The full nelson, which is illegal in amateur wrestling, is often used as a submission maneuver by certain wrestlers, such as Chris Masters, as shown in the accompanying picture. It is used by many wrestlers in the beginning of the match. The scoop is also called the scoop powerslam where the wrestler attacks puts their hand in middle of the opponent's legs and turns them. Another version of this move sees the wrestler standing over the opponent who's face-down reaches for and places the opponent's nearest arm around the wrestler's far waist before applying the hold. Also known as the "iron claw", the claw involves the attacker gripping the top of the head of the opponent with one hand and squeezing the tips of their fingers into the opponent's skull, thereby applying five different points of pressure. It is often used to set up various drops and slams in singles competition. The wrestler stands in front of and with their back to a standing opponent. Often set up by a tilt-a-whirl, the opponent ends up suspended with one arm hooked behind and both legs hooked by the wrestler's other arm. Short for "stepover toehold sleeper", this hold is a modified version of an STF in which the wrestler wraps their arm around the neck of the opponent in a sleeper hold instead of pulling back on the head of the opponent. Palm strikes, slaps, and elbow strikes can be used in place of punches. The wrestler then wraps their legs around the head of the opponent and crosses the opponent's legs, applying pressure on them with their hands. Low Ki once used a version from a back-mount position called the Dragon Clutch. One variant may see the wrestler instead lock their hands on the opponent's neck. The attacker bends the opponent's arm and reaches through with one of their own. Sami Zayn formerly used this move during his time in NXT. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Sometimes the free arm is placed at the top of the opponent's head. The wrestler takes hold of a supine opponent's legs and pivots rapidly, elevating the opponent and swinging the opponent in a circle. Also known as a stomach vice, just like the original clawhold, the attacker applies a painful nerve hold to the adversary's abdomen, forcing them to submit or pass out. From here, the wrestler puts the opponent in a crossface, wrenching the neck and shoulder. The wrestler uses his foot to push the opponent's straight leg backwards and over the bent leg's ankle. The attacking wrestler stands over a face-down opponent, facing the same direction. The wrestler executing the move will step between the opponent's legs, grab both of them, and twist them into a knot around their leg. Such calf crushers can be used as effective leglocks to the knee through a separating and elongating motion. Different promotions have different rules regarding the legality of this maneuver. Invented by Yoshiaki Fujiwara, it is also known as a short "armbar". But unlike the standard guillotine choke, the wrestler tucks the other wrestler's head so that the face the opposite direction of a guillotine choke. The throw still inflicts the full damage when reversed, but the CM Punk used this move. The bad thing This move was innovated by Frank Gotch. 15 moves that really exist", "Ted DiBiase vs. Hulk Hogan: December 17, 1979", " Who invented the RKO? Wrestler Lex Luger was famous for using it as a finisher.Hercules also used this as a finisher move as well. The wrestler then places their free leg on the instep of the leg which is already being used to choke the opponent. It can be transitioned into a DDT, suplex, etc. WebThe applying wrestler then leans over the opponent and grabs their arms, applying a double chicken wing to the opponent. The Rated R Superstar, Edge used this variation, calling it the Edge-u-cator. Some wrestlers use these holds as their finishing maneuvers, often nicknaming them to reflect their character or persona. The opponent's arm is then hooked and pulled back into their body, stretching the forearms, biceps, and pectoral muscles. Tyson Kidd uses a variation where he laces his opponent's legs as if he was to perform a Sharpshooter, but then falls to his back, and then locks in the Gogoplata. This neck lock sees a wrestler sit above a fallen opponent and wrap their legs around the opponent in the form of the figure-four, with one leg crossing under the opponent's chin and under the wrestler's other leg the wrestler squeezes and chokes the opponent. The wrestler then bends the wrist and forces the open palm of the opponent's hand into their chest, putting pressure on the wrist. An element borrowed from professional wrestling's catch wrestling origins, stretches (or submission holds) are techniques in which a wrestler holds another in a position that puts stress on the opponent's body. One or both of the arms can be pinned. This variation is the most famous version, invented by Buddy Rogers and popularized by Ric Flair, and is also the finisher of choice for several wrestlers like Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, The Miz, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Tito Santana, Jack Brisco, Gerald Brisco, and The Silent Warrior. This is a transition hold for moves such as a two-handed chokeslam and a chokebomb. WWE wrestler Veer Mahaan uses this move as a finisher calling it the Cervical Clutch. The wrestler stands over the opponent who is lying on the mat face up and grasps a leg of the opponent. From behind a seated opponent, the wrestler grabs one of the opponent's elbows and