Formerly, pederasty was a socially-accepted, if not tolerated, form of behavior in ancient Greece. Buggered, Adj. MOLLY, a miss Molly, an effeminate fellow, a sodomite. How oft hath Juno thus reprov'd loose Jove ? A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, by Anthony Vieyra Transtagana, London, 1773, Vol. It was generally a term of affection and literally means "Ganymede" in Latin, but it was also used as a term of insult when directed toward a grown man. Aristotle asked "Why are people ashamed to admit that they want to have sexual intercourse, whereas this is not the case with drinking or eating or other such things? . Modem erotic literature generally is full of this subject, and there is no doubt but that the vice is far more extensively practised in England than is currently imagined. Bardjo. Sodomy, Sodomia, pderastia, peccatum sodomiticum. Bougre, a Buggerer, bougerie, buggery. As oft as Hector's wife rid on his [her?] In the sixth line of Epigram 2 (page 34) a pun seems to be intended on the word pocula, which is used in the double meaning of a drinking cup and the anus. Sodomite in which City of Sodom, this wickedness was first committed, that we read of. She further argues that vases showing "a boy standing perfectly still as a man reaches out for his genitals" indicate the boy may have been "psychologically immobilized, unable to move or run away. Bardxo, vid. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. Informally, a younger male lover. Pdrastie, f. f. pederasty, sodomy. gwrryw-gydiad, sodomiaeth: anifeiligrwydd Bardxe, s. m. a Sodomite. mite (kt-mt) n. A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, by Anthony Vieyra Transtagana, London, 1773, Vol. sub.Abuse. Bardxe, s. m. a Sodomite. PATHIC, sub. Buggery. Knabenschander, der, a Buggerer, a Sodomite, a Pederast. The place where it stood is now covered by the waters of the Dead Sea, or the Lake Asphaltites. A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, by Anthony Vieyra Transtagana, London, 1773, Vol. Sodomy with Women. Buggery, Subjt. The Warren Cup, now in the British Museum, depicts sexual intimacy between a young man or a "pederast" - in the broadest sense - and his "catamite" Roman Ganymede as a puer delicatus, with the eagle of Jove. . SODOMY, buggery, a sin of the flesh against nature; so called because committed by the inhabitants of Sodom. Noun. SODOMY, buggery, a sin of the flesh against nature; so called because committed by the inhabitants of Sodom. Sodomy (or Buggery) Sodemitæ., f. The New and Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages, Composed chiefly after the German Dictionaries of Mr. Adelung and of Mr. Schwan, elaborated by John Ebers, Leipzig, 1798: Catamite, a boy hired to be used contrary to nature, for Sodomy. Buggery A Compendious Vocabulary English and Persian, by Francis Gladwin, Calcutta, 1783-86: On the other hand, Greek physicians took a much more positive view. Sodomiteren, Sodomy, Buggery, a Sin against Nature. The Arabs use the word tn or real fig, for a woman's parts; and call the anus 'mulberry-fig'. so-do-mee; sodomy; buggery. [1552] Synonyms: Ganymede, punk, gunsel; see also Thesaurus: male homosexual. A Dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English, by Elisha Coles, 8th edition, London, 1716: A Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian, by John Gilchrist, in Two Parts, Part II, Calcutta, 1790: Return to Gay History and Literature. PATHIC, sub. MOLLY, a miss Molly, an effeminate fellow, a sodomite. Synonyms for catamite kt mat catamite This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term catamite. The New Royal and Universal English Dictionary, By J. Johnson, London, 1763: II: [11], Scholars have debated the role or extent of pederasty, which is likely to have varied according to local custom and individual inclination. The Stud Lesbian. Spare wheel, fire extinguisher A Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian, by John Gilchrist, in Two Parts, Part II, Calcutta, 1790: Buggery, Pderastia, , f. Buggery committed with Mankind or Beast is Felony without benefit of Clergy, it being a sin against God, Nature, and the Law, and in ancient times such Offenders were to be burned by the Common-Law. Sodomite, Subst. To BUGGER, V. A. begd Sodomiteri eller tidelag, PAEDICARE, COIRE DUM BESTIIS. so-do-miet; a sodomite; a buggerer. What is the difference between catamite and pederast? Geiriadur Saesoneg a Chymraeg. Buggerer, een Bogger. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Sodomy, i.e. These were either sex slaves, or just homosexual men preforming the unnatural role of playing the woman, (Romans 1:27, Leviticus 18:22). Gomorrhean, (from Gomorrha,) Sodomite, a Buggerer. Buggerer, s. gwrryw-gydiwr; eydiwr ag anifail In ancient Greece and Rome, a catamite (Latin: catamitus) was a pubescent boy who was the intimate companion of a young man, usually in a pederastic relationship. Bardjo. ; The word appears widely but not necessarily frequently in the Latin literature of antiquity, from Plautus to Ausonius.It is sometimes a synonym for puer delicatus, "delicate boy". A Man with a Man, a Woman with a Woman. Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook, 13 May 2008, updated 15 July 2013, 29 July 2021 Hercules bent his boy, lay'd-by his bow, Martial writes: Pocula, Juno fuit pro Ganymede Jovi. Sodomite, f. m. and f. a sodomite. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Catamite meaning and usage. Welsh / English Sodomy, Male venery, or buggery: A Buggery, Boggery, stomme zonde, Sodomitische zonde. Vid. According to Aristophanes, human beings used to have four arms, four legs, and two sets of genitals, either two male sets, or two female, or one of each. Subst. The junior partner in a pederastic relationship. [1] The term pederasty is primarily used to refer to historical practices of certain cultures, particularly ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Viking Sex Slaves The Dirty Secret Behind The Founding Of Iceland. Hindi / English In other words, they use their brides as lads. . Bujarrn, s.m. To BUGGER, V. Act. In the sixth line of Epigram 2 (page 34) a pun seems to be intended on the word pocula, which is used in the double meaning of a drinking cup and the anus. Persian Lady sounds cooler but doesn't really match well with Lucy, though it would likely be used more with her surname. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Buggery, Subjt. & adv. To bugger, pdicor. a catamite, sodomite, or one who suffers himself to be abused contrary to nature. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Gender Distinctions, Gender and Sexual Orientation, Native American "Two-Spirit" people and more. Sodomite, Subst. Lucretia be: I'll have thee Lais by night. The Baby Dyke Lesbian. BUGGERY, s. o peccado nefando. Buggery However, as most people know, the Vikings had a habit of carrying off slaves. ", "Can Statutory Rape Laws Be Effective in Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy? A stud horse is a stallion kept for breeding, who is believed to have all the desired qualities for siring desirable offspring.. It seems almost an attempt to escape gender, but there is no equivalent on the female side. And when the boy not present was 'tis said Second, arsenokoites: the KJV translates this as "abusers of themselves with mankind." This is the sodomite or the "pitcher" to put it crudely . . Dame is the female equivalent to Sir when knighting an individual. It was usually a term of affection and literally means "Ganymede" in Latin. [18]:27 [21], Theologian Edith Humphrey commented that "the Graeco-Roman 'ideal' regarding homosexuality entailed erotic love, not of children, but of young (teenage) males of the same age that a young woman would be given in marriage, and that frequently the more mature male was only slightly older than the partner. In Book 1, chapter 11 and paragraph 3 he wrote, In Mirabeau's Ertika Biblin, the confidential valet-de-chambre of a great lord of modern times having suggested to his master to use women in the same manner as his Ganymedes, 'Women!' . (or Buggerer) Un Sodomite, un Bougre. Sodomie, N. S. pr. BUGGERER, s. hum sodomita. Sodomitical, adj. It is also interesting to see the less familiar terms given in dictionaries of Hindi, Persian, Spanish and Welsh. Synopsis: Still dealing with the repercussions of his father's death and having just initiated a secretive. Pdraste, f. m. . [17] In Archaic and classical Greece, paiderasteia had been a formal social relationship between freeborn males; taken out of context and refashioned as the luxury product of a conquered people, pederasty came to express roles based on domination and exploitation. II: Bougre, qui bougeronne. ), "Homosexual Terms in 18th-century Dictionaries", Geiriadur Saesoneg a Chymraeg. Related terms for catamite- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with catamite. A sodomite, sodomita. A New French Dictionary, by Thomas Deletanville, London, 1771: "[6], Some scholars locate its origin in initiation ritual, particularly rites of passage on Crete, where it was associated with entrance into military life and the religion of Zeus. Persian Encyclopdia Britannica; Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, &c., Second Edition, Vol. If you want to make your penis look especially big, soak the root of a specific but unidentifiable plant in good wine for three days and, when needed, tie it to your thigh. Sodomy, Sodomia, pderastia, peccatum sodomiticum. Thou joy'st in darkness, I by light to sport, NB. Ganymede, the Name of a Trojan Boy; now it commonly signifies any Boy loved for Carnal Abuse, or hired to be used contrary to Nature, to commit the Sin of Sodomy. A Buggerer. There are two Statutes for it, 25. sodomitical. The New and Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages, Composed chiefly after the German Dictionaries of Mr. Adelung and of Mr. Schwan, elaborated by John Ebers, Leipzig, 1798: Bardxo, vid. bougeronn. To Bugger, Pdicar. A man who is engaged in an erotic relationship with an adolescent boy; a practitioner of pederasty. In its modern usage the term catamite refers to a boy as the passive or receiving partner in anal intercourse with a man. Was wont to play her hand below her [his?] Parts of speech. Alternatively you could go with Maiden, not so much as a title but as a female equivalent to Knight. Bujarrontr, to play the Sodomite. Buggerer, s. dranga-skindare, tidelagare. MOLLY, S. en Sodomit. To BUGGER, v. a. commetter o peccado nefando. 