Cant say I blame him after what happened., Yeah, Jin responds sheepishly. I need to go home, Yoongi. Even though he understood what you said since he was pretty fluent in the language himself, he was confused since you two never used it with each other. You were so nervous you could only smile pleasantly and give a small wave. Hey, Id appreciate you not making fun of my girlfriend., I really dont give a shit whether you were kidding or not, I want you to apologize to her.. It has been a week since youve last spoken to Jin, and its proved to be the longest week of your entire life. And unfortunately, tonight was no different. Out of everyone in the group, Jin knew that you were the closest to Jimin but that didnt stop him from being annoyed by Jimins overly affectionate personality. Im really sorry for the way I acted. And then you were introduced to the best man, Kim Namjoon, and it was pretty much love at first sight. Whats with him?, you asked Namjoon but he just shrugs in response. Oftentimes, our mind plays tricks on us by telling us that we are not worthy of our loved one's time, or that if we seek too much help, people will love us less. Your eyes flutter closed and you feel like you're walking on water. The four of you were sitting together at a fancy restaurant, and you tried your best to ease your nervousness by engaging in the conversation. Your best friend pulled you into a tight hug. I told him that youre my sleeping beauty and I wouldnt change that about you., His lovely compliment catches you off guard, causing a light blush to appear on your face. Hyung, Namjoon says while placing a friendly hand on Hoseoks shoulder, Im sorry for what happened earlier. It was no secret to anyone that knew you that your favorite thing to eat was anything pickled. Thats when she pulled you aside and told you the truth. Not only did you message him about the wedding, it soon evolved into friendly conversations about each others lives. I was hoping you didnt hear that., So, Namjoon did say that, you asked. I wasnt able to try some of them on at some of the stores, you answered matter of factly. (TT) lol but really Im really glad I took on this request. Gwen - 25 - BTS Fanfiction - Bangtan Appreciation Blog, This is.. so terrible. For as long as you can remember, you were always dragged to go to someones wedding. Hearing you say those things washed away the self-doubt he had been feeling for the longest time. Plain bizarre was more fitting. So whenever you come over to hang out, youll have a tasty snack to eat. You quickly walked back to the table and pulled Yoongi aside. You knew that today Hoseok and the guys had a dance practice and you thought it would be a great idea to make a surprise visit. Hoseoks girlfriend proceeds to slightly hit him hard on the shoulder. Even though you wanted so bad to be near your best friend of almost five years, you knew your heart wouldnt take being around. The Argument | BTS Reaction Summary: You and your boyfriend had a huge argument, it ended up with him yelling at you in a way you'd never seen him do before and he ended up scaring you. Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. Aww, arent you just the cutest thing ever!, you cooed while holding a kiwi close to your face. You two divided chores evenly and neither nagged the other to do them. Theyre so much cooler in person, especially Yoongi you trail off. Still standing behind that corner, you couldnt help but contain the sweet smile on your face. You were known to fall asleep at any time, at any occasion. Once he sat next to you on the sofa, he put his arm around you and brought you closer to him. When Taehyung got to the kitchen, he found you cleaning up the countertop with your back facing towards him. Im starving, you whined in your head. Me. Bet Y/Ns gonna pass out halfway towards the middle, Taehyung jokes. A sudden movement of the bed had woken up Tae. Jimin and I are just hanging out. you retorted. Empaths, being characteristically high in empathy, are typically thought of as pure, good, and morally sound. BTS: Reaction to you crying. Too bad youre just too delicious otherwise Id keep as a pet!. Trust me, its not a good idea. You were confused by her words, wondering why would stop you from finally giving love a chance. An hour and a nap later, Jin feels that hes completely calmed down and heads toward the kitchen to start dinner. The same Y/N youve been hanging out with lately. Im not gonna fall asleep this time. You said this with such confidence but the boys didnt buy it. You were such a fantastic baker and was always coming up with interesting treats for him to try. You put on a brave face but it was clear that your heart was broken into a million pieces. I had to leave and left my colleagues to pick up the pieces. While his bratty behavior did annoy the heck out of you, you also found it kind of endearing. It took you clearing your throat for them to finally notice you in the room. Are you afraid well all find out your disgusting eating habits? he boffs. Basically, he changes a bunch of little things to focus more on you. Come on in. He takes your hand, leading you towards the living room. He had excused himself moments earlier to answer a phone call. First, a person grew up with a parent who shamed and punished him or her for expressing a feeling the parent didn't like. "Honey?" Kicking off his shoes, Jin pads down the hall, calling your name again. Two reasons may underlie the tendency to hold back feelings. However, one night had to be Taehyungs strangest encounter with you and, specifically, your sleep talking. Startled by his