That's what these guys do in the movies. ES: I don't know, they should have stuck it in there. place? Born: June 19th 1967 Height: 6'2 Weight: 210lbs Eyes: brn Hair: blk Marital Status: none Heritage/Tribe: Inuit/German country: Canada RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and Is that something you had experience with before? It's about me and this guy his name is Christoph and he's from France. Early life [ edit] Schweig was born in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. And I said, "If you want to be historically correct in this movie, you must realize that the clans back then would adopt this young white baby and we grew up with him. E: I don't mix with other actors. time or was it just.. you know, "I'm just doing this"? Eric Schweig is a Canadian born Inuit actor, who is best renowned for his work in the 1992 film, The Last of the Mohicans in which he stars as Chingachgook's son, Uncas. When you do that you really have to commit. They take their sense of history and their wisdom I: How did you feel about the battle scenes, especially the scenes when the deposed British troops are leaving the fort and the Hurons are waiting for them? ES: Well, no. You can't put some little guy next to someone like Daniel Day-Lewis. ES: He's more meticulous, he's a perfectionist to the power of 10. Let us digress we very much want to like Eric Schweig. before it was a tad more difficult than we'd anticipated. Was she just a pleasant observer or. ES: Yeah. Yeah, she was younger and a little more easier going so you could rap with her about more things than with Madeleine Stowe. Either your adopted or your natural family? Suddenly, surprisingly, Alice gives a look to her sister and jumps off after him. Just throw out a couple of opinions on working with her. I: You mentioned earlier about your hair. MOHICANS for the running and other activities. And it was one of the six. We come from two different distinct worlds. Because they really need a sense of belonging and that sort of gives We found the one-year teacher retention rate at GDL in 2010-2011 was 79%; Green Dot Locke teachers, overall, were more highly educated than their . MP: It didn't leave you craving for the city lights? Why they go stir crazy and they forget . and they loose their memories? So, anything contemporary, it doesn't matter. I teach them and they teach me. MP: Were they downplaying the Uncas/Alice relationship? So what if the film was not shot in the MP: That was the next question. I forgot his name MP: Yes . this is one of the masks in his so called "collection"? ES: If I'm not working, yep! All of a sudden they just start busting out. Available - Free Downloads Only! Then laughter] You know, E: No, I didn't. Yeah, they're making they're redeeming themselves. It was hot and it was annoying because Michael wanted to .. you know, like I said before.take after take. seen any film maker come up with. If you do good things, good things will happen. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS MP: Okay. You know what I want to do, I want to get a bunch of jackets for them, a bunch of Drama Club jackets and put the name of their band on it. Even Daniel did. It'll probably never happen, but if it came around, I would. It sounds like you've done good things with these kids and you'll probably never know the rewards of that in your lifetime. Not to portray these times would be to "twist" history. different states and different coliseums .. and they're harmless! Join Stevie, comedic director "Steelbird" and his "assistant" real life movie star Eric Schweig as they present these incredible live performances, in-depth artist interviews and hilarious comedic backstage antics with featured artists. He'd rap with the extras and . anybody who was around. I can't remember. Although at one point they wanted to shave everybody's hair off. So, the more contemporary films we can do and be allowed to be a part of society and society's subconscious, then the better it will be. We were in contact in regard to showcasing Eric's Inuit wood carvings here on our Site, not to discuss this or any other interview. trains action stars in the use of different tactical weapons. E: Yes, but I got restless. But people still, especially kids who have this .. it changes the way they see things. E: Yes, with the Indians. Twitter @VinceSchilling TikTok @VinceSchilling Email he is also the opinions editor , to submit email: MP: A lot of people have been coming to our web site and checking out your masks. The copy we were given is very poor, and was somewhat difficult to transcribe. We have them back and now we can take care of them. I didn't do a lot of talking. It's cool, everything's cool. well, it's getting better, There seems to be something simmering below the surface in much of what he has to say. But it is hard hitting and touches on all of the socioeconomic problems that we have on the reserves. We were particularly struck by his comments pertaining to children which seemed How is he different from them? effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright like boxing in a telephone booth. But I did a thing recently called Broken Chain, and I'll use that as a reference. find your voice, man, you can't shut up! They made me dive from one canoe to another. .. We'd sit and talk about playing guitar. And they did depict the "camp-followers" and "hangers-on" in a fairly realistic manner. the blood they can out of us to paint their own pictures and then we'll be high and dry. Should you instead be seen simply as an individual who has chosen acting as a profession? All of our content is free. There's these assholes running around kidnapping kids. To imply that Hollywood is still "sucking the blood" of the Indian is downright misleading. That Cooper's "history" was, in many ways, stunningly accurate? It's kind of difficult.. You see a lot of, well, I Things got ugly sometimes and I don't sit around like some of these lap dogs. You have a rather large following. Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. It was a really good script and a good concept. MP: I imagine they do! Deidre phoned me up and told me . it's a contemporary thing where I play a sheriff. Historical films will always be. MP: What was your favorite scene in the movie? . You see a lot of people, like I was telling Gail the other day, you see the PMRC , the Parents Music Resource Center, and Tipper Gore and her butt head husband and they're running around bands like Marilyn Manson, and they're banning them from Madeleine Stowe. It was the 1700's, so unless you're over 200 years old you can't really say what went on back there. What we'd like to start with is for you to paint a picture of who you feel you are for us. MP: Do you think society all societies. have lost their sense of nurturing and protecting. or seeing children for what they are? The Indians were ambushed by Russians. I had no idea. The James Fenimore Cooper book was fiction! MP: Do you recall any special problems that were presented by the rugged terrain that LOTM was filmed in? of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. What was originally scripted for that scene was pretty graphic. E: Pretty good, thank you! ES: No, not really. And the colors. the picture that was taken of this mask, the colors were a bit off. MP: Regarding the children's drama group that you're involved in . your girlfriend's name is Gail? HISTORY || AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS EARLY It's too bad that I was born out of abuse, but you know, that's how most of us are. Zusammenfassung: An interview with the director of the series. No one wants to see this all the time. Right now, with all the school violence and music and art programs being cut all over the US I thought it would be good to interview him. SCRIPT || We chose to post them on this site because a great deal of it is relevant to the making of the movie and we felt most of you would be interested in reading it. I've never told anyone I am a Marlon Brando or whoever. And, if there should be any activism it should be to talk to kids you see, if you're going to solve a lot of the problems within the Indian community, as far as civil The scenes the way it was shot. But, nobody went to work. Glad we did! ES: Uhhh no.. not my adopted family, but I hang out with my Uncle Willie from my biological family once in a while. ES: Tell them, "Thanks for your support. Titel: 500 Nations - Die Geschichte der Indianer - Staffel 0 Folge 3 : Episode 3; Luftdatum: Renommierte Gste: Fernsehsender: CBS. That was a pain in the ass, to say E: There are six different nations in the Mohawk nation. I didn't think it would make this much money! ES: Yeah. What's he like on the set?" Yeah, you know, I am a good guy. ES: Yeah, I realize it was about the French and Indian Wars, but if they had focused more on the family ties that are involved with the Indian people that lived in that area, it would have hit home a lot harder. I work with sex trade workers and I try to hook them up with agencies that can help them. Well, I did in '92. Things like that, you know, the time of day or whatever, but .. if you mean were we planning to strike up a business or something or go skydiving, or meet each other's family .. it was nothing Blackstone Season 1 - "The Ladies Want to Know" 48,230 views Nov 24, 2011 217 Dislike Share Save BlackstoneTheSeries 1.14K subscribers Eric Schweig answers questions about Last of the. You know, he hung out and he talked to . anybody. AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. films. Right THERE! ES: Yes. discussing The Last of the Mohicans, but became extremely animated when talking about certain topics, particularly his masks and his involvement in a children's drama group. PATHFINDING || You know what? But unfortunately, the camera doesn't capture it; you just see my feet sticking up. 1997 - 2020 by them have had really, really rough lives. to say the least. MP: Do you remember what scene you were filming? Nobody knows EXACTLY what went on. I would. E: I'll stay in movies until I can get enough money to buy a ranch in Montana, live the life of a hermit get 10 or 15 dogs sounds good, doesn't it? [Laughs] In case people liked ours better! E: Oh, yeah. And it's really hard, I guess it's hard, I've never been a parent, but it'd be hard to differentiate your child's freedom and their safety. It is fun because you can do morally reprehensible shit and get away with it. Over near Lake James. have been because they had aged so much and the paint had flaked off. it was aged down, but we just took a shot at it and it turned out wicked. And, I play a lot of guitar. you've got Scots running around half naked and even in a period piece about Indians, just take The Last of the Mohicans for example .. You've got European born actors recreating roles from over 200 years ago. I get to wear my hair in braids, a black bolero hat and chaps, and I get to ride! That's where their home is and we're fighting over her Was that ever filmed? ES: Yeah. But all these kids running around and you know, the east coast and the west coast rappers, blowing each other apart, now THAT'S scary. Do you enjoy the stage? There's absolutely no guarantee, but if I'm not doing anything MP: Well, I hate to say "great" that you're not working, but if you're not working it would be great if you could come. MUSINGS || The Cliff Trails. We find the content startling in several regards, and will comment, at length, following the conclusion of the interview. It's sad whenever kids have an abusive childhood. MOHICAN PRESS ES: Yeah, all up and down there; all over here. I don't I: I believe you are half-German and half-Inuit and you are involved with the Canadian Alliance and the Solidarity for Native People? in place of the word. MP: Is this role already accepted or is it something you're considering? I: Do you think European women would have been able to stand such a life style? You downgrade, or downplay, other situations in a movie in order to boost you know, like it or not Madeleine Stowe and Daniel Day-Lewis were the stars in that and that's what Georgia and me, Wes, Russell, Daniel, and Steven Waddington went out there for about a month and that was about as close to bonding we got. If someone doesn't like you, they are not shy when telling other companies. Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! Born on the 19th June, 1967, Inuvik, Canada FILMOGRAPHY 1990 : The Shaman's Source : Robert Crow 1992 : By Way of the Stars (TV) :. understanding of who Eric is. We realize many of you are huge Eric Schweig fans. Or maybe it would be a With films like Dances With Wolves, The Last Of The Mohicans and a host of lesser films casting American Indians in real-life roles And, while we're at it, should Braveheart be criticized because it portrays savage-like Scots of the 13th & 14th centuries rather than present-day Scotland? If they were good sticks .. it was kind of a bummer .. it would've been a better game. They were the two stars so they couldn't take the focus off of them. What was the most trying on you personally? I: Well, I've learned a lot today from you and I really thank you for all the time you've given me. He's the guy that showed us how to It's so cheesy. So, they did film something and obviously you E: Very, very hot and sticky and it rained a lot. Are you satisfied with the caliber and supply of Native acting talent these days? [Laugh]. I mean Russell and I did, but you know, Russell and I Daniel and I come from we might as well be a zillion miles away. MP: It looks real good. MP: Yeah, Chimney Rock. MENUS! I: So you made the movie in Richmond: now what? We don't mean to be contrary to his every word, but it just seems like he was echoing sentiments he didn't really fully understand. Please do not reproduce it, in any form, without our permission. ES: Basically, yeah. The following interview - apparently from late 1992 - appeared in the pages of Trail Dust magazine. ES: I guess I'll have to. It would have been really cool if they had made it a little more sprawling. It was like puppy love basically, this love scene they cut out. MP: Uncas. He's pretty intense. anti-anybody. Some of my friends are Mohawks. He opens up about the joys and challenges of being a new foster caregiver to two siblings. ES: Yep! MP: The scenes filmed at Cameron's Cabin; you've got the night scene when you guys gather around the table, then the next day when the Lt. is trying to recruit colonials to support the British Army, and then later on, when you guys revisit the cabin and Maybe Vern and I can take one of them out there. MESSAGE BOARD, STOREFRONTS! MENUS! Does he realize that all history is written from a viewpoint? HISTORY || retrospect, how do you feel about the quality of that film? It is up front and it is brutally honest. Interviewing is something we hadn't done There were so many locations. the historic events, but also of the people, particularly the northeastern woodland Indians? ES: Oh, that took all night. How would he feel if film directors did not use native people in native roles? They wanted to keep it up, but it wasn't that sound and they had to take it apart. rights, or land claims, or any of that, you have to start healing yourself. He's normal. I'd go in there and buy 50 CDs at a time. E: Michael Mann was running around behind everyone in the editing room making them do it shouting, "What are you doing?". As a former foster child himself, he knows all too well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care. I: And I presume the Hurons were speaking French? They worked everybody like dogs, so that was the only beef anyone had. And that's not the way it's supposed to be. Okay, you're a carver, an actor, a musician, and a drama coach. Like this week. there's 7 or 8 guys that I'm going to speak with. I broke the cycle by not drinking and finding out what I'm NOT. No problem. Before taking the role, did you have any familiarity with muskets or did you have to train for that? I wish they wouldn't. I: Now to the slew of questions! It was huge. To his credit, he has appeared in over 30 movies over a span of twenty years. you know, and isn't psychotic. the least. And it has a real They could either. because they'll wind up either dead or in jail. STUDIO: 20th Century Fox. That's no lie either. With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CRESST researchers conducted a multi-year evaluation of a major school reform project at Alain Leroy Locke High School, historically one of California's lowest performing secondary schools. He said it's kind of a double A few final comments. So, after putting it off and saying "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah". at the time I was running around a lot and too busy to Most of that was because there were so many people in there all the time. I went over to his hotel and sat around with him. You know I told everybody when this started. He worked most of the time. The Indian guys were okay. But it was us, except going over the waterfalls. them in the first place. Yeah, probably the Magua scrap was my favorite. Where as Indian people, for the most part, everybody listens to their elders, everybody takes care of them. EARLY He also creates his own designs and concepts. infringement! Their living conditions were bad, like one loo [bathroom] for 400 guys. MP: The photo of the mask you described. on the cover of the book, is that 18th century or 19th century? E: There was a lot of gratuitous violence in the movie and it could have been cut out. STOREFRONT || You know, bad things happened to me and I left home. and I did bad things. That's who you have to focus on. We could work out something. I. I: Yes, it does. [Sad voice. And I have to say that out of all the cast members, I think you gave a fine performance and we wanted to interview you primarily. it's getting much better here. 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