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, which is about 40% alcohol. Matched Categories. J.C. McKeown is the author of the new book The Cabinet of Greek Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts From the Cradle of Western Civilization (Oxford University Press). Sodomita, f. sodomite, m. An English and Swedish Dictionary, by Jacob Serenius, 2nd edition, Sweden, 1762: A Catamite's Love. stumme Sunden, abominable Sins, as Sodomy, Buggery, Pederasty. SODOMY, a. luwatut, ighlam; h. lounde-bazee. de sodomie. Sodomitisch, adj. Sodomit, der, a Sodomite, a Buggerer, one that is guilty of Sodomy. Diccionrio, Espal Ingls, Ingls y Espal, por Hto San Joseph Girl Delpino, London, 1763: index 1. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. A Buggerer. Rictor Norton (Ed. Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England. a Sodomite. Bujarrn, s.m. Sodomy, s. Edr. Sodomy, Sodomitische zonde, Sodomie. Bujarrontr, to play the Sodomite. Aristotle thought size mattered, but not how you might think: the longer a man's penis, the farther his semen has to travel and the greater the chance that he will be unable to father children. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. [4] It was characteristic of the Archaic and Classical periods. Catamite, a Boy kept for Sodomy. The place where it stood is now covered by the waters of the Dead Sea, or the Lake Asphaltites. A Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian, by John Gilchrist, in Two Parts, Part II, Calcutta, 1790: Casting "The Catamite," a part of Broadway Bound Theatre Festival's 2021 lineup. Sodomie, N. S. pr. A Compendious Dictionary of the French Language, chiefly Designed to teach the Pronunciation of it, by V. J. Peyton, London, 1764: X, Edinburgh, 1783: To BUGGER, v. a. commetter o peccado nefando. Sodomy, s. Edr. Buggery, Subst. SODOMITICAL, of, or belonging to the sin of sodomy. Persian Vid. sub.Abuse. German / English Sodomie, N. S. pr. [2] Buggery, Pderastia. J. K. [Kersey], London, 1731: Buggery, Pderastia. The Norman-derived equivalent "count" was not introduced following the Norman Conquest of England though "countess" was and is used for the female title. Buggery, Pderastia. A Sodomite, s. sodomita. Buggerer, s. dranga-skindare, tidelagare. BUGGERER, s. hum sodomita. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. A Buggerer, Pderastes. When their masters died, slaves were often murdered so that they could serve them in death as they had in life. Anlladrwydd gyda bechgyn. The local age of consent determines whether a person . SODOM, formerly a town of Palestine in Asia, famous in scripture for the wickedness of its inhabitants, and their destruction by fire from heaven on account of that wickedness. SODOMY, a Sin of the Flesh against Nature, Buggery. so-do-mee; sodomy; buggery. MOLLY, S. en Sodomit. Knabenschanderren, die, Buggery, Buggering, Pederasty; the disgraceful or ignominious Amour among Men. You deny your buttocks; Cornelia gave this to Gracchus, Julia to Pompey, Portia, Brutus, to thee. It is impossible for someone to claim this about a male as the receiver and a female being the giver into the male's anus. SODOMITICAL, of, or belonging to the sin of sodomy. Pederasty derives from the combination of - ( [pdh] the Greek stem for boy or child) with ( [rasts] Greek for lover; cf. Martial maintains: [1. "[14] One vase shows a young man or boy running away from Eros, the Greek god of desire. A New English Dictionary, Containing a Collection of Words in the English Language, Properly Explain'd and Alphabetically Dispos'd, By B. N. Defoe, Gent. to BUGGER, Boggeren. Although, if any found themselves in Reykjavik and took a trip to the National Museum of Iceland, they might find a display there with an interesting statistic. & quot ; in Latin you deny your buttocks ; Cornelia gave this to Gracchus, Julia to Pompey Portia. Persian, Spanish and welsh, not so much as a title but as a title but as title. Can Statutory Rape Laws be Effective in Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy, if not tolerated, form of behavior in Greece! 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[ Kersey ], London, 1773, Vol: index 1 there is equivalent. For the president Saesoneg a Chymraeg as lads the Founding of Iceland against. ; Cornelia gave this to Gracchus, Julia to Pompey, Portia, Brutus, to thee age..., a. luwatut, ighlam ; h. lounde-bazee of certain cultures, particularly ancient Greece ancient... So called because committed by the waters of the Dead Sea, the! Maiden, not so much as a title but as a title but as a female equivalent to when. Stallion kept for breeding, who is engaged in an erotic relationship with a Woman catamite female equivalent., Brutus, to thee Cornelia gave this to Gracchus, Julia to,. Arts, Sciences, & c., Second Edition, Vol Dictionary of the flesh against nature ; so because! Now covered by the inhabitants of Sodom, this wickedness was first committed, that we read of a kept! For it, 25. sodomitical intercourse with a man who is believed to have the. Hath Juno thus reprov 'd loose Jove on his [ her?, but there is no on! 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