brusk question, you and Jimin turn back to Jin once again. Most of the time, you eat like a feral pig.. But sadly you were dead wrong. Thanks for inviting me, you say as you walked into Hoseoks apartment. Its time for me to go. Well, the other day I was out with my little sisters at the mall, buying clothes and shit. Yeah Ill chill, he said, once you two are sitting at least two feet from each other., Tired of this nonsense, you turn your body slightly to face him. Right? Before following Jungkook out the room, you gave Seokjin a meek wave goodbye then left. [A/N: It seems like these requests are becoming increasingly more challenging, please have mercy on me! BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you You said that youd take a break and take me out to lunch, you said to Namjoon. It cuts off right as people feel like wanting more football to happen. You were out on a dinner date with your boyfriend Taehyung, and you were trying your best to hide your nervousness. Wanna know what I told him?, he asked you. An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the wants and needs of others, and tends to not only listen intently but absorb others' emotions. Youre too cute, Y/N, Jin says to himself. ", He then smirks at you mischievously while you angrily snatch your hands away. But Hoseok doesnt answer him, only shooting him an expression that warns the phrase: Do as you are told. Seeing this rare but terrifying look on his face, Taehyung gulps and quickly stands up. For the most part, you and Taehyung made perfect housemates. Jin: You have been friends with benefits for like 3 months until the day he realises it. Still holding onto his shoulders, Yoongi asks him, You alright buddy?. Y/N, you home? you called out but with no response. Its pretty long, Jimin says before he clicks the play button on the Netflix screen. You spent the entire day having fun with everyone; eating snacks, playing party games and just overall playing around. You and Taehyung tried your best to stifle your laughter after hearing such a brutal dig. Whats wrong?, he asked, You look like youre about to cry.. Dating for almost a year already, he was your entire world. It was only when Jimin turned your way to find you speaking to either. They made a mistake with our order, thats why the wait was long. That very visit, you decided to spend the night at the dorm. Seemed like you had a good daydream going on. Both of you chuckled lightly but Taehyung stayed quiet. Not only was he an amazingly talented rapper and producer, hes also one of the most attractive men youve ever laid eyes on. Before even hearing Namjoons response, you quickly walked to his bedroom and buried yourself in his sheets. Im guessing you overheard our conversation. Hobi: Dont recall using those words but i would be quick to call her cute or anything. Thats a random question, he says with a light laugh, What brought this up?. The two of you spend lots of time together so when he had to travel and be far from you for 1 month he missed you like crazy and figure out it is not just like a friend. He could feel himself growing hard as his gaze was suddenly drawn to your exposed legs. Whats wrong? Mortified, Jimin calls out to you. As much as he enjoyed pickled foods himself, he personally thought you took it too far since hed always catch you eating them. Thats when Namjoon pulled the covers from you and cupped your flustered face. Yoongi was enjoying a beer with Namjoon when he noticed you and maknaes were having a water gun fight. Even though you were the one that fell asleep during the movie, you couldnt help but feel a bit hurt and ashamed. You dont mind that my kisses sometimes taste like vinegar?, Namjoon chuckles at your question. The laughing stopped once Yoongi grabbed Jungkook by the shoulders and straightened the boys body himself. I feel Im on the verge of a panic attack, you half-lied to him. You know that I can't sleep when there's light.". Almost a month of dating, you have no regrets when it comes to Yoongi. This idea come out of nowhere and I felt like I had to write it out. Everyday he fell more and more in love with you and you felt the same for him. When the food arrived, all hope was lost as you felt the sensation of butterflies in your stomach. What the hell is going on here? Stop it Y/N, you make my heart warm too often these days." Forget about that dumbass, youre absolutely stunning. Uh, tell Y/N goodbye for me, he says nervously before hightailing it out of the apartment. Whether you were on a day trip or at an awards show, youd often find yourself passing out somewhere, causing some slight embarrassment on your part. After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. Youre so soft and fuzzy. It hurts my hand, and hed gladly open it for you. It was a typical Friday night where you and your boyfriend Yoongi were lounging in the living room, watching a movie. He was just happy that the most important people in his life were finally in one place. BTS Reaction: You Hit Him Where It Hurts Jin: "Do you remember this?" You looked out into the garden noticing one of the old-fashioned swing shot toys. Theyd honestly be so disappointed if they ever ended up reading this, BTS Reaction | You React to Them Calling You Ugly [Part 1: The Hyung Line], BTS Reaction | They Get Jealous of You with Another Member, BTS Reaction | They React to You Having a Weird Personality, BTS Reaction - They React To You Giving Them a Gift, BTS Reaction | They React to Their Child Interruptingthe Filming of Run BTS, BTS Reaction | They React to Rude Comments Towards Your Hijab, BTS Reaction: They React To You Speaking A Different Language (When Waking Up/Falling Asleep). It takes him a few seconds to register what was going on but pieces everything together with the sound of his ringtone and disgruntled expression on your face. Hed forgot that sometimes he had to share his personal baker with other people, and that includes the boys. So when you and him made it official, he couldnt wait to introduce you to his leader. I knew all knew you were ditzy but jeez.. Advertisement The rest of Bangtan thought your obsession with pickles somewhat peculiar but also adorably quirky. Everyone excused your hatred for weddings as you being a curmudgeon. You both just got done watching one of your favorites, Pride and Prejudice, and youre wiping the small tears forming at the corner of your eyes. , - Mutuals | - You hold a very special place in my heart. Nervous, you grabbed Yoongis hand before heading over to the booth the six men occupied. Hoseok just responds with a hearty laugh as he puts his arm around the maknae and leads back to the dance studio. Once the three of you were all settled with your drinks, you asked the two men how their day was. Feeling defeated, Taehyungs mouth forms into a full on pout. Jungkook didnt have anything against you; he really liked for the most part. It can also prevent us from getting close to people in the first place. Nope, all good things, Jin added, We can see why Jiminie is crazy about you.". But when one day he asked to sit next with you at the universitys cafe, it was practically a dream come true! He clicks on your contact and waits for you to answer. You might worry that they're growing tired of you and your needs or requests. "Y/N, I don't want you to lose weight like this. Taehyung wondered if waking you up wouldve been a smart idea but honestly he was too spooked to move. Jimin: But why? You have gotten to a point where you swore off weddings because you just couldnt bear them anymore. Yeah I guess her name is kinda pretty. As he locked the door behind him, he noticed that the apartment to which you and him shared was empty. You and him were too busy cracking up to notice Yoongis arrival. To add insult to injury, Jimin had his arm around you and it seemed that you were comfortably leaning on him. However you two werent so invested in it. Taehyung looks up at Hoseok and waves, Hey, Hyung!. A minute later, you came out of the bathroom and noticed Taehyungs sudden absence. Despite its blaring sound, Yoongi was still peacefully asleep, like the lazy cat that he is. Namjoon stopped what he was doing for a moment. You're my number one priority and that will never change." Originally posted by sugutie. It was only until you took his hand when he broke out of his gaze and turn to face you. He'd lick his lips a lot more than usual, and find a lot more reasons to touch you. It wasnt until he heard you softly snoring that he attention was brought to you. Not that you're complaining though, you're just as addicted to his lips as he is to yours. It was so embarrassing. As far as you can remember, youve always felt ugly. Yoongi furrows his brows quizzically. Oh I dunno, its up to you, Hobi., The two of you ended up settling for an indie romance film. But as you collapsed into his lap and immediately fell back to sleep, he couldnt help but smile at your vulnerable state. And I know I would be the one to suffer if I brought home the wrong food, he trails as he realized he was talking to himself. No, its fine babe. Please make her feel welcome.. Feeling like a burden can cause serious disruption to our lives by keeping us from sharing our struggles with people who care about us. The moment you hear the door close behind him, thats when you let you collapse onto the floor, quietly sobbing to yourself. Whats going on here, Y/N?, he gives you and Taehyung a skeptical look. After all, he was the reason why Jungkook decided to join BTS. It's okay. Yep thats me, I hope he hasnt been dragging my name on the dirt, you say while playfully nudging your bashful friend. Yeah, you said in a somber tone, still buried under the sheets. Both you and Jimin look back to see Jin standing in the foyer, holding a grocery bag in each hand. Everyone in the group knew how close you were to Hoseok. But even if he was mad, it doesnt matter, he says assuringly. He walks around the apartment, only finding you moments later, snoozing on the couch. Man, you said, the ending always gets to me. Why does it matter what I think of you? But for the sake of his relationship, he knew he had to open himself to you. On your very meeting, you and Namjoon got into a deep conversation about literature, a subject that Jungkook didnt have much interest in. Just going over you listen to Yoongi say before drifting into one of your vivid daydreams. To be honest, this request was pretty challenging and it took me awhile to figure out how to go about it. Oh sorry, you apologized weakly, I havent gotten up yet. But all you could hear on the other was Jimin giggling hysterically, unable to control himself. You obviously need to cool off., No! You and Jin absolutely loved your Movie Night Fridays. You, of course, was enjoying some pickled okra your mother sent you in a care package. I never meant to make you feel like this. He tries to hide his rage with a fake smile on his face. But, you have to let me take care of you the same way." I really have to thank Jin hyung once I get home.. While this made you feel extremely special, you were also scared out of your mind that youll embarrass yourself in front of them. But you were too busy to hear Jungkook; you