pulls it up and backward. Kushida uses a variation, where goes on the top rope and places his opponent on the turnbuckle and delivers the move. The wrestler wraps their legs around the opponent's head in a headscissors, facing towards the opponent, then grabs one of the opponent's arms and wrenches it backwards, causing pressure on the shoulder and elbow of the opponent. [2] The move was invented by Gory Guerrero in Mexico, where it was called la de a caballo (horse-mounting choke), but got its more common name from Ed Farhat, who wrestled as "The Sheik" and used it as his finisher. [14] It was invented by Gory Guerrero in Mexico. The hold can also be applied while standing with the opponent's arms crossed across their chest or stomach held by the attacker to transition into other moves such as a suplex or an iconoclasm. The wrestler faces their opponent, who is bent over. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Austin Aries uses a half surfboard variation, called Fish Hook of Doom, where the opponent is lying face down. Also popularly known as a "Texas Cloverleaf", the wrestler stands at the feet of the supine opponent, grabs the opponent's legs, and lifts them up. The technique is also used to trap an opponent while the attacking wrestler runs at them and delivers some form of offensive maneuver, such as a running knee attack or a baseball slide. Opponent Down - Face Up Near Legs, Move Craft. Jeff harDy! Published 18th October 2022. [7] This is an illegal hold as it both involves the attacker performing the move whilst outside the ring as well as using part of the ring (the ringpost) to execute the move. The wrestler then turns 90 degrees A maneuver which, when applied correctly against an individual, is purported to cause intense, legitimate pain. Also known as a "buffalo sleeper", this choke sees the wrestler kneeling behind a seated opponent before grabbing hold of one of the opponent's arms, bending it backwards overhead, and locking the opponent's wrist into the attacker's armpit. This can also can be a transition hold for counterattacks that see the wrestler (who is being wheelbarrowed) hit many throws and drops, like a DDT or a bulldog and rolling pin combinations. The name is derived from Charlie and Russ, the Haas Brothers, who invented this move. Just follow the simple steps given below and give your opponent a very good blow with this effective submission attack. Next, the wrestler turns their opponent over so that they are on their knees with all four of their limbs trapped underneath. 8 Jeff Hardy's Whisper In The Wind. This variant has been used by Alberto Del Rio, A.J. It is considered legal in professional wrestling, although it is a chokehold. A wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front, behind, or either side. It is currently used by current WWE wrestler Natalya Neidhart as a finisher. WWE wrestler Naomi has a crucifix variation calling it Feel the Glow. The three-quarter nelson is done by performing a half nelson using one hand and passing the other hand underneath the opponent from the same side. The wrestler stands face-to-face with the opponent, ducks, hooks one of their arms over the opponent's shoulder (if seizing the opponent's left shoulder, they hook with their right, or opposite if sides are reversed), swings under the opponent's armpit, then around and over the opponent's back, so that they faces the same way as the opponent. The wrestler grabs the opponent's arms and wraps their legs on the outside of them, so the wrestler's feet meet at the back of the neck of the opponent and exert a downward pressure, akin to applying a full nelson but by using the legs. We are led to believe that once this move is applied, the wrestler who is trapped in it is experiencing an incredible amount of pain. The wrestler then pulls back, stretching the opponent's back, neck, and knee. This move is being used by current NWA superstar Tyrus as the "T-Slam". Similarly to the biceps slicer, a calf crusher can be applied by inserting an arm or leg in the backside of the knee and flexing the opponent's leg to apply pressure to the muscles surrounding the fulcrum. A lot of superstars who used Native American gimmicks also used this as a finisher, such as Chief Jay Strongbow, Billy White Wolf, Wahoo McDaniel, and Jules Strongbow. Jungle Boy uses this as the Snare Trap, while Kazuchika Okada uses a kneeling version called the Red Ink. This counter to the figure-four is often called a "modified Indian deathlock" or sometimes referred to as a "sharpshooter variant". The wrestler then sits on top of the opponent forcing them into a bridge and pressing down on their body. Yuji Nagata has used the move while rolling his eyes backwards called the Shirone (white eyes). This submission hold was invented by Hiroyoshi Tenzan. The wrestler then forces the opponent to one side, traps one of the opponent's arms with their own arm and drapes their free leg over the neck of the opponent, forcing it downward. This type of toe hold is performed by holding the foot by the toes with one hand and putting the other hand under the opponent's achilles tendon and grabbing the wrist. The executor then stands next to the ring apron, on the outside of the turnbuckle or ropes and applies the figure four leglock with the ring post between the opponent's legs. Many of these holds, when applied vigorously, stretch the opponent's muscles or twist their joints uncomfortably, hence the name. Steve Austin used this move during his WCW career while under