories that do not center around romantic relationships at all. Im up thinking. No, I whooped a thief cuz he was going through my stuff, Sawyer huffs. Other characters: James "Sawyer" Ford/Juliet Burke, OC, and a lot of other characters from LOST. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Running up I catch the tail end of what Hurley is saying. Then my stomach turns and I remember Juliet. Jin helps Sun run. Right behind you, Jackass, Sawyer says next to me. Been telling you since day one, were in the wild. Sawyer.. I plead, brushing the sand off my pants. I stare at him surprised. Wouldnt want to hurt his reputation and all. I can see 3 boars running into the jungle and I slow down with everyone else. Amelia what is he talking about? He asks. I sneak out of Sawyers tent and into my own, tossing the book aside to open the flaps of my tent. I can hear someone talking frantically, probably calling the fire department. Blue eyes, you alright? He says worriedly, and I can feel a tear roll down my cheek. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. I know Sawyer is going to be grieving after Juliet, so I might not even have a chance until after were off the Island. We accept virtually any type of Lost fan-written fiction, essays and poetry for our archives. Im ready for movie night! I exclaim as I plop on my favorite spot on the couch. I shut my eyes as Sayid starts with the bamboo under the fingernails. Yet, of course, no one knew I was in Australia with my late boyfriend. A/N: Heres Confidence Man! How many times do I have to tell you? The ABC president has expressed that she'd really like to reboot the show, and never mentioned the show's genre or the way it ended. I swallow and begin to tell him my past. Oh my god. I cant stand it. Title: Lost: Season 7 by MrLockeIsAWarrior. Shannon scrutinizes me and drags Boone away, to the caves. Sayid. jaty. Welcome to the all-pairings, all-genres, all-ratings archive for fan fiction about the new ABC series Lost. I guess we both are, I mumble to myself and I notice Sawyer turn his head towards me. Dont stop now. That all you got? Sawyer huffs, flicking his sweaty head out of his face. While its not a lie its not the complete truth. I know who you are! "Jack?" - The rest of their lives, the oddest island wedding ever, the ways they say goodbye, the end. I dont listen. Um, she wore corrective lenses and she was an organ donor, or at least would have been. Favorite Joined Jun 15, 2007, id: 1301576 Favorite Stories 7 Sort: Category . The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. Jack? I ask, sounding remarkably like Kate. He ignores me too. Its not as bad as it looks, I hear Micheal say as I jog up. It's just that at this moment there are no plans for reviving it. So much for trying to fit in. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. It was his name. But Jack ignores me. Shut up, Jack says to Sawyer, And stop moving, he says to me. But the show still garnered both interest and money from fans. Why you pretended to have it anyway. Which one? He doesnt budge so I try again, tapping his arm to let me go. I quickly scramble to my feet, and glance down . And why didnt you stop?. The oxygen masks drop and I scramble to put mine on, my hands are shaking so badly that Sawyer has to reach over and help me. Youre a good man James!. You know what I think, Ali. Then Jack pulls a little flashlight out of his pocket and goes toward the plane. Weeks before this I had just watched the finale. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. We can hear sounds of rummaging and growling coming from the fuselage. Waking up I find Sawyer is gone, I sigh quietly, I knew he wouldnt stay. Cmon Sawyer, I say quietly, filling up some bottles and leading Sawyer out of the caves to make our way back to the beach. Can you what? I ask quietly, to keep my voice from shaking. You bet. Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. Hey neighbor! I say cheerfully, my stomach erupting in butterflies as he turns to look at me. After the Smokey incident, most people have let their fires die and gone into their makeshift tents. We do not have bamboo in Iraq, although we do have something similar reeds. I keep my mouth in a tight line to avoid from making any pathetic sounds. Suddenly I hear Vincent barking and Michael shushing Walt to keep the dog quiet. Coming mom! I call back, finishing getting dressed and tying the front of my shorts. Its odd how even though I changed things, everything seems to course correct. My back screams in pain as Im blown away from the house, the explosion pushing me towards the street. Sawyer doesnt say anything and I whimper. I look down the beach and.. Sawyer is fighting with Hurley. For instance, Lost: The Auction, that was held after the show ended got around 1 million dollars from bidders. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. Length 19 chapters, unknown word count. I turn my head to Sawyer and see him hold a lighter up to his letter, but hesitate. Who is this guy? Hurley says, saying out loud what we were all thinking. Thats it? When its done, come find me.. I was wrong.. Kate wait- I try to say, but Sawyer cuts me off. Keep walking, Sawyer replies, trying to diffuse the situation. Everyone in theres dead, Sayid reminds. Dad dad! Kate and Jack keep me still as Sawyer and help me switch places with him. With one last withering glance at Sawyer I turn on my heel and follow them. Out of my peripheral I see Jack sit by Rose, far down the beach where Im sitting. I take a deep breath and begin to read, out loud, Dear Mr. Sawyer, you dont know who I am but I know who you are and I know what you done. All hope seemed to be lost. Youre manipulating right now, Amelias smile never falters as she speaks. I know you, you know.. Long time no see, Sawyer says casually and I walk over slowly. I press my face in my hands and I wonder what he really means. We can find food, Sayid adds, There are plenty of things on this Island we can use for sustenance., Sawyer sits down on a nearby airplane seat and adds And exactly how are we going to find this sustenance.. Words . He was a confidence man. Part of me wants to find Jacob and ask him why he brought me here. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. Once theyre secured I settle down on one of my airline seats and open the book to chapter one. Are you serious? Kate asks incredulously, not bothering to hide the tone. 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