were currently on the phone with Namjoon about the book youve just finished. It was safe to say that things were going great that night. He suggested that you should wait until his day off so he can go shopping with him instead but you insisted on going with Taehyung. "What? Of course Yoongi thought your prep was unnecessary but you wanted to make a great impression on his friends. Jimin: Y/N? After getting directions, you head towards his room. Yoongi Ive been meaning to post this earlier but somehow I got hit with major writers blockso to the user who requested this, Im really sorry I took so long to finish this. Jungkook smiles softly to himself and gently runs your knee. During the reception, you even told some of the bridesmaids your plan, and they helped gas you up and gave you supportive platitudes. He tells you his feelings the moment he gets back because worldwide handsome boy is . Taehyung: You had just gotten paid, and feeling like spoiling yourself, you went to the high end clothing store in town. In the former case . Despite having so much fun with everyone, visiting historical landmarks and stopping by so many food stops, Jimin really missed you and wished that you were with him. Just Just let it all out. I mean, how could you believe that he actually liked you. I put together a follow forever list because these are people who I really admire as content creators, and as people. Jimin didnt notice at the time but you were blushing mildly at the sight of Yoongi. Just in your native language. What?, He sighs and says, That wasnt a dream, Y/N. Seokjin sighs before speaking again. Just let me finish this chapter. you respond. He looks up from his phone screen, catching the serious expression on your face. Yes, living at peace together was absolute paradise. BTS Reaction - When You're Feeling Down Suga Suga would probably try to act like everything was normal for a while to see if whatever was bothering you would go away on its own. Easier said than done, you replied, laughing at his comment as if it was a funny joke. And it was days like this that you truly look forward to. Jin didnt even announce himself as he walked in, only grabbing your attention when closed the door rather loudly. After getting into your car, you drove to the nearest parking lot you could find and sat there in the silence. Yoongi thought you were having a fun night but he did know you get panicky sometimes. As an apology for being a third wheel, Taehyung even offered to order and pay for all your drinks: an Americano for Yoongi, a vanilla latte for you and a hot chocolate for himself. Originally posted by jhope-shi We were going to invite you to join us but you can forget it. You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a tender kiss. To celebrate, Jimin threw a small welcome party where you met the other Bangtan Boys for the first time. Jimin nodded. Suga: "The minute you steal my side of the blanket, I'm kicking you out.". Gazing lovingly in your eyes, he opens, "I would call you my absolute dumbass. By the time your heavy romp was over, Hoseok excused himself to the bathroom while you stayed on the sofa, basking in sheer ecstasy. Feeling a bit nosy, you decided to pick up his phone to see what notification he received. So he brushed it off, his pushing down the jealousy that threatened to pester him at times. Every individual across your country could hear him confessing his feelings. You knew snooping on someones phone was not only a bad idea, but a total invasion of privacy. He quickly sits up a bit as she nearly crashes into him. You never answered my question. Boys, this is Y/N, he introduced you. During a series of concerts for K-pop boy group BTS, the oldest of the seven members, Jin, admitted feeling "like a burden" to his peers.. BTS is a K-Pop group that has been active since 2013, but it has been during the last 5 years, since 2018, that the group has achieved its greatest commercial successes and gained recognition in the music scene, has seen a considerable improvement, even . Feeling like a burden leads to feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and shame. All day, you were busy helping your best friend move into her new place and you didnt anticipate her having so many things to take with her. Without waking you up, he would wrap you into a big, tight hug, feeling your warm, beautiful as comfort for him. Okay, thank god this actually fits because-, you stopped once you noticed your boyfriend in the room. Hows your morning going?. ", Yoongi switches off the TV and turns to you. And Jimin eventually did. At the steering wheel, Jungkook glances at you for a second and smiles. Even though you knew he was joking around, the way he said it made you feel a bit embarrassed. When he stops at the red light, he looks over to you. When you told Jungkook about your worries, he reassured you that everything will be fine. I was trying to be a friend, he remembered what Hoseok said to him. Peace!]. I didnt mean to be rude, he says with a guilty look on his face. Did what he feared would actually come true? "Jimin, is there something wrong? The screen was already opened on Hoseoks conversation with his best friend, Jimin. Awwww, he coos while walking towards you. Fell more and more in love with you and, specifically, your sleep talking going bts reaction to you feeling like a burden you to! Notification he received Jimin turn back to bts reaction to you feeling like a burden once again the truth your. Door rather loudly the play button on the sofa, he asked to sit next you! 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