his "Hollywood" gimmick, dubbing it "Hollywood & Vine". WebBuddy Rogers applying the figure four leg lock That being said, Ric Flair is not the only one to have adopted the figure four from Buddy Rogers. A wrestler can repeatedly step over the leg and around again to twist the knee and ankle joints even more. The wrestler then places their own spare arm under the other hand and over the opponent's back to lock in the hold, compressing the opponent's neck. The attacker can apply different submissions. From this point on the wrestler can either grab the opponent's wrist with the free hand and tucks their own head beneath the opponent's armpit and stand upright, locking in the hold, or simply throw the opponent's arm over their own shoulder and grab the opponent's thighs with the free hand. The wrestler sits on either side of an opponent who is lying either prone or supine on the mat, with the wrestler's legs scissoring one of the opponent's arms. With the same arm, the wrestler reaches around the ankle and through the opening formed by the legs and locks their hands together as in a cloverleaf. This modified inverted reverse figure-four leglock variation sees the wrestler cross one leg of an opponent over them and stand on the crossed leg, then take hold of the free leg and lay down on their back, raising the opponent's legs up into the air and causing pain to their legs and lower back. One of the opponent's arms is pulled back between their legs and held, while the other arm is hooked. While being held on the shoulders of an attacking wrestler in a position where the opponent is straddling the head of the attacking wrestler while facing in the other direction. The wrestler then wraps their arm around the opponent's neck, pressing the biceps against one side of the neck and the inner bone of the forearm against the other side. This leg cross indicates that an argumentative or competitive attitude exists. The Elevated double chickenwing was famously used by Ricky Steamboat in his best 2 out of 3 falls match with Ric Flair. The omoplata (AKA ashi-sankaku-garami in judo) is an armlock that targets the shoulder. When the opponent's head is facing the ground the position is referred to as back mount. Please click this line if you do not care and want to view it anyway. Average rating: 9.38 [77] Average rating in 2023: 9.67 [3] A standing version can also be applied, which sees a standing wrestler place one of their legs between the legs of a face-down opponent and then bend one leg behind the leg of the wrestler, placing it on top of the knee pit of the opponent's other leg. A rope-hung move sees the opponent trapped either over the top rope or between the top and second rope. The wrestler pushes their standing or seated opponent into the turnbuckle and extends their leg, choking their opponent while using the top two ropes for support. Also referred to as a "bridging grounded double chickenwing" or Cattle Mutilation. FPW Offline See all 15 The move is performed in several ways, usually from a prone position involving the wrestler trapping one of the opponent's arms. Wrapping his same leg (if he grabbed the left arm, he will use his left leg) around the back of the opponent's neck (against the back of his knee) and bracing his foot against the front of the other shoulder, he steps over his opponent with his other leg, squatting down. The wrestler stands in front of and facing a bent over opponent and places them in a gutwrench waistlock or a standing headscissors. The Rock also used this move as his signature submission move by the name Sharpshooter. For instance, in his recent Joe Rogan Experience episode with Rick Rubin, he criticized the legendary Figure-Four leg lock pro-wrestling move. Also known as a Bulldog headlock in BJJ, the wrestler, like a guillotine choke, tucks the other wrestlers head under their armpit. The wrestler then wraps their free arm under the opponent's chin as in a sleeper hold, puts their other arm through the arch created by the opponent's trapped arm, and locks their hands. The wrestler pushes the hips forward, the opponent's leg is straightened, and further leveraging hyper-extends the opponent's knee. However, instead of locking the opponent's legs in a "4" shape, the attacking wrestler crosses one of the opponent's legs over to the other leg. The wrestler then takes hold of their ankle with their opposite arm and pulls their leg up. The armbar's innovation was reportedly 200 years ago, but its true origins remain unknown. The nelson hold in professional wrestling usually takes the form of the full nelson, half nelson, or three-quarter nelson. 3.0 0x. This move can be compared to the Heel Hook in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This move was popularized in WWE by Brock Lesnar, where he would use it often to (kayfabe) break his opponent's arm. Becky Lynch uses it as the Dis-arm-her, where the attacking wrestler takes a face-down opponent's arm in a kneeling position, adding pressure by pulling back on the arm. The Rated R Superstar, Edge used this move during his WCW career while under ``... Of a supine opponent 's arm is hooked, in his best 2 out 3!, in his recent Joe Rogan Experience episode with Rick Rubin figure four leg lock signature move he criticized legendary. Known as a finisher move as a short `` armbar '' with Rick Rubin, he criticized legendary! Then leans over the opponent and swinging the opponent in a crossface, wrenching the neck and.... 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